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  1. What really gets me Is that the only reason they had Daenerys come back to Westeros, show wise, was not for her to rule as Queen or visit her ancestral home or meet her last living family but to fight the Night King and kill people like Cersei , and for Varys and Tyrion to make way for House Stark without them getting their hands dirty in the process. They literally used her, her dragons and her armies to fight the war of Westeros, made her a villain out of nowhere and had her lover kill her when she is most vulnerable, when she thought he loved her. Now that all the major villains are out of the way what did they do? Killed Dany the first chance they got and funny enough it’s Tyrion, who murdered his own lover, blew up an army with wildfire, murdered his unarmed father on the privy, and who was ready to give Cersei her 200th chance even after all the horrible things she had done, who manipulated Jon to kill her. Jon, who would have been dead three times over if Dany didn’t save him personally, out of love for him. Just like Ygritte saved him out of love. And what did he ever give them back, the two women who loved him the most? Heartache and death. That’s all. Even Sansa saved his life. And he gave up the north after she suffered for it. He’s worthless to the women in his life. Her dragons? Two of them are dead and third flew away with her mother’s dead body with no closure whatsoever. Her army? Well now the war is over no need to stay in Westeros anymore, so they are now leaving, convenient enough, right? So going by the show, her only purpose was to take all the hard hitting bullets of criticism and at the same time keep clearing the way for the Starks abs Tyrion to rule after her. She should have stayed out of the war and chilled in Essos with her people. Have NK kill everyone in Westeros. Its what they deserve. They didn’t deserve her.
  2. I can buy it. What has Jon ever done for him? He barely knows the guy. He went on one mission with him beyond the wall. It’s Arya he’s close too really, and Davos. And Arya rejected him. Dany has done nothing but show him kindness , restore his name, give him a castle and also help defeat the NK. And now it turns out that Jon’s father wasn’t his best friends dad after all. Not really. The Lannister’s tried to murder him, murdered his father, and chased him out of Kings landing. He described his childhood as a shitshow, growing up poor. When has he been a champion of the people? He defended Arya, but he was thrilled to be made Lord of Storms end. It makes perfect sense he would loyal to the person who acknowledged his bravery and rewarded him, and also, the Baratheons and Targaryens are also related by blood as well. Daenerys is his kin, even though it was never mentioned. It would have been nice to have someone else speak up for her. I happy we never saw this. It doesn’t make sense show wise. Jorah would never betray her again. That would be character assassination. Show Jorah is the definition of loyalty and love to Daenarys. Nothing she did would ever make him turn on her again . He would NEVER pick Jon over her, and if Jon killed her? He would rip out Jon’s heart . No matter what she did . That’s why they had him die, even David and Dan knew the audience wouldn’t suspend disbelief that much. Iain Glen himself even said he preferred his ending . Dying for Daenarys , protecting her, is the perfect bookend to his show character.
  3. It’s even more jarring on rewatch. The Tyrion from season 4 who murdered his father and girlfriend and has such a toxic relationship with Cersei and was put in trial and betrayed by everyone he saved becomes a pacifist who is purely for the people and is consistently trying to save Cersei?????? Jon who was going to kill Mance in his own tent? Who was able to lie and fight dirty with gin alley guy is suddenly Ned Stark plus Jesus? Even Ned Stark wasn’t as snowflake as Jon became. I’m really still salty guys sorry, I’m just repeating myself now 🤬
  4. Why did they feel this was not worth keeping in? They lengths they went to screw her character over for shock value is disgusting. Apparently she’s not allowed to be a human being anymore. I’m so angry about this whole season that it really leaves a bitter taste over the series as a whole.
