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Everything posted by ferjy

  1. I’m wondering why you put this post in spoiler tags. Is it because she is in the series? I’m hoping yes, because there’s a book I read years ago about her. I’ll put the rest in spoiler tags just in case...
  2. Leland takes out the eyeball, Sheryl doesn’t even blink. Back to slurping her soup without a second thought. 😄
  3. Ooh, I’m so excited for season 3, I can barely contain myself (I know... sad.) I just hope it starts with that kiss being false, even if it means yet another dream sequence. I don’t like dream reveals but I do not want these two paired off at this point. Actually David shouldn’t be paired with anyone. How is he going to be a priest when he can’t keep his hands off the women in his life! His old flame, now Kristen. Next he’ll be romancing Sister Andrea. Thanks for the clips. Good to see the gang again.
  4. I have to say, Young Ian does my heart good. With 3 minutes left in the episode, I was thinking what a stinker of a cliffhanger for a season finale (especially after the pitiful beginning - 8 minutes of a shoot out??) Young Ian shows up to save the day (and the episode!). The look on that villain’s face when Ian replied to Jamie’s “Dinna kill him, he kens where Claire is.” “So do we uncle.” That wiped the snide grin off his face. And now Droughtlander starts. 😟
  5. That was a good episode. I like the laid back episodes, the actors really get to shine. I’m enjoying the calm before all the fighting starts. Lizzie must be in seventh heaven having the twins so besotted with her. 😄 Not sure if they’re going for a romance between Ian and Malva? Don’t think Tom Christie would be pleased. Claire would be kicking herself if she knew why Tom Christie so desperately wanted his hand fixed. I want to see her stomp into his house and crack the bones in that very hand, swearing a blue streak that she wasted her time on him. Damn her and her oath! I love the actor but what a horrid character Tom Christie is. They almost fooled me, showing a more decent side of him, talking to Claire. Then the monster reappeared. Kudos to Mark Lewis Jones for his convincing portrayal. I’ve seen him as a villain before, but Christie is so repulsive. Lots of Fergus and Ian in this episode, always a good thing. Well, except for the lousy storyline. Let’s hope the Fergus self pity and drinking arc is done with now. Ian’s story is much more interesting. I know I keep saying it, but John Bell always lights up the screen. Love seeing him stride in his Mohawk duds.
  6. ferjy

    S06.E01: Echoes

    Yes, good point about the treatment of women he grew up with. Besides, come on, we all know Marsali. She’d bean Fergus in the head if he tried anything like that with her. 😄
  7. ferjy

    S06.E01: Echoes

    I guess you missed where I said that at least we’d get to see more of Fergus. Still, it didn’t have to be that plot line.
  8. ferjy

    S06.E01: Echoes

    Yes, it is. I should have clarified, I meant we’re seeing her pregnant again. It’s not been often we see her normal (i.e. not pregnant) since she got married.
  9. ferjy

    S06.E01: Echoes

    I loved the episode. I like how they focussed on the day to day living in those times and running the Ridge. And always happy to see Claire healing. Although I do miss her adapting with herbs rather than her more modern methods. It was great to see (most of) everyone back (Sophie Skelton, still slurring her words, sigh). Lauren Lyle was great, as always. Marsali pregnant again. Have we ever seen her not pregnant? 😄 My only complaint, as others have mentioned is Fergus’ storyline. Why oh why? Let Marsali and Fergus be happy already, for gosh dern sake! Oh well, at least it means we’ll see more of César Domboy. And I have to say it again, I just love John Bell. He always lights up the screen. I’m happy to see Mark Lewis Jones (Tom Christie), even if he is a baddie in this. A fine, fine actor. And Alexander Vlahos as his son is a treat. He was fantastic as the king’s brother Philippe in Versailles. They’ve put together a really good cast this season.
  10. Lauren Lyle will be in Karen Pirie, about a DS working in Scotland's Historic Cases Unit. Nice to see her in a leading role. It’s based on a set of novels (by author Val McDermid), so might be an ongoing series. https://www.whattowatch.com/watching-guides/karen-pirie-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-latest-itv-crime-drama Not sure if or when it will be shown in the U.S. or Canada.
  11. More commercials than ceremony on CBC. I'm still mad at them for cutting out the pictograms performance in Tokyo.
  12. Crap, it's the only reason I came into this thread. 😁
  13. {{{waves}}} Hey, buddy! Another few sleepless weeks coming up! Apparently Charles Hamelin was the flag-bearer for Canada. I wasn't sure he'd still be competing. He was great in 2010 in Vancouver. CBC isn't broadcasting the Olympics at the moment. I'm having to watch NBC which of course is showing the American skaters.
  14. Will wonders never cease! Having said that, I forgot to record the opening ceremony, so I guess I'll have to wait tntil 8 p.m. to watch the replay on CBC. Seems like we were just here yesterday.
  15. Ha! They might as well have had the headboard holding up the sheets at the shoulders. It really was awful.
  16. When I started watching, I paused, to look up the episodes list. I thought I’d missed one! No Cleveland, no whatthefuckhappened when Brady found out about the breakup... he was all happy and smiley as if it had been quite a while after, with everything resolved. (I half expected Brady to be married to the gf with a baby in tow!) The powers that be obviously forgot to air an episode. Only explanation. 😛
  17. I'd pay good money to hear the words former Miranda would utter to present Miranda.
  18. I'm beginning to think the show is now written by a group of young people who think all old (remember, we're ancient at 55) couples rarely have sex, let alone oral.
  19. I think it’s a bad move to base an established character on the actor’s life. As we’ve all said, Miranda specifically went through the “Am I gay” stage. She was also livid at Steve cheating, so I can’t see Miranda doing it. This is Cynthia Nixon, not Miranda Hobbes. Should Carrie and Big have decided to have children because Sarah Jessica Parker has? Should Charlotte have left Harry and decided she wanted to remain single like Kristin Davis is? If Cynthia Nixon wanted her life added to the show, they should have brought in a new character for that storyline.
  20. Same here. I’ve been catching up and reading for the last 1-1/2 hours instead of tending to the family. Ah, fck them, I know my priorities. 🙃
  21. lol Worse, it’s written (or at least inputted) by an EP with an agenda. I hate the way they’ve written this. Miranda is nothing more than a cheater. She never made a move to end her marriage until she met Che. A spouse will say anything to try justify why they’re leaving when it’s to be with someone else. I particularly hated that they showed her all giggly and happy oblivious to the hurt she just inflicted on Steve, or what effect this will have on her child. Typical selfish cheater only thinking of what she wants. Congratulations writers, you’ve made us hate Miranda.
  22. Not sure if it’s been said yet (I’m still filtering through all the posts, it’s an active thread!) but Charlotte got over her BJ squeamishness when she met Trey. There was a scene like the one you mention above where they are surprised she is doing them after her initial aversion.
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