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Everything posted by calpurnia99

  1. Ed is disgusting. Rose can do a lot better in finding an American sugar daddy than this hobbit.
  2. No, she is NOT well-spoken! Where's the pitcher? I seen the pitchers was took down! I was so upset when I seen it missin! you worry about me the same way my dauta do.
  3. OMG I thought someone in the Live Chat awarded her the coveted ugliest tattoos ever seen on this show, and that's saying a lot.
  4. The episode was edited horribly . Dr. Now hospitalizes her. Next thing you know she says I lost so much weight I am getting the surgery. They never said how long she was in there or how much she lost. Usually they do! I backed it up a few times, I thought I missed something. Finally right before the surgery, Dr. Now mentioned that she lost 67 pounds in 3 weeks.
  5. I'm not through watching this episode but I needed to say something. I have seen a lot of disgusting things on this show, from James K laig, to Penny's wontons, but I'm sorry peeing and then puking into a bedside bucket is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen on this show. Holy shit! Whose job is to empty the pee mixed with vomit? There arent 2 separate buckets. I'm just so grossed out by this. She can fit into the bathroom, we saw her in the tub, how come she can't sit on the toilet? If you can sit on a bucket you can sit on a toilet. Im up to the part where she says "I can even wipe myself now" ha ha ha ha ha
  6. She needs to meet Tom and she WILL meet Tom in NY to give TLC some footage. She cannot say no to the meeting. I sort of remember when I was young, around the age of Rose, and I found older men to be so so gross. If they paid any attention to me I was really nauseated. I can see this same look on Rose's face. She needs to do this for herself and her son but she is physically ill. Her face just looks pained. And she thought he would be a bit better looking. He was using the halo light for chats, and he never showed his body. He was sweating like a pig outside because he is so fat and so old, he can't do normal things like walk around in a market on a hot day. I do admire unicyclists, but other than that, this guy is a mess. I decided to Fast Forward thru the lesbians. They both think they are sooooo great and both want to be stars. NO ONE CARES. I will not watch this shit.
  7. True but it was kinda funny when they came back and he looks at her and says "you don't look like you lost any weight" ha ha ha ha ha HER FACE! I love the expression "a fair bit" I think it's more Southern than Northern. Dr. Now kept asking him how much exercise and he couldnt say "5 minutes 3 x a day" he just kept saying I exercise "a fair bit"....
  8. I'M REALLY SCARED RIGHT NOW!! This guy was okay but he said the My 600 Pound Life CatchPhrase around 600 times!
  9. True- fake and scripted. But we did not have to suffer through the songs because you know how this show is: cheap. Too cheap to pay for the rights to the songs they were croaking, I mean singing.
  10. Well they put a gif in the live chat thread of the mcdonalds Gremlin? Grimace? I think is the name- help me out here. It's like a dancing purple poo emoji... and gf really did look like this, especially with her purple top on!!! Her saying she was 320! If I was on National TV and had to say my weight, I'd certainly say 120 although I haven't weighed 120 since I was 12. It just sounds good to say you weigh 120. 120, 320 sounds better than the actual 150, 390... The thing that was different is that he was so very respectful of Dr. Now and what he was saying. We've had so many back talkers. He kept saying he didn;t want to go to therapy but he didn't want to blow it, and so if Dr. Now recommends this for his success, then he had to do it. He seemed to have a great deal of respect for authority of Dr. Now and his advice. He really seemed grateful for this opportunity. Contrast that to the dumb bitch we had this season who said she didn't need therapy and the surgery didn't work and told Dr. Now he didn't know what he was talking about. She is still sitting in her recliner eating 4 pizzas and 4 boxes of brownies for lunch.
  11. I thought I had read the whole thread but I missed that. If he needed the compression pants, he probably should have worn long pants over them, yikes! We were very very very fortunate to have been born in the United States (or Canada) or a wealthy first world nation. It is nothing we did, just pure luck. When I was a kid, I thought well OF COURSE I WAS BORN in the USA (best country in the world) and in NEW YORK (best state in the country) and a Yankee fan (best team in the world) and Italian (best ethnicity there is) because of course I deserved this. It was my right- of course of course! I'm special like this! I think many Americans feel this way, like they deserved to be born here. Something innate in themselves allowed it. Sorry it was pure pure pure luck! How did we dodge NOT being born in the streets of India, or South America or Mexico or Africa in poverty? Even in the US our poorest of poor have toilets. We don't have shanty towns like my son visited in South Africa where they steal electricity and make these illegal (dangerous) electric lines to try to rig up electricity. I also saw that outside of Buenas Aires- their Miseria. Millions of children born in these conditions, and we weren't - how did we swing that? I think if we even understood slightly what these worlds are like we would not judge someone like Rose. Someone up thread said she had a lot of nerve using Ed, he worked for his money. Pulled himself up by his bootstraps. Well he was born with boots. If your child was dying from starvation, and you had no toilet and slept on the ground, and you lived next door to the United States, you just might want to try to sneak over the border. You might flirt with an ugly no-neck guy who is old enough to be your grandfather. It's simply sad the discrepancy in this world. And most Americans go around with their noses in their air, like they actually DID something to be born here.
