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Everything posted by pearlite

  1. Been there, lived through that. Downtown TO rite of passage. You haven't lived until one of those creepy little black paws comes at you through a hole its owner has dug in your wall... 20-odd thousand worth of roof, soffit, and fascia rebuilding later, I enjoy a kind of temporaty peace.
  2. Some seasonal downtown Toronto humour: https://www.blogto.com/city/2019/12/toronto-raccoons-refuse-leave-porch-hilarious-video/
  3. I've missed you, L2L. Necessities in this weather! Have you tried the Wine Rack stuff? I'd like to know more actually. And, as you know, yesterday it snowed again. the wet greasy stuff. And I had an eye doctor's appointment [Owl, at Roncey and Fern]. And, like the stubborn idiot I am, I walked down in walking shoes rather than heavy-duty boots. And...fell on my butt twice.
  4. Sadly she passed. You are so amazing to remember the PLL birthday! Thank you!
  5. Maybe it's a Canadian plague, Caprica. Got them on the bottom and sides and middles of the screen on my desktop. I hit those little "X"s as fast as I can, but it's futile, and it's messing with my enjoyment of the site.
  6. For all those who missed those darling locutions--Jaboat, Jahorse, JaBoutique, JaBilly, and so on...Theo Wunderkind has revived them! Jabojis! Who knows how you'd spell that? Desperate times...
  7. You and your family are amazing, wonderful people. Being in stasis, waiting, is hell for me, and I doubt I'd have you and your mother's strength.
  8. As we did in TO. Mind you, lately just staying awake, even through an FF'd episode can be a bit of a struggle. It's all chat and re-chat. To wit: Aww, Phyllis, shut up. Broken record Yup, Sharon, nothin' the matter with that horrible whiny child having a possessed-sounding mantra. Nothin' at all. Those psych degrees really doing you justice. Oh, not again, part 1: Chelsea/Adam/Nick That horrible child--surely someone remembers that apartment building has airshafts? Oh, not again, part 2: Phyllis/Nick rehash [see above] Devon, you deserve better, and using Nick as a sounding-board may result in an echo Nate, see item 1 Abby dearest, you know I'm kind of fond of you. So let's pretend this will be one of those "Who framed who?" storylines, and not one of those dated "What I won't do for attention from a man" thingies
  9. Umm, you really want to send a raccoon to Toronto? We're the downtown trash panda capitol of North America, some say. There's even a documentary about Toronto's raccoons... I did have to have my entire roof rebuilt after years of their frolicking, scratching, mating, and gaining entry into crawlspaces. You haven't lived until you've seen a creepy little black paw reach through a hole in the wall, I tell you, And raccoon poop is even viler than whatever regular critter poop might be. That opossum freaked me right out, I looked out my kitchen back-door--sheet glass door, and saw a big mottled light-grey back. I thought for a second it might be one of the neighbour's cats of a similar colour. Then I saw the giant bare tail. So much for the backyard menagerie--PearliteLite at one point started naming the rats. They all got the same name--Berdesz Volga. She decided they were East European. Don't ask. And speaking of PlL, she came back from school with this one: https://www.blogto.com/city/2019/11/someone-going-around-throwing-feces-students-toronto-universities/ But thanks for allowing me to try to cheer myself up. I found out yesterday evening that one of my sisters [18 or so years older] had a massive stroke yesterday and isn't expected to come out of it. In the last two years, I've lost one other sister and a sister in law. So you all do help me a lot sometimes.
  10. For me, it was the first episode in a long time that I've enjoyed. Funny thing, the lighting was so much better in the clips from the decades before HD. There's no reason for this to be the case--lighting's lighting, no matter how many pixels are involved.
  11. Yup, and currently with its time-jump thing, and some decent writing, it's a whole lot more watchable than Y & R...
  12. Yes, snap, that's exactly it! We don't normally have much if any snow in November in TO--poor Jewel, in Montreal, gets much more of it. It makes everyday life difficult, and it's dirty, contrary to people's [that is, people who don't live with snow] illusions about sky sediment. Your clothes, boots, shoes, hallway floors, all keep this cruddy coating of snow and road salt. Not to mention the sheer filth that is our cars all winter.
  13. Time for my annual statement on weather, and winter in general: I hate snow.
  14. Nope, never heard it used, and never used it. Mind you, I don't say "eh" at the end of sentences either.
  15. Well okay, folks--let's do the time warp again... Why you say? Listen to Rey's convo with Sharon--"you're nearly finished your Masters--you've been working so hard..." I'll just assume Sharon got that expandable/contractable degree from postgradcooters/com. Mind you, that was probably the high point of the episode, anniversary gals or not.
  16. Well, I for one really enjoyed the Hallowe'en episode. Tons of cross-media/social-media refs and commentary--Abby and Mary Tyler Moore [ref an article in SOD, I think], and the sheer pleasure of all the Newmans playing with their devices and ignoring Phyllis-go-poof. Theo's Miami Vice 80s trash-out party was entertaining, too. I found the Sharon/Rey thing the weakest of the scenarios.
  17. Aside from Nick, Chelsea, and Adam playing Musical Childs, I heard something yesterday... Are my ears going? Did Sharon in the Sharon/Mariah conversation, allude to doing a, hem, Matchbox MA, oh, excuse me, and online masters degree? Well, well, well.
  18. Mmmmmm, schadenfreude! I'll have an extra-large helping, please.
  19. Well, if Professor S can rock the pleasure politics with Lizzo, good on her. Perhaps it's an age-thing, or maybe it's because I'm not in a field like Gender Studies... I do have fun--in my way. And I have referred in passing to Lizzo in lectures, usually only to incite my riposte to students' amusement: "What? You think I live in a cave?'
  20. Thanks for the good wishes and CS thanks for the prayer! Op went fine—more of a light show than anything. i can sorta type on my phone. Will return in a couple of days.
  21. Thanks for all the wishes and prayers! Will check back in when typing is less of a pain,..
  22. I'm here, kids! What a filthy fall so far though. Bad start-up to the semester, And PLL [now teaching as well as PhD student--insanely stressed[ with gigantic abscessed tooth to be dug out of jaw [emerg visit and all, still not de-toothed, but antibiotic'd]. Plus I've got cataract laser whatever Tuesday--they tell me it's no big deal, but I'm chicken. So right now, typing takes me ages, driving to school is strictly Jesus Take the Wheel, and I'm just about up to my limit. Sorry to bitch. But thank you so much for caring!
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