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  1. I so agree with you - cannot stand her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Natalie is a psychopath - at least Mike is somewhat normal. I hope this is it for the couples on the show - so boring and so acted out this season.
  3. Cannot stand this nagging biatch. I don't like to see anyone slapped but this one deserves it!!! if i had to listen to her all day i would either shoot myself or her - she never stops with the whining - STFU
  4. just have to say it - who cares! this show is complete b.s.
  5. Theresa is ruining the show. She needs to go. I think it would be a fun group of women without her. This season, the ape woman is particularly mean and cruel. Why are the other women putting up with her? Other than putting others down she adds nothing to the show. It's time Andy gives her the boot and moves on with the show. I can't even watch it anymore because of her.
  6. The forehead knob is caused by fat storage. They mentioned that in one of the episodes.
  7. The last show made me lose respect for just about all of them. Tammy needed to get up for a second so Michael could get her wheel chair through the door frame - she made absolutely no effort - very lazy. She doesn't want help - she just wants to be catered to. Nice of Jerry to watch and not help out. Tammy will never lose wait if they keep waiting on her. Amy and Michael need to move away and not worry what happens to Tammy since Tammy only cares about herself. 50 lbs. gained since last appointment is disgusting, just like eating 32 meals in 2 days is. No sympathy from my end at all.
  8. this show is horrendous. dirty, nasty 50+ year olds acting like whores and lowlifes. put your titties back where they belong - no one is enjoying looking at them. u girls r fn nasty pigs!!!! u may have money but you have absolutely no class. andy cohen should be fired for this crap.
  9. Is it me, or is Darcy one of the most homely females ever. She is a pathetic excuse for a female- running all over trying to get a man. I really can't stand her or her pitiful whining. I also can't stand looking at her - yuck.
  10. These grown women are disgusting. Turned this on the other night because there was nothing else on. Now I know why I don't watch this show. Who in their right mind would want "friends" like this. Grow up and act your age. Just ridiculous!!!!
  11. Show is cute. I get really angry though when Adam complains about needing his mother in law for help. You get paid mucho bucks, hire a nanny and stop expecting family to do so much for you. Other parents have had more than 6 kids with a lot less money than you have and not expected everyone to help out. It's your responsibility and not anyone else's. Give your mother in law a break, she didn't have the kids - you did.
  12. Can someone please sprinkle fairy dust on Lydia and make her disappear - can't stand her and I think she is not a good addition to the show. Bring back Heather!
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