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Everything posted by NMDD43

  1. Nothing personal, I just don't like jumpsuits much Agreed. Kelli's looks like a bad camel toe situation waiting to happen Kelsey looked good in hers though!
  2. Maybe the #hope means Kelli was tearfully begging her to stay?
  3. I honeslty don't think Gina or Amy are pretty enough/photogenic enough to be in the triangle. There I said it.
  4. Zach is proving himself to be kind of an asshole. He's like a mean girl, only he's a dude
  5. I thought it was great seeing two women in the Troika as well and secure their spot in the final, but then TJ announced "well since there's only four women left, you're ALL going to the final!" Basically their "win" didn't even matter lol Random thought , since it was a male elimination day, what would MTV had done if the top three performers were all male? It's almost like they deliberately put two girls in the troika because three out of the four guys had to be put into the Inquisition. Totally agree. Tony's inflated head is beyond irritating this season. He really needs to take a few steps down off his pedestal. I have a feeling in the future the upper vets are going to eat him alive if they all do another challenge together. Even more so than Cory.
  6. Looks like microblading. It's the thing to do these days. Looks like they were colored on with my 2 year olds brown crayon
  7. Currently rewatching Cutthroat and totally forgot what a fucking bitch Laurel was. A mean ass drunk calling Big Easy fat and ugly in front of everyone. She made the dude cry! Hope she's mellowed out some. She's seems a bit weird to me.
  8. Maybe Jenna asked if she could rotate in for point one last time and K&J honored her request? Just speculating here.
  9. I just read that too...very confusing How does one get hired to be a nurse without a nursing degree? That seems as though it would be illegal and completely unethical
  10. I think what disgusts me the most about those girls picking on Kayleigh like that is their complete lack of accountability and remorse and then blaming Kayleigh for their actions. They literally told the camera numerous times that they didn't do anything wrong, that they weren't being mean, and they are not bullies. If you're none of those things, than what the fuck are you? It pisses me off how they said Kayleigh "brought it on herself", as if she made them so mad that they had no choice but to react the way they did and throw her shit over the balcony. Regardless of what a person does to piss you off, you and only you are responsible for the way you react when someone makes you mad. I hate when people blame others for their own asshole actions. Seems so. Kailah is acting pretty much like a bitch on Twitter, calling out Kayleigh and making fun of her for acting like a "victim". Jemmye had some snarky response saying if she's going to be a mean girl, can she be Regina George. And Britni is basically going with the "I was drunk and made a mistake, and if you think you're perfect you're a liar" defense. They're like the perfect trifecta of pure trash. I so wish TJ would have smacked that smirk off Kailah's face when he called her out. She looked like such a bitchy brat saying "well I probably shouldn't have thrown her stuff over the balcony" like she thought it was funny. Glad TJ shut that down right away. ETA: Kyle seems like he was MADE for this show.
  11. Is this a normal/typical perk of being a group leader? Kinda cool to jetset with the bosses
  12. Do you think the girls need to let Kelli know if/when they are planning a cosmetic procedure while on the team? Not to get permission (because obviously) but just as a heads up/courtesy? If so, I wonder if Kelli has ever encouraged anyone to not do it
  13. It is interesting. They just aren't as committed or invested as they used to be. I wonder how K&J will handle it going forward. They can't make the girls fullfill their contracts to stay a whole year (assuming the contract even has that terminology in it) but they also can't have these girls make the team and then unexpectedly bail. They're in a tough spot.
  14. Watch - that will now be a question on this year's test at tryouts:) Sure, Kalyssa..... LOL
  15. Maybe she has plans to go Megan Flaherty 2.0 on them. I would so enjoy that My thoughts exactly
  16. Whatever. I'm getting cheese fries. You go, Glen Coco! Seriously @ByTor, your repertoire of movie quotes will be filled for life after you watch Mean Girls ?
  17. This is so wrong on so many levels. Ewww I am imaging drunk men at the games loving this. Barf.
  18. Just came up from a 2 hour decent down the Instagram rabbit hole 2 things: Yuko is actually pretty, but this photo is so bad. Her skin is discolored, her neck blends with her face, her pose is awkward. An amateur photographer can do better than this. Can we please discuss how much better Cersten's hair looks in this photo? Suddenly she doesn't look like a 90's soccer mom Saw that too. Kind of sounds like it.
  19. Personally for me, these girls look more like women, whereas Maddie looks like a babyface teenager. They have more sex appeal and are a lot more attractive, therefore they look more appropriate doing these kind of dances, and not awkward like Maddie. They don't have to try to be sexy, if that makes sense. Just my opinion though ?
  20. Her dancing makes me cringe. Makeover and all, I still don't see her as a DCC. She's just so.... awkward
  21. I NEED to know! I have yet to see a single picture with a sweat mark. How is that possible?!
  22. @ShellyB I'm dying to know... How in the world do the girls NEVER seem to have wet sweat marks under their arms in those blue blouses? I've heard that botox injections can help with underarm sweating, but I can't imagine ALL of them do that. Is there some secret they have?
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