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Everything posted by calpurnia99

  1. I used to be able to binge but once I turned 50 I could not overeat without massive physical stomach pain. I get gas from sugar, which turn into hemorrhoids (TMI I Know) bloating, acid indigestion etc. Ice cream gives me the runs and burping for 3 days. I ate 4 of those kitchen sink cookies the other day and I was sick for 24 hours. I remember my father went to one of those resorts in the "Jewish Alps" when I was a kid, and when he told me about the All You Can Eat buffets and that they put out another buffet at midnight and described all the food, it was my life's goal to go there and do that. But I physically can't and I find it hard to believe these people don't have trouble processing this much food. I guess it is possible, then again they continue even when they have bleeding bed sores. In any case the BM's have to be ginormous! That has to but some strain on the area. Perhaps their stomachs are so stretched out that they don't feel any pain. She ate like an entire pizza, and entire box of garlic rolls, and an entire box of brownies, after eating all day long before it got there! I kept looking at those girls and it just makes me sad. To be 18 years old and be that weight cannot be easy. Especially going off to prom and all the thin skinny girls at school. But all they are given is junk food. And why do they all eat from the living room chairs?
  2. Her downfall was cancelling her Lola appt. We've seen a lot of them whine about therapy before they go, but after one visit with Lola they see the light. She has empathy. She says shit like no little girl should have gone thru that. I feel Lola could have helped her. She doesn't jump straight to Go confront Your Mother. LOLA would have got this bitch on board . I didn't think so but we've seen about faces about the good of therapy a few times I think while this bitch was closed to it, she went to a dud. Also was that the most food we've ever seen consumed in scene 1? How just how? I have acid reflux and simply can't overeat. I'm sure these people must too. I love food, and I do overeat but no where near past 3 diet ice creams.
  3. I loved Ken's doing his imitation of James smile. He was spot on! It was kind of missed because the audience was laughing about something else at the same time.
  4. Husband was drunk off his ass when she showed up and surprised him, he was slurring his words. He was not happened she popped in with a camera crew while he was having his nightly binge. She was extremely forgettable. And unlikeable person who had nothing new to say except grease and freedom. And eat death. Will not remember her 2 weeks from now. I don't not need a follow up on this bitch.
  5. She was the standard typical 600 pounder. I cannot stand the whole I was 125 at age 5 but then this happened and I was 250 at age 12 but then THIS horrible thing happened so I turned to food. Her whole monologue was absurd and we have heard it 100 times before. She was actually 125 pounds AT AGE 5!!! But when her father stole her car! That was when she got fat! It was just the same old same old. She was hoping to lose weight without having to give up food. some of these people do a temporary try and Dr. Now helps them, but she will not be a success. She was horrible, but similar to many of them. I loved her I have built in cheat days 2x a week. Dr. Now knows if they stick with the plan verbatim they will lose more than the goal he gave them. We have see a few times, those that really do the plan 100% lose 100 pounds when they were told to lose 70. So if you lose 20 you just took a big dump and watched your weight 3 days before the weigh in. You are fooling no one.
  6. why did they match a super smart scientist with a kind of dumb beer distributor?
  7. How many times did she say Bro? Call me confused but at the beginning I thought Tyler was her boyfriend, she kept saying she wasn't into bros but somehow it worked. Then I could swear she said they had been intimate. I was real confused when he left to left her get to know Chase, since I thought they were a couple. Continuing on. NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT GROWN MEN ROOMATES FIGHTING! Manufactured or not it is of NO interest to the audience. Whitney trying to build it up to something interesting? I'll need to go there now and Save the Day! No one cares! Come up with some real drama this is so so so not interesting. Then this so-called Kiss with Buddy it seems like it was a big nothing, and he forgot all about it, and she is so so so proud of it, that she won't shut up about it. She tells Heather, she talks about it constantly, she had it mentioned in the show summary description. It was a big giant nothing of nothing and she thinks it is something. There is no point at all to this show. It's a bunch of normal boring people that somehow got on TV. They all lead normal, if slightly dull, lives. I think I'm done with this show it just has no entertainment nor snark value.
  8. I didn't understand james Philidelphia joke but I missed the first 5 minutes because I was taping ABC, where my regular show airs and here in Atlanta, this tournament is on N B C, which I don't understand at all. I just thought the guide was off and set my dvr to set at 8pm following the regular show. Can someone explain the Philidelphia dig/joke?
  9. I couldnt watch Colton either and I've watched all of them not matter how much I can't stand the lead. But something about him made him unwatchable to me. I see him like a giant marshmallow or a baby in pampers. No masculinity at all like a man child
  10. I meant washed up as far as her Bachelorette career, not her life, she can still have a real career and get married and have kids if she wants. I did forget about bachelor in paradise. I suppose she can still whore herself out on other shows, but for the most part, she's crying cause her big 15 minutes are over.
  11. She was crying because her time was in the past, now one of these girls will be the next bachelorette, Peter will be off to Europe and on TV and she has to head back to Bamy AND she has no man. Shes finished and washed up, this is why she is sad. It has nothing to do with Peter. I hate to point out the obvious but if these 2 want to be together they don't need the show. Nothing is stopping them from being together. Hanna doesn't need to come back on and live in the house.
