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Everything posted by ferjy

  1. 🤣 And why Kristen is heading the same way. I’m surprised I’m not burning in Hell by now.
  2. Only fans of this show could utter that line in such a matter-of-fact way. Just everyday conversation 😄
  3. Of course we all have our own perceptions. 🙂 To me, I could see her “acting”.
  4. Poor David. It was only the monk that wanted you. Kristen: “Why is he looking at me that way?” 😄 That was a properly creepy episode. With the inherent silence, you picked up on all the other sounds. The whistling and howling of the wind, the rustling of the leaves and debris being blown around, and the haunting choral music melded perfectly with the ominous theme. I had my volume turned way up and almost hit the ceiling when the raucous opening credits theme came on. (And when the book screamed!)
  5. With Danica heading it up as usual, the only cop in all of Toronto. 😄
  6. I love Kurt and Diane. I’m glad they haven’t broken them up. I like that they’re not a perfect couple but they make it work. It’s always a highlight for me when they’re in the show together.
  7. Agree that Carmen was a disappointment. If she was brought in to replace Lucca, the actress’s acting skills are nowhere near the calibre of Cush Jumbo’s.
  8. Ha, good point about David Lee. Although my comment was referring to the responses from Dubai and London. It’s always hot in Dubai and always raining in London (well, not always, but for comedic purposes...)
  9. “What’s the temperature in Dubai and London?” “Hot.” “Rainy.” lol Not exactly enlightening. With Wackner’s court, they’re obviously trying to point out how the legal system in place isn’t working. Pointed out in this episode by the offenders being let go because of... time issues! I like the principle of Wackner’s court dealing with things the real courts can’t or won’t handle properly. But the question is, will it end up being (as we’re beginning to see) just as corrupt in the long run?
  10. Well, I have to say, I actually liked that ending! After all the Angie/Shade pushing, I was expecting a sappy saccharine ending with the side-stepping duo finally getting married. I was even waiting for them to make us endure a grand wedding. The “Oh shit, what do we do now?” ending kept with the jocularity essence of their relationship. I can even see them coming back, a married couple, but still constantly jabbing at each other. And, blessedly, half the episodes wouldn’t have to be about them realizing their true feelings for each other. Come on, Global, bring it on back! There’s still so much to be told. We need to see Shade have his first grandchild! 😄
  11. That was sorely lacking in this episode. They're so busy leading us to the Angie/Shade hookup (we get it already!) they're barely showing any other things. I love the family dynamics and there was none in this episode and not much in the others. I'm afraid the last episode is going to be all about them finally getting together which I was never crazy about in the first place. They're great as business partners, but I find their romantic scenes awkward. lol I rest my case.
  12. That was pretty weak too. So randomly thrown in. In 5 seasons, we (and more importantly, Shade) never once saw her incredible shooting skills? And why was it autumn (while we were sitting here suffering in 40C humidex temperatures)? Was this supposed to originally air in the fall lineup? Scenery was beautiful though. Pandemic Lockdown Syndrome. I’m seeing it in a lot of actors, now that they’re filming again. Not to mention in my mirror. 😟
  13. Since when are lawyers ethical? 😛 Yeah, I think it was thrown in for the humour.
  14. I agree, great episode, superbly acted. Liz and Diane going along with being lesbians to their advantage was hilarious. Sidling up to each other, “Don’t you think, Darling?” 😄 I liked their reaction progression watching the newscast... surprise, disbelief, hilarity. I love the laugh too. I was hoping for it when they showed the Fox newscast. Christine Baranski didn’t disappoint.
  15. Next Summer Olympics, yes. Things should be a lot easier by then. I wonder what the Winter Olympics will be like next year. Still a sedate affair most likely.
  16. Aw, I was hoping the pictogram performers would be back. 😁
  17. Johnny Weir? I may have to switch to NBC. I love Johnny.
  18. Just about to watch, CBC just starting to show it again now. They've done all the stories. I know they're trying to show the emotional side of the games, but the way they present these stories are so ooey gooey. Like soap operas. 😄
  19. I’m missing it too. I need my weekly Evil fix! I know it’s only been a couple of weeks but it feels like months. Counting down.
  20. Thanks, I’ll try it. It looks like yet another very different role. She seems quite versatile.
  21. If there are two canoeing, each one rows on a different side. When you canoe alone, you keep changing sides after a few paddles. It’s quite the workout!
  22. Not a lot of happy campers going by the comments. Don’t blame them. If they didn’t show it at all, I can see that. But to show their country getting bronze, then cutting away? Poor form, NBC.
  23. The tuck position is like the wolf turns of diving. Ugly (front view). The pike is so much more elegant.
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