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  1. I think it's always so sweet and lovely when a mother supports her daughter, but I still find Tina very problematic. She lost any good feelings I had toward her when she made those cruel comments about Chandler. There were many ways to get her point across, and she chose the one that lacked any sort of kindness or grace. I imagined Chandler watching the season when it aired with her mom and how heartbreaking it must of been for them to watch Tina and Kelly laugh at her expense on national tv. To me, both Tina and Kelly are awful and petty.
  2. Vanderpump Dogs is a rescue, but it's still really hard to take in all the animals you'd like. It's not just about finances, but also kennel space and people willing to foster those dogs before adoption. So, dropping off 8 dogs during a crisis is still a lot to ask, for any rescue. Those eight dogs might have taken the slot of eight others, you never know. I personally know several people who would have killed for this opportunity for a rescue to take their pet but didn't have either the means or connections. And, I wouldn't expect clueless Dorit to understand this, but since Denise does do rescue, I assumed she would. And, I actually like Denise. I don't think she's all bad and LVP and John are all good. I think they all have done some self serving things, but I understand John's point of view and I don't think it's being thirsty to say what happened. If he did a press release at the time or called attention to what they did, I'd agree with you. But, it only came out after Denise made some really vague reference to having problems with LVP. To me, it's just setting a record straight that Denise started. I would have much rather seen Denise and Lisa helping animals during the fire vs that lame trip to France, but it wouldn't have fit the narrative Bravo/Andy was going for. I thought this season was really bad and it didn't have to be.
  3. I live in LA, not too far from where the fires were. It was a really desperate time for people trying to get their pets to safety. The shelters were putting out urgent pleas for anyone to take dogs to make room for displaced ones. Unfortunately, this city still has a high kill rate and many animals were at risk of being put down to free up space. Denise is actually really lucky that Vanderpump Dogs not only provided shelter, but vetting and adoption as well. Eight dogs is a lot. I know many people who didn't have the luxury/connections to do this. And at that point, LVP and Denise were friendly, but I'm not sure I'd call them friends. I think it was a really kind and lovely gesture to help her out. I wouldn't expect her during that time to reimburse them, but after several months, I don't think it would have been outrageous for her to offer them something. Even acknowledge it on an insta story-anything really. The story only came out after Denise said she had an incident with LVP off camera-(but couldn't articulate what it was) and that's why she has a problem with her. I side with LVP on this one-and if that were me, I'd be a bit passive aggressive with my tweets as well:)
  4. I must admit, I have an addiction to reality t.v. It doesn't even have to be good, I guess my bar is set pretty low! Teen Mom, Teen Mum, or the tv gold that is DCC Making the Team, I'm in. But, what's ever better, is coming to these forums and reading really funny, snarky and gossipy comments. Most of the time, reading the forums is actually better than the shows themselves. Except, this one feels...off to me. I made a comment a few episodes back about this, but I'm wondering if I'm watching the same show as many of you. First, I want to thank the moms who posted about their experiences with international adoption. It's been so fascinating to me and I really appreciate you sharing your stories. I also agree 100% that Bill and Jen could be better when it comes to discipline. I think Bill even realized this on the last episode. I think raising children (especially for Jen) has been more rewarding and also more challenging than they imagined and really are trying their best even though there have been missteps. What I don't understand is this underlying hate and judgement. Comments about how the orphanages would be horrified about how they are growing up sincerely baffles me. Even with their issues, I see a home full of love and security. Those of you who take issue with their wealth would probably have judged my parents too -we had a lot of material things, went on trips, had a beautiful home, cars. But, I also grew up in an abusive environment-both physically and mentally. I literally feared for my life everyday. By the time I was Will's age I had my first full blown panic attack. I would have loved to have had a mom who wanted to do crafts with me and a dad who was silly and wanted to play with me. Yes, they are not perfect, but both Jen and Bill seem very kind hearted and genuine. My heart explodes when I see Zoey blossom into the spunky little soul she is today. I would hate to think of who else could have gotten those kids.
  5. I believe it's the main one? I wasn't aware there are multiple pages. I wouldn't point out anyone specific because it really doesn't matter. Unfortunately, these types of comments come from people who lack empathy, probably aren't too fun to be around and have quite a bit of jealousy in their heart.
  6. I am a long time lurker-on this thread and several others. It wasn't until I read this that I felt the need to register and post something. I agree so much with this. I'm glad there are others who feel this way. Some posts seem really mean spirited and judgmental. I could understand if it's a Real Housewives forum, but it's not. And, the comments on their facebook page aren't any better.
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