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Everything posted by NMDD43

  1. I have no idea if the girl who posted on here about seeing Holly at the club is single-handedly the reason that Holly got caught. My point was that Holly is incredibly recognizable in the small dance world in Dallas and anyone at the club that night could have easily snitched on her for whatever reason (personal, jealousy, boredom, etc).
  2. Oh my! Some people have no common decency! I see things all too often that make me want to tattle or say something to the person, but most times I just bite my tongue. Litter bugs tend to get on my last nerve the most
  3. My thoughts exactly. What did they order? Obviously not the 1200 calorie burrito that I order. "Just grilled chicken for me, please...."
  4. Yep! Or maybe Holly was no fun in the bedroom or thought a little to highly of herself so Zeke ratted her out! Ok, it's late, send me home ??
  5. If the DCC world/dance world is as small as some posters on this board make it out to be in the Dallas area, I would not be surprised in the least if someone saw them out at the club and made it their priority in life to tell someone in the organization about it. It's not hard to be a snitch when everyone and their brother is on social media. It could have been a viewer/fan of the show, or a disgruntled ex of one of the players, or a jealous girl who may have been shot down by one of the players, or just some random bitchy person with nothing better to do.... people are cray cray.
  6. Hopefully they actually show two vets being suspended since they took the time to put it in their description for the episode. I hope they don't pull a last minute bad editing job like they did with the Erica/KaShara group leader announcement.
  7. Jenna posted this on her IG. Who is 5th from the left, in between Gina and Lauren??
  8. She is also on Instagram. Tons of pics of her with her sorority, Alpha Chi Omega
  9. Not only is Camila a disgusting racist pig, but she is also a total bitch for coming on to Tony like that. To go after the one male castmate who you know has a girlfriend and 2 babies back home (and who is trying to get his shit together) is pathetic. Not saying Tony is innocent in this situation, but women who go after men who they know are in committed relationships are a special kind of trash. Get over yourself hussy
  10. I saw that too and paused it. It looks like the first word is "Rae Lynn" (which is next weeks celeb guest according to the preview), the second word I couldn't make out, and the third word was definitely "Holly". Maybe Kelli's to-do list of some sort...
  11. I saw the new preview for next week's episode that other posters have talked about. It showed Kelly talking directly to Holly about her contract. I took a picture of the contract so you can see what it says about the fraternization policy. Above that there is a little blurb about alcohol consumption
  12. "Slippery little suckers!" Love that movie!
  13. You and me both. I'd be the fatty asking for a second basket of bread ??
  14. All these people saw it (including us on this forum) but yet Kelly and Judy seemed so oblivious to it. I just find that so hard to believe. Those two love finding flaws in people and preach about not seeming aloof or disinterested but yet they did not notice that at all in Gina. Either Kelly and Judy are losing their touch, or they really aren't there that often interacting with the girls.
  15. It's funny you mention that. I remember during auditions when she was about to do her solo, she had said something along the lines of "I can't wait to do my solo, I love being the center of attention". I just remember it rubbing me the wrong way. It made me think back to Vivian and a big reason they cut her was because she was way too into herself. I definitely got that same impression of Gina from the beginning.
  16. You're totally right. I just finished the episode and saw the preview for next week's episode. They obviously will be addressing some of the drama.
  17. I totally know what you mean. On the show, I adore her. But in real life on her social media she just comes across so different, not in a good way.
  18. "Don't be afraid to touch yourself!" Anyone else's mind go straight to the gutter on that one? I haven't been a fan of the abundance of guest choreographers so far this season but I really liked Nick. Maybe because he didn't teach them a new dance but instead just had fun with them We can see Erica is there but still sitting out. We haven't seen her dance yet in any episodes. Loved when Kitty called out Gina for being a full of herself!! We're not so crazy on this forum after all! We just call it like we see it ? It is funny how they nitpicked Alexandria's eyelashes. Sometimes it seems like they gloss over major issues but then make such a big deal about little ones. I guess I just don't see what was wrong with her eyelashes. I thought they looked fine KaShara eating that shrimp ?? omg love her WHAT IS WITH GINA'S EYEBROW That was so painful watching her in the office. Paris Hilton wannabe needs to get over herself. All I could think of was Gretchen Weiners in Mean Girls... "I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me..."
  19. There is absolutely no way the show can ignore Holly's departure. They've showed her quite a bit this whole season and even more so this episode. She was called into the office for crying out loud. For her to just disappear at this point would be ridiculous and perhaps the worst story telling ever on a show. I wonder if they will show Holly's departure but not Erica's because Holly has more fans and is more noticeable
  20. I heard that Lifetime is coming out with a new show featuring Laurie ann Gibson. So bringing her on Dance Moms is probably their way of cross-marketing her and trying to get a read on if people like her or not and will watch her show
  21. My dad was one. He passed recently, so this whole scene had me sobbing like a baby
  22. Could they have made that Brianna cut any more dramatic? I don't think I've ever rolled my eyes so hard. I just don't get it. This episode felt by far the most rushed of them all. But it seems like they tried to focus a little more on the veterans (especially Stephanie which is kind of random...). I swear sometimes it felt like they were cutting to the next scene before even finishing the last one. The show group audition was literally a blip on the radar. They conveniently did not show a single clip of Erica again this episode, except for a few shots of her sitting on the ground with the other veterans which could have very easily been missed. Absolutely loved the veteran hospital visit. I'm glad they spent a lot of time on that segment and didn't breeze through it like other things.
  23. That's kind of my point. The only reason the majority of their followers "follow" them on social media is because they were DCC and they have a fan base. So to ignore the questions regarding why people even like them in the first place just seems like a joke. I would have had a lot more respect for them to just be like, "hey look, we know you guys have a lot of questions about our status with the team, but shit went down and we can't talk about it". Instead you could see them glazing over the questions and focusing on the stupidest stuff. Sorry Holly, sorry Erica but people really don't care about what your favorite movie is or what your favorite makeup is. I think they need to get over themselves a little bit. Or a lot. I wonder how long they will ride the coattails of DCC
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