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A lackluster season finale and season. Not so much to that prediction from Pops for a World "Fucking" War. There goes their 401(k) now Ronnie is gone. Most of the setups this season fell flat. The writers put themselves in a corner with Howard killing Burke. There was no way they could write how he would answer for Burke's death after they showed him finding the recording on her in the car. Such a wasted storyline. They just decided to have Raq shoot him in the head the way he did Burke. Bye Howard. For 3 seasons, you never did any detective work or solved a crime. You wasted taxpayer's money! Should have handed in his badge and gun a long time ago. We finally get Raq and Ronnie face to face, no real dialogue between them to get some context to their beef and it ends with Kanan shooting him. Ugh! It just setup more animosity for Kanan to Raq as she killed his father. See ya Ronnie. I'll have a bowl of Honey Nut Cherrios in your honor! I didn't like Ronnie, but I admit he should have been around for next season to be a good adversary. That better be the "Ghost" of Unique. No way a person takes repeated blows to head from a pipe and is walking weeks later and well dressed. Nonsense! The two guards up front took their sweet time arriving after the first shot. Enough time for Marvin to get from the other side to shoot them. Can't find decent help these days. Worst assassination attempt in Power history. Raq is right there, they missed and then crashed into another car. Atrocious! Were these the same fools guarding Ronnie's warehouse?!! Why show the disclaimer for "suicide" this week and not one for last week with Gerald's death. The FBI was wrong about Gerald's death. It's on them authorities. They should have immediately arrested Gerald after the death/ taken his second daughter away and not have him go free to get drugs to OD. The FBI took the Biggest "L" this season! They tried to get at Stephano to no avail. He told them "FU" and maybe got them to buy some fish. They tried to have Gerald infiltrate, and it didn't work. They tried to follow Raq, and they stopped for some reason. They tried to go at Lou and told them to go home! Famous was next up and yelled "Lawyer". All this time I thought they had the goods on Howard and that wasn't to be. Waste of taxpayer's money! The FBI started the season clueless and end it more clueless. Tanner foolishly gave Howard "2 days" to possibly pack his bags, get a head start to leave Queens if he wanted to instead of "one hour" to provide answers. Howard left the police station, and they didn't bother put a tail on him to see him go straight to Raq's house. At least, they were successful breaking up Butta. Iesha coming out to Juke after she messed up her Butta opportunity! Butta is no more because the FBI talked to Juke about her family??!!! I can see if Juke was arrested for murder but just for questioning. Not making sense to me. In 20 years, I'm looking forward to the "What could have been...." documentary on Butta on YouTube! I had a feeling Lou was being taken to rehab. Next season, they need to do better with this character! I guess Kanan told Krystal to not keep the baby and that is why she was crying. Famous was so foolish to not get rid of the gun. His mother must have been doing some serious snooping in his room to find it. Then she went straight to the police instead of confronting Famous. Don't make sense! Damn Pops. Control yourself in front of Marvin!
