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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. And another piece of the puzzle falls into place for MM - taxes.
  2. Thanks Chicago - I'll do it this morning. Now is the time - not in a week or two, it would be too late. Thanks again!
  3. There is no way Whoopi, Joy, or Sunny will do the deals. Plus Sunny is the Senior Legal Correspondent and Analysis. I hope it will be MM hawking that crap. Let me know.....I never watch that segment.
  4. Thanks Lura. I watched it after your post. I live in the overgrown woods with lots of windows and needed sunglasses for her hair.......and dress (I know, top) and boots. It has to slay Bobby and Giada to work with her.
  5. Anyone have the contact for the View - we need to email them and complain right away- too much Trump (indirect) nepotism, a senator, an ambassador and a fil under Zinke? And explain no problem with Ana or Tara or similar.
  6. If Abby is hired I will not watch - she is a bff and ride or die friend of MM. She works for FOX. Her dad is our Ambassador to Russia. ETA - Aaaagh - this means MM is not going anywhere.
  7. Did I miss something? Why was it Ramona's responsibility to ensure Bethenney's menu, or even Tinsley's that planned the trip? Beth wanted her butt shot on the floor of the bathroom, imo. "Stars" and crews were so concerned. Not.
  8. I always liked Van Jones but then I grew to realize he is trying too hard to please everyone. Nice guy but boring. Like Anderson Cooper that is similar yet has the guts to ask the questions that need to be answered and has a panel that discusses interviews as well. VJ is just a light and fluffy show that I don't watch.
  9. Well - now there is room for Ana and Tara - and I don't mind that at all. And I am a lib. They could even share a job since both are on CNN. I remember the years they went through "auditioning" for the job for months at a time and hated it. This time it seems seamless. Most of all it would make MM stfu about being the lone R.
  10. I enjoy Ana so much I would love if she would commit to just Fridays and an occasional fill in spot. Rather than not see her on the show at all.
  11. I think it is Regis that has an apartment in the same building as Alda. I'll miss Sara on this but may tune into her show with Strahan. Not sure is this is a promotion for Paula though - it is not like she is going to be on 20/20, have her own show, or the evening news. Very vague. In addition she is going to do a faith based podcast. The miscarriage affected her badly she said and I think all this is a way to work on her own terms and be with her family more.
  12. Really - MM got off unscathed even if she was ignored and not acknowledged by JP. Not even a mention of her dad. Except to cry out I am not a TDS person. Also not acknowledged by JP in any way.
  13. I doubt Whoopi actual spit at her. I can understand being so angry spittile, just not actually spitting directly at JP. But that statement sure ramps this up for damage control for The View and ABC. JP is so deplorable she never should have been booked, imo. ETA - hope that makes a little sense.....spittle-ing is not the same thing as spiting at someone.
  14. Yep, let it go. What a bad idea. As I see it (I think at the moment) MM tried to keep herself safe and it could have worked. Except when she made sure JP knew she wasn't a TDS person. Seems to me she threw all the others under the bus. Let them speak for themselves. And for not liking labels she sure throws them around. Fortunately she is on her way to Az today. Yeah! And no way they pre-taped the show today after the fireworks.
  15. Pirro told Ana she was not here to talk about what Trump is or isn't. But she sure managed to through out Trump Derangement Syndrome, Obama, Benghazi, the missing emails etc.
  16. The parts about the ankle was rediculous. She could wander around the house. And could have taken a cab to the restaurant. BTW - notice no wheelchair there at the table. Jim dandy later. I one spoonful of something could provoke me lying on the floor once I would know to ask what is being served in the future.
  17. HT's should be scorching tomorrow - Icing on the cake - that Judge being there, lol.
  18. Perhaps the producers had something to do with this "lunch" and Sara was not included since she and MM don't clash. This is not something Joy wanted to do, imo.
  19. Man, it would take 3 shots to have lunch with MM, then about 3 wines with lunch, and probably 5 stiff drinks to get over the fact that I did to pass out from the ordeal. Imagine sitting a foot or two away from her and she starts shrieking and yelling. I just couldn't do it. Not even for Joy or Sunny.
  20. IMO no matter what damage control the show is doing - it will not work. Especially after last Friday and today was Tuesday.
  21. Really Charlize - since the photo was open faced. Not sure why she can't call a strata a strata or a casserole. Probably has never been to a french restaurant in NYC or Aspen or to France. Or studied how to make an omelet. Guess she doesn't watch Ina.
  22. Why not braise the potatoes with pot roast? "Pimp up"....oh my, lol. Sugared cereal for chicken strips?
  23. I loved the segment with Ida Keeling!
  24. Unfortunately, I can not get behind MM. Happy she is outraged in the moment. But imo it won't last. Shouldn't she be explaining why trumpsters are still supporting him? Yesterday should never have been such a shock to her. Yet here she is all about Trump Derangement Syndrome and gas lighting, pulling daddy in and bragging about being an expert on politics, everything Russia etc. Pick a lane MM. Yesterday she tweeted about the girl meeting Taylor Swift 3 times in addition to on the show. And it was all me, me, me - I did this! BTW - notice who is not making a production of it - TS.
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