  12. Yeah and if anyone knows anything about these shows, they would know that even if the participant is naive and really looking at this as a way to find love and marriage, it turns into a shit show ALL the time! The reason I would be against it, if it were my family member is because they don't know what kind of horrid thing is about to happen to their reputations. I mean someone like John and that Pretty Mean girl- look how it turned out for them, with the whole country hating the woman. And like the girl last season, the blond sweet one matched to the narcissist- she was not expecting that! Why would you allow a family member go through this? No matter how nice you are, your particular pairing could turn into a huge drama, and with the editing, your life will never be the same, and in a shitty way. I mean look as us here ripping all of them apart. Well they brought in on themselves. I could understand it the first few years of reality TV, but after so many people have made spectacles of themselves, no in 2020 do you go on one of these shows.
  13. I agree Taylor is recruited. She must have NO trouble meeting men. I do not believe she is dying to get married and settle down. I think she enjoys the constant attention from men. If any of these guys really wanted to get married, they could easily find a mate. That one guy saying that he's tried all the usual channels and they didn't work, my ass.
  14. The reason my father got married to my mother, and he said this a few times, was to have sex. It was 1957 when they married, she was 19 and he was 23. He passed away after 59 years of marriage to her. My mother recently met a widower who proposed to her. They got married after nly 7 weeks of knowing each other (at age 82) because she wouldn't sleep with him, they want to travel together and didn't want to pay for 2 hotel rooms. That was certainly a different generation!
  15. Really he was motivated by white, Christian, nationalist, CIS values. Don't forget the cis!
  16. The greatest decision I made was to ff thru Robert and Anny. You notice how their every segment is a conflict or manufactured argument? How is this entertaining? HATE THEM and their ignorant ramblings. The comment about how Syngin needs to be woke cause he is a white cis male- puleeze. They were saying that he doesn't know the ways of the world bla bla bla. Just shut up you are making yourselves look bad. Tania is a royal bitch.
  17. Poor Micheal. His dream is to come to America. He put up with this abusive cow for all this time and now he can't come. She says "are you crying because you think you will lose me?" Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha NO! His dream is to come to US and now he can't and he put up with your fat Georgia Assface and abuse and getting cake thrown on him to reach his dream. It has nothing to do with you!
  18. Has anyone said to Juliana: If we get divorced, you are entitled to half my money, so the pre-nup is a way to insure that you don't get half, you get less? This sounds like shit, but IS the purpose, that she not get what the law may entitle her to. But they keep beating around the bush- talking about "protecting the kids" but not spelling it out. A friend of mine married a guy with a lot of family money. Old money. It was a second marriage for both. His family insisted on a pre nup as they didn't trust her. They didn't want her getting her hands on their money if the marriage failed quickly. However, the pre-nup was set up so that if the marriage lasted 8 or 10 years, it was null and void. After 5 years she got more, it was graduated like that. They have a child now and have been married 20 years. Trying to keep telling Juliana in plain terms what the pre-nup means, is why she is all confused. Tell her: It's to make sure you are not entitled to half - or whatever the law states, if we get divorced in 2 years. Period.
  19. Don't forget Latvian- George Costanza converted to Latvian Orthodox!
  20. Micheal (wine guy) is so old looking already at 42. You can see his skin melting off his face. In 10 years he will have a huge turkey neck. I always watch all the couples, but I had to fast forward through that guy with the 5 baby mammas. I watched the part in the apartment, but really I don't need to hear their stupid phony IGNORANT arguments. In my opinion the worst couple featured on any version of the show in the history of the show. DESPISE.
  21. there is no guarantee anyone will be "fine" in any domestic violence situation. But Segregation of races is alive and well ALL over the world. Look at advanced places like Long Island New York where there are many towns that are 98% white. Hazelhurst with 30% black population is not the worst place for a black person to live in this world.
  22. The sister could have roommates and no room at all for another person. Maybe she lives in a tiny studio. I am sure they considered this and she can't live there. Not everyone's living situation can accomodate an extra person, And no there is no longer segregation in Georgia. Racism, yes, but segregation, no. Hazulhurst is 30% black so he will be fine there. I thought that one ex-pat lady was so excited to be on TV, she thought she was some kind of TV genius expert, saying really DEEP things. No, honey.
  23. I mentioned last week before we saw the kitchen that I was sure it was hideous. That house was on the market for awhile. 1.2 million is cheap tho for an acre of land in that area..
  24. From the front also. I've seen brides take pictures sitting in chairs and it looks just plain bad. They are sort of bent forward and it looks like they have nothing on! The only people who look good in strapless wedding gowns are thin women with long necks and lovely shoulders, which is not most of us.
  25. It certainly does not have to be ripped out and renovated. My comment was facetious: "oh you are so great but you bought a house that was last updated in 2005!" Most of us cannot afford a 1.2 million dollar house. But because it is a TAD outdated, it probably sat on the market for a long while. People in that price range tend to want the latest trend in home finishes- which will be out of style in 5 years too, as you point out. 1 acre of land in Greenwich for 1.2 million is an absolute steal! I noticed the background room where she is giving her interviews is stunning and looks like they had it professionally decorated.
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