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Everything posted by NMDD43

  1. I liked Holly a lot before watching that live video and now I can totally see what you and other posters have been saying for a while now. She really just seems so into herself and couldn't stop flirting with her reflection. She just didn't seem that genuine or warm. At moments she actually seemed a little snotty ??
  2. I get that, but I just think it's annoying to even do a live stream like that knowing your fans are going to be asking those questions. Just leaves the bad taste in my mouth towards them and the whole situation ??
  3. They literally are ignoring every single question asked about DCC and why they are not on the squad. Why do a live stream if you're not going to mention it at all? #annoyed
  4. I agree. I think CMT producers have a strong hand in who makes training camp too. Even more so with the newer seasons. It is so obvious when Kelli and Judy don't like a girl and didn't bring them into training camp on their own terms. Remember when they cut Kathyrn Dunn, like, the 2nd night of training camp her second time around? If I remember correctly, no one was really wowed by her at auditions and some judges flat out were like, hell no. But yet she made it in anyway only to get cut right away. Another example that comes to mind is when Kelsey made it into training camp--omg Kelli was so rude and snarky to her, like a flat out being a bitch to her. Yes she eventually made the squad, but it felt like she was there completely against Kelli's wishes and Kelli let her have it. The producers look for drama and it's becoming more obvious when some of these candidates get casted for the show, as opposed to making it into camp organically (if that makes sense)
  5. It is so uncomfortable watching Maddie thrust and gyrate like that. It appears pelvic thrusting is DCC's new signature move? ?Some girls can hack it, but good lord Maddie can't. I wonder if there are any male fans out there who find her attractive and/or fit for the "DCC look", because I know a lot of us females do not. #stopgyrating
  6. This scenario would definitely explain Holly's snarky posts about "Karma" and that they are most likely aimed towards Jenna. Jenna couldn't have lied for Holly though even if she wanted to, you know? They were at a public place where so many people could have confirmed seeing her there. I'm no snitch, but if I were Jenna I don't think I would have lied either.
  7. Seems like she is even skinnier this season too. Like almost anorexic looking. The scene where she was dancing by the pool literally made me throw up in my mouth. She is disgusting
  8. Watching the game on tv and just saw Simone on the sidelines in uniform and cheering with her group
  9. Love this! We've got Kelli's personality down pat ?
  10. Totally agree. I think CMT is getting too far off track trying to create storylines and drama that they are messing with the whole vibe and originality of the show. All the real things are interesting to us viewers, as they always have been. We don't need their manufactured drama. Especially when it seems there is more than enough real drama going down. It only makes what should be a simple show just confusing. I wonder if new producers/CMT people came on board this season in attempt to change things up
  11. In next week's preview you can see Erica sitting on the stage with everyone for show group auditions. This whole Erica situation is so strange.... and kind of getting on my nerves. The show is making this wayyy more complicated than it needs to be. Either edit her out completely, or show us what really went down. It feels like they are making (bad) editing decisions so last minute (like, right up until the show airs) and nothing is making sense to the fans/viewers. If this show has pounded anything at all into our heads, it is that no one misses practice. EVER. So to show her in some episodes and not at all in others is going to raise questions among viewers. They've explained in the past why people sit out of practice (Rachel and her injury- sat and watched practice) or why girls are not there at all (Yuko, Jinelle), so why not give Erica the same treatment?
  12. I feel the same way. They blew right through the uniform fitting segment. I was hoping to get a little more out of that like in past seasons but like you said, it just seemed rushed. Like they squeezed it in there just to have it included.
  13. She really is gorgeous. And much more likeable every episode. She seems like she doesnt take herself too seriously and is pretty genuine. I was glad too that they corrected her added hair flips.
  14. Brianna's "empty my bucket" comment again
  15. Saw that. Brianna had it on her back too.
  16. Right? That is super odd for her to not be sitting with them at all
  17. There was a veteran stretching in the background during this whole scene. Maybe that's Erica? When they go back into the studio after kicking on the field she is there. There are a couple times you can see her sitting on the floor along the mirror with the rest of the team.
  18. I wonder if they are so used to girls in the past using an "injury" as an excuse as to why they may not be doing that good in camp (Vivian, Christina) that they've become a little desensitized to it.
  19. Kalyssa's jump split is perfection! Yes I am a weirdo and I pause it during jump splits and kicks ?
  20. Totally! Except for the Kardashians of course because those fools will show anything for ratings
  21. Totally agree. This is a reality show about making a a real team. These aren't characters on a sitcom where producers don't need to worry about aligning story lines with real life. These are real teammates that are in the public eye and have fans. For 2 very popular ones to disappear and not be explained or addressed on said show that is ABOUT THE FREAKING TEAM is kind of bullshit. I agree with @hypeman, if they continue this deceiving editing and make no mention of the cuts, then this very well may be the beginning of the end for the show. A simple "it didn't work out" would suffice. Yes, people would still have questions and want to know the truth, but at least the show wouldn't be ignoring a major roster change. I understand as Shelly mentioned that these are real people and some topics are not up for discussion in order to protect their privacy and/or the organization. But this is a reality show that the organization chooses to put out in the public eye. If they're not willing to show everything, even if it's watered down, then maybe it's time for them to pull the plug on this show. It's all kind of a slap in the face to the fans. If we didn't watch the show there would be no show.
  22. Right?! They're all like, " Welcome to our brand new, billion-dollar facility, but we're still going to pay you gals in peanuts" ?
  23. It would have been nice if Vivian would have given Kitty credit for her new outfit and solo choreography on the episode
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