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  1. So disappointed that she is homeschooling. Most of these Duggar women, should never home school, as they lack education. Unless the schools are far from each other, I don't see an issue to have them in different schools. I went to the same schools as my siblings(I'm the youngest), but I was never in them when they were. There is a family on Instagram that I follow. The mom is homeschooling her two young sons. The oldest is either in kindergarten or 1st grade. The youngest is in preschool, but does do some homeschooling as well. She is in some homeschooling group with moms that are near her. They take field trips, have special parties, have park time together and other activities. So her kids are still around other kids probably 3 times a week. I think it would be beneficial for Jill, Jessa(though she's does a lot of Jesus teaching) and Joy to find something like this, if there is any in their area. Though, from what we see, neither of them seem to do much teaching. It's all about having more babies and tending to the youngest.
  2. I thought about this, since she's been in Cali for what seems like forever. No way Gideon is getting a ton of schooling done. With how overwhelmed she is and all the struggles she has been having, I wish she would send Gideon to school and maybe put Evie in preschool. Austin should encourage this too. There is no way any of these kids will ever have a decent homeschooling education. I give props to Jill for putting her kids in school. I know Derick went to public school and I'm sure he had a lot to do with it. I also think he saw Jill being overwhelmed with homeschooling. I remember a video she posted and she was completley exhausted. It wasn't much longer after that video, that Izzy started kindergarten. Heck, I believe Izzy was playing baskeball this year. Jill had a video of them going to his last game of the season.(I'm only assuming it's Izzy, she just said, "One" of their kids). I wish Joy and all the others, that will eventually homeschool, that it's not a horrible thing to put your kids in school. Keep in mind, I have nothing against homeschooling, IF you are educated yourself and are good at it. None of these women have had a decent education. Jessa, might be doing well with it, but her kids(especially Spurgeon)should be in school to be around other kids and make some friends. I can't imagine what it's like for him(and probably Henry by now), to be in that house with all those kids. I don't believe Jessa is done having kids either.
  3. Thanks for the correction @ginger90. I couldn't remember for sure.
  4. She said the guy basically didn't stop or slow down. He also didn't have a license and was driving his mom's car. I believe she said there wasn't insurance on it.
  5. Does Nurie know she lost the "best friend" award to Jesus?
  6. If you look up the word "Cult" in the dictionary, that video should be there. That is the creepiest creep that ever creeped!
  7. Those poor Rodlet girls. Their only purpose in life are obeying their precious mother. Modeling ugly ass clothes, so Mahmo has money to feed her and Hunk. And most importantly, coming in last to both Janessa and Queen Nurie. I mean, Nurie being married to a celebrity("ANNA DUGGAR'S BROTHER")and all, plus popping out babies as fast as she can and being Mahmo's most favorite child. That's a lot to have to deal with.
  8. Joy's final outcome..She loves it. Orginal color. Box color. Final color.
  9. She had another video of her going to the salon to get the color she wanted. She mentioned that she washed it twice and then 3 more times. Still not the color she thought it was going to be. The videos I saw, her and her friend were laughing quite a bit. She hasn't posted an update from the salon yet.
  10. They are just the most adorable!
  11. Dave could print more than smiley tracks. He could actually have a legit printing business and print stuff for companines. Or business cards for people, but then that probably isn't "Godly."
  12. Dear Jinger, My husband and I have no children and we are far from selfish. We chose to not have children for several reasons, none of which you deserve to know. What I will tell you, is that I dedicated my career to children. Ever since I started babysitting at 15, I knew I wanted to work with children. I was part of a co-op in high school, where I worked in a daycare center in the afternoons. I volunteered at our church nursery from about the age of 16, through my early 20's. I worked in daycare for years after high school and I was also a nanny. In the early 2000's, I started watching kids in our home(no more than 2)and I fully retired almost 9 years ago. The last child I watched is almost 15 and the child I watched before her and when I started watching the last one, just turned 20. They still come over to my house and we have girls day and they are very good friends, almost like sisters. I'm also coming out of retirement to watch the sibling of the last child I watched. So don't you dare call us or anyone else that chose to not have kids, selfish. You have no idea why someone is childless. You want selfish, look at your parents. Having a billion kids they can't afford, so they throw you on TV to make money. They made you and your sisters, basically take care of each other, while the boys did basically anything they wanted. Your lack of education and your mother basically telling you that your only job is to reproduce, explains why you would think anyone without children is selfish.
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