I was surprised he didn't have a slice of pizza in one hand and the camera in the other. Seems it was just unnecessary humor. Not sure what his role will be down the line now that the brother got played/Raq won. Maybe Raq can get to the brother's "gypsy" to contact Unique, Def Con or Juliana (to see how she likes her new unliving arraignments). Iesha had plenty of opportunities to reveal herself to Juke. I could be wrong; I don't think she likes Juke any more than just friendship. It's like the show decided Lou's fate but just didn't have a good story to get there and came up with this lame plot. I think the FBI is playing Howard. Howard is next to Lou as having nothing to do this season. Maybe he will get arrested and get killed in jail. We'll see. Just mentioning Howard from Papa Bingham put Papa Burke on the track to Howard. Now Papa Burke will go back to Adina. She has some intel Shannon told her on Howard. They can piece the rest and go to the FBI. No drugs from Shannon to Nicole. Just improper contact from her after she was told she was off the case. Or run back to her office to pack her personal belongings and quit. I guess she'll just put "glowing "remarks about Raq/Kanan on her reports and never visit them again. Still, she could have flagged a cop or two to arrest Ronnie for intimidation. Guess it's not worth it on her salary. Me neither. Could Ronnie piece together Pernessa saw him and the "Bodega Lady" together, go after her to see if she told Raq and know she was the one that killed Julianna? Will Pernessa survive this? I can see him and Kanan stealing shipments from Joaquin. In Lou's drunk state he would think the stove and eggs are recording equipment. When is Joyce going to ask Raq when she can move in?? LOL Yes. It took a bad turn when Juke found out at the party he was dealing with Ronnie, Snaps and Pops and when Juke went to his apartment. Now, Krystal is going to further complicate matters. Yes. I don't think dive types like Krystal have other girls do that and risk getting shot by NYPD or arrested. I can see her brother or a boyfriend doing that. Pernessa had tears when the scene started (there must have been some impactful dialogue), so I thought that was from Raq confessing. It wasn't clear. How many motel room keys are giving out? Maybe Marvin was in the closet and came out when the lights went off. Right. Don't bother tell Ronnie and Kanan. But I thought he would act a little tough to Marvin though.
When did the FBI turn Gerald? What charges are they holding over him to make him spy on Marvin? He is just a drug addict or is there more? Gearld was so stupid mentioning the NYPD, Bulletproof records and mafia to Marvin who was so pissed. Marvin was holding the knife like he wanted to stab him in front of his daughters. Those girls are going to be orphans soon and Uncle Marvin better not adopt them. Marvin wants to help Lou and Raq had no interests. I hope a conclusion to this Lou storyline is next episode. All the drinking and lamenting this season is exhausting to watch. I am surprised it took Papa Burke this long to suspect Howard. I think the FBI is setting up Howard by having Ogden leak information to him. Whatever Ronnie said to Social Worker Walsh to scare her, I am sure he ordered her to go get him some "Honey Nut Cheerios". That is why she quickly ran away to the supermarket. She could have easily called the cops on Ronnie. Isn't she trained for any type of intimidation? Joaquin was exposed to be a lazy boss. He should have known what Juliana was up to if he had easily confirmed the truth after Raq told him. Joaquin is not running a tight ship. Julianna thought she had enough money to pay off Raq from killing her. At least, Juilana went out acting stupid. Writers trying to tell us Juliana had that "queen pin" inside her all along and was waiting to be let out after her husband was killed. I am still not buying her sudden, overnight transformation. Anyway! Good Riddance!!!!!!!!!!! Shirley tells Famous: Lou's equipment ISN'T hers but tells him he can use it if he puts in works around the bar. Huh! For a moment I thought Shirley was going suggest Famous do some naughty stuff to her to gain access to the studio. Joyce was so wrong for making that pitiful, atrocious toast and eggs. I have a feeling she is going die while there is an attempt (from maybe Snaps and Pops) to assassinate one of her kids. Did Raq confess to Pernessa she was sleeping with Unique? All those people on the subway platform and none to help Juke. The next train must not have been that far behind for Juke to get and not be so late for rehearsal. I was surprised Juke held back and not knocked out Krystal at rehearsal or waited for her afterwards. So, Krystal has some crew down to whatever for her. Let's see how long this will go on with Kanan. The look on Raq's face seeing David melt down to his brother was funny. Marvin the voyeur, mailman, photographer can now walk through motel walls and not make a sound??? How long was he sitting there watching the two? The courier guy Marvin searched, was so quiet, so pleasant and didn't put up any resistance. Did he bother tell Kanan/Ronnie what happened. I guess they would have fired or kill him for this.