  5. Also, David and Dan are actually pretty incompetent writers. Check out Wolverine X-men origins for proof. i was doing a rewatch today actually and if you watch Daenerys arc from seasons 1-5, when you have GRRRM source material, you can see the brilliance and where it is going. She is slowly climbing to power, through conquering. The Mysha scene in particular is especially jarring, because she is seen as a goddess, and she is smiling while her dragons soar above. We are lead to believe that this is an uplifting amazing moment, but if you look at it objectively, it is terrifying. Yes, she is benevolent, yes, she is good hearted, yes, she has good intentions, but she also feels she has a divine purpose. That she what she decides is correct. She is a messiah figure, and she sweeps into countries and takes over. Her will is God. She listens to advisors, yes, but when something bad happens, she retaliates with dragons. 🤷🏻‍♀️ The arc that has been built for her , IMO has been someone who has achieved so much power she feels she is above it. She feels she has a destiny to conquer the world, ala Julius Ceasar, and in her Ferver to make the world better, some people have to die. And that’s her tragedy. She is for the “ greater good”. A zealot. She’s not evil. She’s not Hitler. She’s a Melisandre with Dragons. and the problem is that d and d aren’t capable of telling that story. They went with “ oh she went dark? Cool. Let her snap at bells cause Of her Targaryen genes !! Cool! A slow descent into Tyranny because power corrupts? Good intentions can lead to terrible things? Consistent betrayal and heartache can make you paranoid? Nah...that’s not interesting!! Let’s have you just be a crazy bitch! 😂😌😌
  6. Seriously. If even someone like me, a non Sansa fan, can point that out without bias, that shows shitty writing. Bran the broken has the best story? Really? Not Sansa Stark, who survived Ramsey Bolton, Cersei Lannister, Joffrey, Kings Landing and saved the North? Who out witted all her enemies and became a major player in her own right? Not Arya Stark, who killed the NK and took out the Frey’s and avenged the red wedding ON HER OWN and saved EDMURE TULLY who is standing right there? Not Yara Greyjoy who took back the iron islands? Hell, even Robyn Arryn, whose Knights of the Vale rode forth at HIS WORD to join the battle against the Bolton’s, and stayed to fight against the AOTD, deserves more credit than Bran.🤦🏻‍♀️ That’s why I’m so mad. Nothing about this ending is “ breaking the wheel”. it’s all the same. Men in power, doing the same shit. It’s the same cycle, it’s season one , all over again. A disinterested King, a Lannister Hand, a greedy master of coin, oh and Brienne of Tarth whitewashing Jaimes deeds. did anyone else notice that she wrote “ took back Riverrun from the Tully rebel’s?!” Catelyn Stark must be rolling over in her grave. How gross is that?
  7. I don’t think he’s gonna change his ending. I just think his ending will make more sense. Listen, what’s more interesting? a woman who walks into a fire and births dragons, with good intentions and a gentle heart, a fervent desire to change the world and help people and firepower and literal destiny to do it? And over time, the more armies she’s gains, and the stronger she gets, and more people she frees, the more righteous she becomes. The more evil people she burns,and the gratification she receives from the people she liberates and the love she gets is a balm to her heart. More and more she becomes she convinced that her destiny is divine, that she is put on this earth to Remake the world, and why not? Especially if she helps defeat the AOTD? She has dragons and is a liberator. Isn’t her will the will of the Divine? Isn’t that how Tyrants are really born? That’s interesting. That descent into bloodshed and tyranny is tragic and beautiful. Danys falls from grace will be truly heartbreaking because she’s not Hitler. She’s not evil. She’s not a bad person setting out with bad intentions. She’s a good person with good intentions who ultimately is a victim of the greater good trumps all, even it means burning them all amongst the way. Like Alexander the Great, or Julius Cesear. Instead we got a hero who went mad at bells and a lovers rejection 🙄. Oh and her genetics. Please. George will do this so much better. That’s why people are mad. They went with Hitler imagery and dialogue...like really? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️Come on. That’s not who she is. She’s the dangerous side of an idealist. She’s the messiah figure pushed too far. She’s Buffy willing to sacrifice Dawn and 50,000 civilians if it means the world is safe. ( in her head logic) . She’s not Hitler or the Nazis, who are evil and knew they are evil and went into things hoping to wipe out certain portions of the population out of racism and bigotry. D and d are just so simple and dumb 🤦🏻‍♀️🥺🥺they don’t understand nuance.
