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Dowel Jones

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  1. It took me about ten minutes of listening to her speak before I realized that was Flight Attendant Elaine from the "Airplane" movies.
  2. An even more basic question should be, "You're both on the same shift. Who is going to watch the child for 48 hours at a time?" And, following that, is Stella still going to bartend on her nights off?
  3. Sayonara, Mrs. P. And almost a firefighter by that idiot driver. Pretty neat rescue method used in that basement. I do have a question, though. Is it common in large FDs to send search/rescue personnel in ahead of their water supply? I know the show can't use up props by spraying water, but to me this gives a really bad impression of FD procedures. There were some serious safety policy violations on that fire. You don't ever, ever separate, and in fact should have a reserve team waiting at the door in case there is a trapped firefighter. I'm not sure what's going to happen with Damon and the other guy, because cowardice on a fire is about the worst offense you can do. If the rest of the crew finds out what really happened, that guy should be toast. I'm kind of on Mouch's side regarding the transfer. At this point in his career, learning a new station and area isn't going to advance him anywhere. He probably won't even have a couch at the new place. Oh, and RIP, Slammigan. At least for a while.
  4. Mostly that the team made a series of really good deductions to figure out that Barber was in league with the women whose husbands he killed, and they somehow found different IDs and lives afterward. The how and what were a little sketchy to me, but whatever. I found it a bit farfetched that Barber gets on a train in Portland, gets off in Mt. Shasta (320+ miles) and the team barely catches up with him there. I guess the production team has never ridden Amtrak. It's at least 8-10 hours long. Whatever could be in Silo 12?
  5. Any guesses what the two gangs were trading in? Drugs? Conflict diamonds? Black market eggs? OMG!
  6. Well, he did say the question was a tricky one, right at the beginning. :) Last night the local PBS station aired a 1 hr. show called "The Wisdom of the Dales", which was mostly interviews interspersed with clips from seasons past. The cool part for me was the inclusion of Alf Wight's children in various interviews, and I found out that they were guests at "the Herriot wedding" back in the earlier season. Must be interesting in a way to attend your parents' wedding. He said that friends called him and said "there must have been more guests at the wedding, right?" To which he replied, in real life there were only five people in attendance (two being the couple, I assume).
  7. What kind of a dumbass crime boss goes into a deserted train terminal with a bag full of cash and no backup? And if this terminal is deserted, why are there lights on and high voltage electricity connected to the rail lines? No liability there, nuh uh. Laugh out loud moment when Colter shoots Casey in the hand in a darkened room.
  8. Army logic can be impenetrable at times. Long ago, I used to run inmate fire crews for CalFire (not anything remotely like Fire Country, but that's another story). When we had a large fire over in San Luis Obisbo area, the crews were set down at a nearby National Guard base for rest after a fireline shift. The gate guards would wave the trucks full of inmates right on through but stop us in the support vehicles for ID checks.
  9. I wonder where he picked up his lockpicking skills and tools. Given the lax security at that prison, I'm surprised Sir didn't land a punch on Trent's nose through that gaping window.
  10. Pascal and the Accounting Office are both going to have questions about Cruz's OT claim after that night shift.
  11. Maybe it was an attempted hit on him while biking, and they just happened to pick a spot in front of Angie.
  12. I must have missed a scene there. How did the intervention become a kidnapping? No matter. Like everyone else, I first thought Betty was going to be held for ransom. Classic Southern motif there - Will yells "Stop that man", and random driver hops out, chambers a round into a pump shotgun, and takes over the scene. I got a real kick out of Will's retort to the idiot suspect who says "You can't ask me any questions without an attorney present." "Well, then since you are acting as you own attorney, I am hereby addressing your attorney, not you." I might just want one of those Betty Maria dog toys.
  13. It's too bad we can't have a Blacklist-style ranking for all these escapees. It would make it a lot more fun to follow. Of course, if Kings of the Highway showed up, lethal force is authorized just on general principle. Why did Becks revive the Dr. at the end? Just to return him to the prison?
  14. The Burma, or CBI (China-Burma-India) theater was almost completely infantry-bound. Supplies were moved around by mules and horses as roads were few and far between. That would be the place for a veterinary corps.
  15. Paul Newman was one, although slightly different circumstances. He was hospitalized when his ship was deployed to the Pacific, where it was sunk by Japanese forces. He said later that he was overwhelmed by survivor's guilt, and it was only by Joanne Woodward's support that he avoided suicide.
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