Last episode, Lou went over Scrap's mom to confess in a drunk state/weep and weep more, didn't drop Raq's name to her and Scrap's mom didn't think it was necessary to ask his drunk ass who shot her son before going to Detective Peng!!?? But she thought it was important to run to Peng with the important piece to the news. If Peng approached Lou, he can easily deny. I thought she would be better at this CI game. Scrap's mom was better off letting someone from the street handle the Thomases. Howard tells Peng: FBI agent Tanner wanted to see him and Peng almost climaxed! Peng thinks he is big shot now that the FBI wants to get him involved. He went home, told his wife how valuable he was today (let's celebrate). Peng is a terrible detective to allow Howard to talk to his CI. Did Peng bother follow up with Scrap's mom on the information she told Howard. Peng just believed everything Howard told him. Now that she is dead, I doubt incompetent Peng, Tanner or Captain Baptiste will connect Howard to people dropping dead after they come in contact with him. As predicted, Juliana and Ronnie on the couch. She was tried to get a "rise" to no avail out of comatose Ronnie. Didn't Ronnie move out of Unique's house? Why is he bringing Juliana there? Of Course, Pernessa will get this back to Raq about the "bodega lady". There goes Juliana putting evil thoughts in Ronnie's head again. I thought Pernessa was going to be killed. Is Shirly an enabler? Never hear her tell Lou to stop drinking. She had two bottles in her hands when she went to see Lou in the studio. I am sure they weren't all for herself or storage. Please don't let us find out Kate Egan is the mother of Gerald's daughters and getting Gerald hooked on drugs. Gerald is a terrible father, where is that social worker that went to Raq, to pay him a visit?? For a junkie, Gerald's house is somewhat clean, his daughters seem fine and he can keep a job. Are those girls in school (as to the reason they have no homework)? Did Iesha/Pukebox clean her mouth after puking??!! Later she kissed Kanan with that junk mouth at the movies. Oh no! Kanan will be the downfall for Butta. Poor Nykiah. They never had a chance. Good job Krystal putting "D" before the group! Poor Kanan just wanted his "Other Popcorn .....Butta'd". Sorry bad pun! There was no one else in the theater to tell Kanan and Iesha to "STFU we are trying to see the movie!"?!! I am not sure why Kanan was giggling/laughing when Ronnie said Paul pissed his pants on the couch. Kanan has to sit on that couch. How long will Famous last being back home? Foolish Quan telling Raq his business is sophisticated. Raq cracked the code in less than a day. Adina is not pursuing Howard? Way to keep Shannon's spirit alive. She blamed everyone else except Howard for her death. Not sure why it was important to point out the uncle was eating the famous #37? The # 37 didn't look appealing. No gratitude from Joyce Thomas for the amount for money Lou gave her. She wanted more. Congrats to Howard for his transfer, so he can get closer to FBI Intel. Not sure why Tanner is telling him "I will drop my pants for you"!! He seems SUSpicious! Could have kept it to a professional response. So far since Season One, has Howard done any detective work, make an arrest, wrote a parking ticket or solved a case???? Howard should be demoted not promoted!!
I had to look back at the first episode and it was said High Post was set on fire for "telling". Also, according to Unique: High Post and Ronnie had an agreement on where to sell on the blocks. So, did Raq setup Ronnie to go to jail with help of the dirty cop?? There has been a lot of devious doings to many people for many years from Raq, it surprising most of Southside Queens are not doing drive by shootings or firebombing her home. I guess people are too afraid to make a move on her.
He is so fragile now. A Ronnie party has cereal and water served. No music! I was relieved to see it was a Snaps and Pops party. Also, why are Snaps and Pops saying "Fuck Raq" too with Ronnie? What has Raq done to all these people? I guess it was all her husband's fault keeping her at the bodega and holding her back from her true position!! When is the last time Juliana cracked a smile? I think both will lie in bed expressionless afterwards.
