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Everything posted by pearlite

  1. Toronto is pretty much the same. The weekend people, as we call them, turn Roncey into a petri dish--waffling around, ignoring distancing, doing what I don't know, because the only stores open bar people from entering with a desk and card terminal. So no shopping, just ask for what you're after. Because I know a lot of store owners, this isn't unpleasant for me, and it makes a change from grocery and booze deliveries. Never a big box store shopper or chain store shopper, so the endless line-ups don't affect me. But my mood is shot to hell. The parks here are a whole nuther issue--the cops ticket people pretty frequently, but... High Park, near me, is totally fenced off. Given its size, 400 acres, that's a big deal. Fenced off because of cherry blossom festival--cancelled this year--normally attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists. Yes, jewel, people are idiots--some parade around Queen's Park here, bitching about their right to get a haircut...
  2. Here's another of The Longest Days of Our Lives--this one has Mary Beth Evens, la Lucci, Maurice Benard, and Heather Locklear:
  3. Another episode of The Longest Days of Our Lives--this one has Mary Beth Evans, Susan Lucci, Maurice B, and Heather Lockleear
  4. Gotta admit I turned it off and erased. Same "why should I care" reaction here.
  5. Not a bad episode again, for much the same reasons that yesterday's was good--cast, sets, costumes. But then, since I watch show after watching DOOL, I had a moment.... Patty Williams, Emily Whatever? Wait, hon--you're Kristen. Still crazy after all these years.
  6. Josh Morrow, I assume. Sorry, folks, this is what you get when I should be drafting bureaucratic docs...with very little focus...and less interest... Idle keyboards are the devil's playground.
  7. Let's see if this works... Aha! Natey Nate Nate has some good pitch. And CLB's rocking those roots for serious. [I still think Joshua Morrow is a dink]. And is that Laurent pulling a sorta Slash?
  8. I actually didn't FF much of yesterday's CDN, and that's something. These were kind of glory days for the show in some ways--Chancellor Mansion set looked great, and big! Flowers! Everybody but Jill [horrible hair] looked great--PB and BM! in white tie, no less, and Murphy! Not on the Poor Sharon train, so I'll give that part a pass, and whichever McKenzie that was, she was as FF-able as ever. And everybody had some tormented storyline, all tangled up in a nice bow.
  9. Well, since I know for a fact that colleges and universities will only be running online all summer, and we're told to be prepared to run online perhaps into October at least, I doubt anyone's going to risk the liability of putting kids back into group environments at the end of May. Jewel, I don't understand the PQ stance either--"herd immunity"? No such thing.
  10. Goodness, the old Newman Ranch! Shades of the Ponderosa... All that brown, not for me. I miss the GCAC too--it was "real Y & R" somehow--Top of the Tower, wherever it went, I don't miss--too generic. I kinda liked Victoria's turquoise and white living room; I like white woodwork and most shades of blue. Really never liked [UO Alert] Sharon's cottage: on record as hating Tiffany lamps, stone fireplaces, and wood walls. I more a Mario Buatta English chintz kinda gal. And the so-called "midcentury" Cane and Lily house, eugh. The various condos look like sets, not like living places to me. And maybe the Abbott living room might be a tad dusty, but I love it.
  11. Hmmm, that dull, dark-haired thing keeps on multiplying--one of its spin-offs is Galen Gering of DOOL. Dull don't begin.
  12. Who knew UOs could be so much fun? I anticipated more of a Loretta Young response here...
  13. It's getting to be a crowded picnic table here. I hope somebody makes a good potato salad! Scott Reeves--mostly I can repress him, but seeing him on the other day's "classic" ep, I remembered how much I loathe his beady-eyed, non-reactive little self.
  14. Have you seen the second, I think, episode with Matthew Mcconaughey as the crazed doctor?
  15. Always! You don't need to ask! We'll sit out in the sun [sunny in TO today] and watch the UOs frisking around in the front yard. Wow! I always thought Tom was universally adored, so I kept my mouth shut.
  16. What is it with soaps and rug-rolling bodies? DOOL had Sonny and Will roll up Leo's [Greg R] not-quite-dead body in a rug as well.
  17. Today it's not the pack leader of my herd of UOs--he's always there for my distaste for Sharon Newman. It's one of the older UO pups that I don't hear much from--I'd nearly forgotten him, the little scamp. I can't stand, and never could, Heather Tom. In any role. I'm more or less alone in my fondness for Amelia H, so I always consider her Victoria.
  18. No, along with Zapato I & II, they're in the lounge at the Retired Animal Talent Home, bitching about losing their SAG cards.
  19. It was sent to the country to run free, along with Tucker's Coral.
  20. Okay, a tiny observation here, about CLB's root grow-in: I thought he wore more of a hairpiece, but look--there's a hairline. I do agree about the oxydized reddish stuff on top when the lights hit it. Unavoidable, I guess, because grey or white hair is not very porous and won't absorb dye very easily. Not an expert, my friend/hairdresser told me. And for those of us attuned to hair colour [my mother's sister was a hairdresser, and Ma Pearlite never went to a salon--Aunt Glamour showed up with a carton of Kools and the Roux products and they made a day of it], I refer you to the sheer magnificence of Drake Hogestyn's media-toned grey that replaced the oxy-brown. It's superb! The media-grey or white thing I learned about from an older brother who was doing a lot of TV at one point [he was blond like me], and hair and make-up toned out the yellow and upped the white sheen. ETA: it was great to see Foghorn Leghorn the other day!
  21. Funny, one thing I didn't enjoy about this episode--there were more of the old soapy fixed-stare shots--the action and dialogue stop, and main character stares meaningfully at the camera. Oh, and while I'm crabby, I never liked Ryan or whatever his name was. Isn't he married to Jennifer on DOOL? Whereby hangs a famous tale?
  22. House 1 for me. Alone on my island of fondness for Victor, I'll join that group and Vic and I can conspire to get rid of Amanda. Plus, I get Traci!
  23. There are a range of distinctions when it comes to cheating and plagiarism. A personal favourite that all instructors/professors meet up with far too often is "stupid plagiarism." This is the lazy or not too bright student copying/pasting some crap from a far too obvious website and not even bothering to paraphrase any of it. It's especially dumb because all universities have built-in tracing applications that catch this stuff in seconds--or as we used to do, we could always just punch a word string into Google. All I thought when the Theo thing unrolled was, "boy, are you dumb." Leaving aside the baiting aspect, there was our Theo, sitting, fidgeting in a restaurant, not actually doing the research. His first impulse was toward expediency--find a confederate and [wow, stupid] and hope nobody notices. Ummm, hon, had you expended one-tenth of the energy on doing some work that you spent going sideways... And then the writers play the sympathy card and set our poor widdle misunderstood guy in the Abbott living room, soliloquizing in front of sad, unhearing Dina. A thousand violins play in the distance.
  24. I think, from the links jewel posted, it may have been Cricket. With amplification... but I'm guessing.
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