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Everything posted by fauxphysician

  1. Yes! This sad series finally has my attention again, thanks to these two episodes. In spite of the stretches/recons, LOVED the focus on Mr. Kaplan. Always one of the most interesting characters --for me-- Hope it wasn't a fluke, and that she continues to best Red ...for a few episodes at least...tho, knowing how this seris rolls, we know who/Red will have to triumph in the end (it'll be sad, tho typical, if it is Liz who has to kill Kaplan in order to save Red....wouldn't be surprised) Something else that wouldn't surprise me , at this point, if they somehow "undead" Liz' Mom, and bring her back to meet/reunite with Liz et al. Maybe as a cliffhanger should the series be renewed??? Small point/question-- I remember seeing severe burn scars on Red's back many episodes/ recons ago. Do others??? So I've always assumed that it was he, in the house fire
  2. Bah! Huge JB fan that I am, this is a task too far. Cardboard characters, cookie cutter scripts....just cannot .... Sorry, JB! Here's hoping you land something else/ more worthy of your abilities ("Proof" really wasn't that bad after all!)
  3. Thanks for the correction , Lady "C"; this Show doesn't need any additional angst!
  4. Question-- what happened to the storyline about Callie's half sister getting into the car with the weird, driveway painting hermit ( whose dna didn't match that found on the murder victim) who was stalking Callie and mistook the former for that latter? One of the cliffhangers from the first half of the season that seems to have disappeared
  5. Milburn Stone--I do get your point, and respect it, but am glad for Sam's approach. She actually pushes my anger into action, and I need that. Things cannot be business as usual...."democracy will win out in the end"....let him/them have a chance.... I Think that their chaos is intentional and part of a planned , systemic upheaval to our system of government from which there'll be no turning back if they are allowed to succeed. So to Sam et al, keep pouring it on!
  6. Yes! We all need a laugh or two at his expense right now, BUT the focus MUST be on 'the other stuff'....possibility of treasonous activities, unending conflicts of interest, ethics issues, emoluments clause violations, to cite just a few. Oh! and let's not forget his cabinet nominees and personnel appointments. "Deplorable" doesn't describe em; 'despicable' does. Oh! Sam!! we've missed you
  7. Given what reality will be like come March (assuming that drumpf is still soiling the Office by then), I look to this Show for some more fanciful escapism --one request: more "Nikita" for Maggie Q and less Inspector Gadget please my prediction about who was shot-- the VP. Wounded,maybe even in a coma, but not dead. That way the current s/l can advance (he becomes more sympathetic and harder for Hannah to discredit; his wife can continue to exude evilness; etc etc)
  8. Almost a month now, and each day brings new threats to our freedoms and attacks on decency-- and it isn't even January 20th yet! I've set up my budget so I can send a little something monthly to causes in the struggle....my clothing resembles that of a Native Woman's Jingle Dance Dress, thanks to all the safety pins I'm wearing.... But I still have to look UP, to see Bottom Desperately need a Sam Fix to help me channel this anger that continues to grow (and maybe counter at least a bit of the despair I'm choking on)
  9. Soooo nice to see that HRC didn't need the 20 minutes of prep (by him or Michael Moore) that Bill Maher had suggested. "...that blond woman..."--- what IS her name? Sam's 'correspondents' have all been impressive, but I think she has the potential to be the next break out star
  10. I surprise myself by continuing to watch this show, when I so dislike the Phil/Tandy character. Nothing about him is interesting nor amusing; he takes me out of every scene that he is in. The concept and the cast are the draw for me, but probably not for much longer!
  11. Having watched "The Bridge" (and loved it),it was hard not to keep comparing the two as I watched The Tunnel. (Major plot points identical; execution of same differed). So it'll be interesting to see if the Tunnel's second series follows the Bridge's.
  12. Onions?? allergies??? Mist in the air???--hell no! I was flat out bawling. I've loved the show from the start and weathered its growing pains with only a few complaints. With the cancellation announcement I decided to tape these last four episodes and view them all together. Was okay till Jon appeared.....sigh It is ironic that the show's gotten so much attention and appreciation these past fwe days. I think Jon's right-- the conversation Larry started is far from over.....IF we can keep it going
  13. Yes!! TWO TV Critics Association Awards nominations!!!-- one for Sam, herself, and one for the Show. Much deserved recognition Whoa! No new FF till mid-September? errgggh! Feeling separation anxiety already!!
  14. Seinfeld gets an Emmy nomination and NOT Sam??!!! Ludicrous!
  15. Yes!! TWO TV Critics Association Awards nominations!!!-- one for Sam, herself, and one for the Show. Much deserved recognition
  16. Oh, Sam! I/we needed that! Just a superb episode-- and Jon!! When oh when will we start to see his HBO project?
  17. I remember another person of color-- the woman who served as surrogate for Sarah and Helena. Of course she never made it out alive of the episode in which she appeared. I have to comment on TM's performance in this episode-- is there anything that she cannot do/reach/achieve as an actor?!! She is truly amazing! Now we know that she do musicals-- poorly, distractedly, on purpose as Allison flounders about ... And then reach in and NAIL it!! ..as she learns that Donnie's out of danger . Truly outstanding
  18. Yes they should have saved the song for the end, over the credits. The audio was off--and her tendency to swallow the mic didn't help--not being able to understand what she was singing was my first ever Full Frontal irritation
  19. Since Nashville has never not embraced every cliche it encounters, I'm still waiting for the 'maybe' pregnant from Maddie's one night stand with Luke's son! (Because I also have no sense of how much time has elapsed since that event.) Maybe that'll be the end of the season cliffhanger?
  20. -- in TN anyway/for now, but alive and offending in so many other States! And Kasich!! The fact that his condescending rhetoric is indiscriminate--offending men as well as women ("coeds" as he'd say), doesn't make him any less an extremist. I expect he'll be the Party's pick for Veep. Another terrific episode! TY Sam et al
  21. John Oliver's Show continues to delight me, but as a to-the-left-of-Ted Kennedy Liberal and card-carrying Feminist, "Full Frontal" really delivers. The material is so well-written (and delivered!), packing more intelligent ( and FAIR!) satire into 22 minutes since Jon Stewart at his best. What a great group of writers! ---Incidentally, Terri Gross interviewed Sam on "Fresh Air" last Thursday ( April 7th) The podcast is available at the NPR/Fresh Air web site. I promise you'll enjoy
  22. And talk about, "returning to form"--- outstanding!! Maybe THE best episode yet! (tho I seem to think that each week) Thank you Sam
  23. Chuck is such an odious person, I don't understand why Wendy would marry and have children with him. The S& M relationship with him I can see, but not a marriage , life, and children. Maybe that points to really not knowing much about her
  24. I echo --and applaud-- Maraleia's post! As a Lesbian in a long/committed relationship who has raised children with her partner, I 've watched this show from the get go largely for the portrayal of the Steph and Lena relationship. Have been willing to tolerate all the teen angst and drama (some of which has been painfully familiar!) to see a Lesbian couple presented in a positive and realistic way. I realize that I'm not the Show's target demographic, and that it's pretty sad that one has to latch on to a teencentric series to see lesbians leading basically happy and healthy lives....but....frankly, they're losing me. The whole Braille thing and plot overloads are making it more and more difficult for me to continue.
  25. Poor Jack-- he was never much more than a plot device to pound into us the evils of the foster care system ( as well as the first hints of Justina's true agenda). I wish more had been done with the character.
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