Welcome back to "game" Raq. Your retirement didn't last long! One encounter with a plumbing problem has driven you back to Stephano's fish stinking arms!! Raq has to park on the street. She doesn't have a driveway and garage. How does everyone know where Raq lives? She just moved there! What did Raq do to High Post that Pernessa was alluding? Social Worker Walsh was easily tricked by Raq and Kanan. She is bad at her job. I can see the show being cruel and killing the social worker in some failed assassination attempt on Raq. Paul thinks he can make threats to Kanan. I think Ronnie is going to eliminate him. Why was Marvin allowed to sit in Butta's showcase? He should have been waiting outside. Gerald is going to mess up Marvin and Juke. He is going to dig into what happened to Toni and most likely expose Juke sexuality. Now Marvin is on the FBI's radar, Gerald is definitely going to be a part of Marvin's demise. Look at Marvin showing remorse, not making Juke's success all about himself. More to my suspicion Marvin is done this season. No one can be redeemed and thrive in this universe. What the hell happened to Lou? This grown man is completely pathetic blaming all on Raq. One conversation with Raq and he is back on the bottle, crying and confessing about Scrap's death to his mother. Lou just got her killed. Lou's crying performance left a lot to be desired. His acting coach should be ashamed. I would be VERY hesitant accepting an invite to a party from Ronnie and I'm not bringing Juke and Iesha. Just a gun. I don't know what that scary guy is up to. I laughed at that long introduction from Snap about Pops. Juke qualified for the Army. Decisions! Decisions!!!! For her! Juke looked jealous watching Kanan and Iesha. Nkiyah might faint trying to squeeze the blood, sweat and tears out of the girls. Kanan kicked Famous out Famous' apartment. Famous rented the place. Kanan probably expects Famous to continue paying rent. If Famous feels SO much guilt, go to the police a confess to the murder in addition to Raq's setting up Kanan. Also here is the real 411 for Famous, that song was trash. I'm sensing Ronnie and Juliana are going end up in bed. Something I don't want to see. Juliana has access to all that heroin and her cousin Joaquin will not get word or notice product is gone?!! Let's see how long her and Ronnie's partnership last. Mr. Meticulous Ronnie didn't bother clean up the Tailor Shop or hide the murder weapon. His fingerprints are probably on the pipe. "Giorgio! Hold my calls!". As if we have heard Stephano's phone constantly ringing!!
You are right. I forgot to mention, we got a glimpse of the meanness when Juke beat up the church kid for setting her up for Kenya. But there is another level for Juke to go. Also, I'm not sure how much Burke's death affected her.
Yes. The Army is the start but when will the bitterness, meanness from her happen. Juke has been smiling a lot. I agree it could start with N'kiyah. Maybe something will happen to Marvin. They have been getting along recently and something may happen to him to put her on a dark path.
I thought he was going to do something to her for Unique to get fired up. But now that Unique is gone and after the next episode, I don't think we will see Pernessa again (Unless she teams up with Raq to get Ronnie). Soon we have to start seeing Juke's transformation to that angry cop in Power 1. Maybe it starts with some disappointment with this group.
I think Ronnie set the record for consecutive episodes with a kill. It's 3 now. Or maybe Tommy holds the record. Unique the newly appointed, champion "Big Dog" just turns his back on Ronnie to be beaten with a pipe, tossed on the side of the road with the trash and got his chain taken. I guess Ronnie will go back to Julianna to tell her she was right about taking out Unique. That will be some strange team. Anyway, Julianna has to go. Maybe Ronnie will get her. Ronnie has been tailing Unique all around the city and can't figure out if he has any other work. He never followed him to Stephano or Quan. The car owner did not have a clue/sense to keep looking over his shoulder on a dark street with that car. Ronnie tells him nice car and he rudely ignores him. Then the gun comes out and his manners suddenly returns for him to hand over the keys. I was surprised Ronnie didn't shoot him. Ronnie steals a car and drives like a lunatic to Unique's house to ring the bell. Ronnie doesn't have a key to the house?! Later, he made his way in the house when Pernessa arrived. Demo slipped up saying Raq, which sparked the FBI to go back to her. I'm not sure why the FBI "Ruled her out" that fast in the first place and never talked to her after dead mob bodies were all over Queens and NJ. Shirley can't take the hint Lou is trying to quit drinking. She tried to get him Jim Beams and Lou declined. Then she did it again at the Open Mic. Only in the Power universe, police in marked cars can sneak up and suddenly appear. Why did the kid bother yell "5.0.". It's too late. Should have been said 5 minutes earlier. The cops only caught Famous. They didn't bother chase the others. The police are now catching up to Famous to question about Freddie's murder? What took them so long? Gerald is a hypocrite! He assumed Juke and Marvin are from the "wrong side of the tracks" and Marvin corrected him. Moments later, Gerald accuses the police of quickly labelling Deen as a drug dealer. As if Gerlad always knew the struggle/stereotypes. Why was Gerald pissed when Marvin left the diner. I think Gerald might write an article and expose Juke as gay and she will get kicked out the group. Unique can never enjoy his sandwich. Pernessa makes it for him and before he can take a bite; she is on his ass about Raq, he leaves and avoids getting hit with a glass. Of course, Raq gave grandma the biggest envelope. I'm impressed the crowd remembered how to spell Famous' name to keep along with the song. Does Juke have feelings for Iesha? I can see this being an issue between her and Kanan. Was the audition only for vocals and the judges assumed they can dance? Iesha is testing their nerves. She better get it right soon. I don't remember Howard doing much this episode. I hope Ronnie is not here much longer.