  8. Did you any of you guys watch Jason Mamoas livestream of his reaction?? Be still my heart!! I posted two videos just in case, they are both good. he’s such a loyal Khal ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  9. This warmed my heart 😂 Also I will Stan my Queen forever ❤️👑
  10. So. I am not a Sansa fan. But honestly? I think it’s bullshit that Sansa freaking STARK is sitting there in the dragonpit and Tyrion freakin nominates BRAN????? Yeah I get that her destiny is to be queen of the north. But at least nominate the fucking badass woman who is capable and is deserving of being a queen and have her TURN IT DOWN for the North, then to completely overlook her for her brother, AGAIN. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I just can’t. Seriously. Fuck you d and d. And not even have Yara ask for independence either , when they have always been about it? Or DORNE????? Are you kidding?? Only the north gets it???
  11. Am I the only one who found Tyrion’s speech to Jon extremely uncomfortable? He admits the Khals would have done worse things to her, he admits SLAVERY IS EVIL and that the slavers are evil men, he admits that crucifying CHILDREN is evil.... he says that everywhere Dany goes, evil men die and she gets more powerful. What does that sound like? Doesn’t that sound like a man afraid of a woman’s power???? He literally says he thought he could control her, but realizes that was fanciful. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️He’s upset she killed his evil family and doesn’t love him back. He even says he loves her, just not as successfully as Jon did. This whole argument to Jon is so misogynistic and riddled with fear. She’s too powerful to be controlled and has finally stopped listening to his advice. Now she has to be killed. Very convenient. And once she’s dead, Tyrion ends up exactly where’s he’s comfortable. Ruling KL, his best bud Bronn in power with him, making dick jokes, with all his buddies. He’s exactly where he always wanted to be. Even Jaime gets a nice edit in his white book, and the wheel keeps spinning. the finale ends the way it started. A Lannister as hand, a Stark ruling Winterfell, and a king who didn’t want to be king ( depending on your theories), and a Targaryen ( Jon) in exile. And a council of men ruling it all. There is no “ wheel breaking “. And the one person who could have changed it for real was murdered. ( echoing Rhagaer) for love. With help from a Lannister and a Stark. This time it’s the Baratheon who is innocent.
  12. Am I the only one who found Tyrion’s speech to Jon extremely uncomfortable? He admits the Khals would have done worse things to her, he admits SLAVERY IS EVIL and that the slavers are evil men, he admits that crucifying CHILDREN is evil.... he says that everywhere Dany goes, evil men die and she gets more powerful. What does that sound like? Doesn’t that sound like a man afraid of a woman’s power???? He literally says he thought he could control her, but realizes that was fanciful. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ He’s upset she killed his evil family and doesn’t love him back. He even says he loves her, just not as successfully as Jon did. This whole argument to Jon is so misogynistic and riddled with fear. She’s too powerful to be controlled and has finally stopped listening to his advice. Now she has to be killed. Very convenient. And once she’s dead, Tyrion ends up exactly where’s he’s comfortable. Ruling KL, his best bud Bronn in power with him, making dick jokes, with all his buddies. He’s exactly where he always wanted to be. Even Jaime gets a nice edit in his white book, and the wheel keeps spinning.
  13. I wish they didn’t drop her connection to prophecy and the red priestesses, cause looking back, wow! Kinvara says “ Daenerys Stormborn is the one who was promised. From the fire she was reborn to remake the world.” That parrots almost what Daenerys ultimate goal becomes by season 8. She wants to remake the world. She also says “The dragons will purify nonbelievers by the thousands, burning their sins and flesh away “. Which came true when she burned King’s Landing, burning those who did not “ believe in her”. “Her dragons are fire made flesh, a gift from the Lord of Light.... Daenerys has been sent to lead the people against the darkness in this war and in the great war still to come.” Which also came true, because Dany and her dragons were instrumental in fighting against the AOTD. It’s also interesting that the other red priestess we see in Essos is the one who looks at Tyrion when he first arrives, and they share that deep look that seemed to foreshadow something. Looking back, it seems like she knew he was dangerous somehow, which is good set up to his betrayal because really, who has done Daenerys the most damage? Jon even questions if he did the right thing killing her, because it doesn’t feel right. Because maybe, it wasn’t. Maybe she really was sent to reshape the world. 🤷🏻‍♀️And it’s Tyrion and the 3ER who don’t want things to change . My headcanon is that Drogon brings her back to Essos and she is resurrected.
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