  12. Why was Ed wearing stockings underneath shorts? Or were they high knee socks? Leggins under shorts? WTF kind of look is this?
  13. I love Usman and his 2 friends are awesome! Some of his friends comments killed me. I mean they were disgusting tonguing each other in the back seat. I'm in for those 2 Nigerian guys though, they are a hoot.
  14. Those powders help a little. I've use them and my sister likes them. I think it's not perfect, you have to match the color just right. The ads make it look better than it actually is. It does sort of give an optical illusion and hides the bald patches.
  15. Once again, someone who just saw the surgery as a magic solution. She only dieted to get that. Her understanding was that once she had the surgery, she would have no desire to eat anything at all, ever again, and it would become suddenly really easy. What annoyed me is that losing weight was the reason she was in Houston, the reason she left her kids, and she claimed she wanted to be a mom to her kids but she couldn't at 650 pounds. But once the surgery was postponed she said "It was a total waste losing this weight! I did it for nothing!" WHAT?????? losing 169 pounds was for nothing? The fact that she doesnt't have the logic or the brains to see that losing this weight was the whole point, and it wasnt "for nothing", then I fucking have no sympathy. As for the formula, this show is made on the cheap. If they keep the same formula, the staff is in place and knows what to do. They have a crew for the bathroom washing scene, they have the script already written that the person reads from, they have the crew that follows the person on the trip to Houston. The framework is finished and in place. To change anything would require them to pay someone to do something new and they aren't going to spend money on this show since it gets okay ratings as it is. Yeah it's tiring they read the same lines. Then again they do seem to ALL have identical thought processes. That the surgery is magic, that cutting a few things out is "working really hard", that Dr. Now is harsh, that "cheat days" are fine, that losing 30 pound in one munt is going to be impossible,,,,yadda yadda yadda.
  16. Yeah losing 200 pounds was all for nothing..when you're trying to lose weight for your keeeds
  17. Yes that must be it! I don't watch the chantelz family, some here said maybe that was it but maybe it's Sheree. Now I'm going to have to find a video of Sheree, kill me now!
  18. Its bugging me Yolanda's accent and voice sound exactly like someone I've seen before. It must be from a reality show. Does anyone know? Probably not but it's driving me crazy. She is so so so dumb. And Ed this is my ONLY chance for love? A child bride from a very poor place? God how dumb are these people.
  19. On their facebook page they both look amazing, it is photoshop and filter city to the max there. They both look 20 years old and beautiful in photos. They forget we see what they actually look like on TV. I saw their House of 11 facebook page. They've invented something like Beautiful Twins running around and everyone wants to be them. and look like them. But they don't even look like them.
  20. Was going to say how you had this shit foster parent at 8, and an 8 year old will be scared to get in trouble, even for something small. It makes total sense and I'm sorry you went thru that but at least you were eventually helped. An 8 year old is SCARED their mother is going to find out they stole a cookie out of the jar before dinner. An adult would be scared if they knocked over a gas station and the cops were about to catch them. But Seana is like an adult being really scared that their mom will find out they stole a cookie. That she could not tell DrNow she lost the papers was like a 3-8 year old scared of mom. But she sat home eating, where would she learn life skills?
  21. I said this when they first showed her, before she met Brandon. It was obvious she was out for fame and was not ready to settle with one guy. Not that Brandon is any prize. He has serious issues and HE is also there for fame and self-promotion.
  22. When Dr. Now asked her where Derikus was, she said "he abandoned me". DIdnt he leave because the mom stopped paying him? She wants the pity party. She used the word "scared" more than any of them, and that's saying a lot. I mean what is going to happen that scares her? It's ridiculous to hear. She said the mom was a tour bus driver. Maybe she moved to Arizona to take people to the Grand Canyon. This job is hard and doesn't pay great. Anyway she is so sad, really not even snark worthy now I see. I think maybe Dr. Now is thinking of Sean too and he really wants to help her. When she was in the hotel, she never mentioned going to a grocery store. I don't think she knows how to cook. She really needed the nutritionist and cooking healthy classes.
  23. I got distracted during the second hour and now I have to rewatch it. I CANNOT UNDERSTAND A WORD SHE SAYS! I have bad hearing so I watch everything with subtitles. But I think I must sort of half read and half listen and get the gist. Well if I didn't stare straight at the screen the entire time I didn't know what she was saying. It's like she has marbles in her mouth. The sound was bad too. Okay so she LOST the papers and was SCARED to call Dr. Now. That shows that she is mentally 7 years old. Not an adult. An adult would understand that those papers were the basis of the whole thing, and no one would get mad at her for asking for a replacement. She is only 22 but I think with her being isolated, she has no idea how the world works. Really she would not know that potatoes were a bad vegetable. Now I have to torture myself and watch this second part again. Pray for me!!
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