No real significance. We're just joking on that was all we see him eat so far. LOL. Evil Bee rubbing his hands together telling Ronnie the plans for the day. Thanks! I guess. I never thought anyone can do that on a form.
Now we have Snaps and Pops. Who and where is Crackle? Sexy Ass Urkel/prison muscles/Strong Silent?!! Pops has no shame around Snaps. They must be in an open relationship. I guess the writers wanted something flashy to start the show. I don't get the opening scene. A wild police chase. Jevon had to act like a clown on the road before the delivery and got caught. So, the police didn't follow up on the map, beeper and weed? He didn't snitch on Kanan/Paul but he still should be fired for not being trusted making deliveries. I'm surprised his legs weren't damaged form the crash. Paul will be killed or removed from the deal soon if he keeps going to Kanan with complaints. Gerald cleaned up really quickly for a junkie that was strung out for several days. Marvin grabbing his head was funny. Marvin and Gerald forming a support group. How nice. Not sure where this is going. I am sure Marvin can use the Village Voice to promote Club Vous. Raq was wrong to set up Kanan that way. That plan could have gone left if Howard did do his part. The NYPD must get a 1,000 calls a day and Howard just happened to be there to intercept Kanan's issue for Raq. Famous has to be a dead man now when Kanan finds out he let Raq in, planted the gun and took the money (like a good hoe). Him screaming "Miss Raq" was funny. So, no Feds surveilling Raq's house to take pics of her and Howard meeting outside? Raq didn't spot the surveillance van by Kanan's apartment like she did last week? Detective Ogden looked worried about Howard during the FBI agent's and Howard's talk. I think the FBI is on to Howard. Now the thought of cheating is in Pernessa's head about Unique. Thanks Ronnie! Who let Ronnie in to play Bingo and why didn't those people get up move away for him for a new table. I would have loved to see the scene of him entering the Bingo Hall. Bye Deen! I thought Ronnie was going to take out Grandma too. Damn! No more Vanilla/Strawberry Ensure, hearing aid supplies and Bingo for her. When did Unique start doing business with Juliana and Joaquin? Of course, Ronnie knew where to go to meet them. Juliana was giving Ronnie a long look. Maybe she wants a piece of Sexy Urkel too or use him to get revenge on Unique and Raq. I still don't know why she has a grudge against Raq. Wow. Juliana and Joaquin are in a scene other than sitting at the restaurant. Juke really expected Marvin to get up and answer the door while he is eating his cup of noodles. "Butta with an A"! There are so many jokes with that name. I guess the Focus group didn't really think through. But it's the 90s. N'Kiyah talked tough to girls in the studio but she was really nervous in Juke's neighborhood. She got out of the house without Marvin making a move on her? A diva, girl next door and tomboy. Seems like a successful formula. I guess when she said "boyfriends", Juke's being gay will be the downfall of the group or Juke's exit and they will find a replacement for her. Poor Shirley! Club Vous will be destroyed very soon by the Thomas family. Her retirement will come early. Get a maid service Lou. His place is a mess. Marvin can get on him about his "drunk tank" smell but not the foul odor from the apartment. Relator Stuart has a big mouth. He ran to Officers Roland and/or Buckley after Raq made the offer. Either they will be dead soon or on Raq's payroll. I thought Ronnie was going to kill Unique in his sleep or when he was showering after being told "He ain't shit". Raq, Deen/ Grandma, Unique all have a lot of fruit in their places, but they are never eating it. They prefer to eat pizza, a sandwich, drink Ensure and take-out food. That's a nice room and bed Raq set up Kanan. He shouldn't complain. There are so many product placements on this show. I don't think the other Books have that many.
