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OLTL Outside Llanview: The Cast In Other Roles
marypat57 replied to Chairperson Meow's topic in One Life To Live
I know that this is an “oldie”, but I have enjoyed watching some old B&W episodes of soaps on YouTube. Some of the shows are from the late1950’s/early 1960’s. I was pleased to see OLTL veteran Nat Polen aka Dr Jim Craig, playing of course, Dr Doug Cassen on As The World Turns. I was amazed to see everyone lighting up cigarettes and smoking. The “dramatic” organ music also served to emphasize plot points. -
Here’s a nugget that I happened to see on my way to the allergist’s office this afternoon. I saw a black SUV with tinted windows , and on the rear window were large white vinyl letters. As I pulled closer, I noticed that the letters said One Life To Live. Happy belated 56th birthday OLTL!
Here is another item I thought might be good for a bit of Wolek family fanfic. in the beginning of the show (7/1968), it was mentioned that the Wolek parents, Dan and Maria(yes, Larry’s son was named after his grandfather), came from Poland before their children were born. Perhaps it was true that they wanted to come to the USA to have a better life for themselves and their children, but somehow they got involved in some sort of espionage activity and they had to escape Poland before they were captured by the bad guys . It could have been near the time that Hitler took power. Perhaps they had help escaping to maybe London first and then made their way to the US. I’m thinking that the accident that killed the parents (I assumed they died together) may have been caused by someone connected with whatever they had been involved with in Poland. The “new” Woleks could be distant relatives or people somehow connected to the Communist regime in Poland as t that time…
I did enjoy Mel Hayes’ character—especially his mother, played by Helen Gallagher. It was interesting to see “Maeve Ryan” playing a sex therapist.. jbst: your ideas sound great! BTW: OLTL turned 55 years old yesterday. Nurse Karen Martin saw (or thought she saw) Larry Wolek push Ted Hale down the hospital steps to his death. And so it began…
Hmmm. Now I am thinking. Larry was the only Wolek who actually had a child. As far as I remember ( i started watching the show on 7/15/68, but gave up watching sometime near the end of 1999), Larry and Meredith had Dan and his unnamed stillborn twin sister in the early 70s. Meredith died when Dan was about a year old—this was when Larry and Dan went to live with Anna and Jim. Larry and Karen Wolek never had children. Vince and Wanda Wolek never had children before Vince was killed in the line of duty. Maybe Larry could have fathered an unknown child during his college baseball playing days…..
I like your idea about Schuyler becoming involved with Larry Wolek’s granddaughter, the daughter of Dan, and possibly named Meredith, after Dan’s mother.
@lookeyloo I’m sorry that I’m only replying to your May 18th post now, but I’ve been busy with moving and asthma and such. A few years ago, I purchased an RTic cooler (like the Yeti ones, only about half the price) as well as the expensive ($300) back up battery for my CPAP machine. I wanted to be prepared for the next Long Island hurricane. Food can stay safe for a few days in that kind of cooler. I live in an apartment complex, so no generator for me. During superstorm/hurricane Sandy, I was without power for 13 days, 3.5 hours. There is one building in our complex that backs up to the main road, and they were only without power for 3 days. It was painful to look at their lighted windows. My entertainment was limited to an hour of radio per night to conserve battery power. The NYC schools were even closed for a few days. I went back to school to keep warm and charge my phone and tablet. The parents of the children in the kindergarten class I taught were very concerned about me, and they rejoiced when I told them I had power again!
I too, have difficulty with the cuts that PBS makes. When I was unable to watch part of Season 11 when it was on originally, I solved the problem by purchasing the dvds from the BBC online shop instead of PBS. I will do the same for Season 12 when it is released.
S06.E11: Ruthless, Toothless, and a Week of Bed Rest
marypat57 replied to Bort's topic in Young Sheldon
Back in my college days ((1971-75) almost all of the undergraduate computer classes involved learning how to keypunch—oh those stacks of cards—one mistake, and you have to do it all over again! -
Wasn’t Jason Webb the nephew of Wanda Webb Wolek? He had some kind of learning disability, and never learned how to read well.
My mother passed away over 28 years ago, and most of her friends and our neighbors have either passed away also, or moved far away. So, it is not too often that I meet someone who knew her. One afternoon last summer, I was speaking to a woman that I often would see at the 1210pm mass at our church. I knew my mother had known her from the neighborhood and the younger kids school. Since it was summertime, she told me how she would enjoy seeing my mom at the community pool each summer. I did not know that my mom would sometimes take her lunch break from the local hospital and go for a short swim at the pool. After her swim, she would change her clothes and go back to work. Even after so many years had passed, it is still nice that people from outside our family still thought about her.
Jc: This reminds me of the Christmas that my mother was ill with the flu or something similar. My father had passed away in September of that year, so it was also a tough year in that respect. We were also hosting my mother’s mom. She was a great mom, but my mother had called her brother in Ohio and asked if my grandmother could visit his family for a few days. My grandmother did not want to go, so she came to our house. Back to the beef. Before she got sick, mom had purchased a whole beef tenderloin. Her plan was to roast it and then serve it. Since she did not even rise from her bed that day, I made an executive decision to cut it into steaks and BBQ it. My sister’s fiancé dragged the bbq grill from the patio, through the dining room and kitchen and into the attached garage. We grilled the steaks with the garage door open and they were quite yummy—and yes, we did save one for my mother to eat when she was feeling better.
When Pampers first came on the scene in the mid to late 60s, you still needed diaper pins to fasten them. My next to youngest brother (#5 out of 6 brothers) wore them for a few months until he was toilet trained. When brother#6 was born about 3.5 years later, he was exclusively wearing Pampers, except for a few times when we ran out of them and had to use cloth diapers. I do remember using electrical tape or duct tape to fasten my brother’s diapers when I had misplaced the pins. I think that Pampers finally came out with attached tape strips sometime in 1970 or 1971.
I have ordered my last 2 dvd sets from the BBC website, not the PBS. I’m sure that the BBC sets are uncut, if I can compare the BBC with the PBS ones, I can tell for sure. Christmas is coming!!