Didn't take long for Ronnie "the NutCracker using a car door" to kill or assault the bouncer and steal his money. Good job not cleaning your fingerprints off the bouncer's car door. I thought he was meticulous??!!! I doubt Unique went back home after he left the meeting with the Vietnamese dealer (Quan). Ronnie was home admiring the Honey Nut Cheerios box, so how did he know Unique was going to see Raq and the time to follow him. Now Ronnie knows about Kanan, where he lives, and he is a dealer. I think the Honey Nut Cheerios Bee is supplying Ronnie ALL the information and times where people will be. Who or what prevented Ronnie from taking out Raq back in the day? Captain Baptiste is a terrible, clueless cop to not have any suspicion on Howard and the biggest gossiper. He just tells him about Adina pushing IAD. If Howard kills Adina, Captain Baptiste will still not connect the dots from Burke/Adina to Howard. Gerald is really "down" if Marvin is the first person he tells the kidnappers to call. Maybe he was hoping Marvin would kill them. For Marvin to go help Gerald, pay the ransom and not beat the two guy's asses was shocking. Raq is so paranoid about the Feds she makes a U turn and drives the wrong way on a One-Way Street. Giorgio really thought he could take on all the Feds with his little pistol. Feds made that BIG "Raid", and they had nothing on Stephano. Red Arowanas was their big play to get his attention. Really!!???? Already they are not looking good! I had hopes for them. First impression did not go well! There were dead mobsters at Raq's house, Bullet Proof records, Unique's spot in NJ and the Feds must have been told Sal's killer is black. The Feds first move was to apprehend Stephano and not question any of the Thomas Family. Ok! I guess! I'm surprised Famous told Kanan Raq gave them money and he didn't keep it all for himself. He can keep it with a clear conscience now. Famous couldn't hold the door for Kanan as they both were going back into the building after seeing Ronnie. So rude! Speaking of Rude! Unique can't hold back insulting potential business partners. He calls Stephano "Little Linguini" and then insults Quan on how he arrived in the US. Quan hates the Chinese and most of their food but has a Chinese wife. "Can't help who we love"! Unique should be weary of a guy that can't peel an orange quickly. You know you're in the wrong club if "Young MC" is playing. I would have thought Raq had a key to Marvin's house. She had to ring the bell. I felt Raq's disgusts with the two hairdressers talking and not focus getting the job done on her hair. Barbers do that all the time too. So annoying. Now we know where she learned Spanish. Was the arrogant girl lying or was she the first person the judges picked. She must have been really impressive to be told before all auditions concluded. They couldn't tell Juke at that time she was on stage after her 30 second audition too??!!! Why did they put "Jukebox" on the audition form and not "Laverne"?!!?? Lou gets released and the first place he goes is back to the bar and not to audition. Unless he thought it was over. So much for being there for Juke!!! For a moment, I thought Shirley Beaumont was making a play for "Lou Train" with innuendos (My "Door" is always open, I'm a lover not a fighter..). I guess the line is drawn with her by not helping Lou get out of jail/drunk tank. Did the ignorant guy not press any charge on Lou? So, Lou discovered Das EFX or Das EFX 2.0? Of all bars/clubs, why would they choose her place to showcase?
She is gone! Never got to see her "One Hit Wonder" dream come to be!!!!!!!!!!