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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. How weird the tops must need extra space to accommodate boobs.......and look funny if you wear a bra. I'm confused but have no worries.....lol
  2. Awww come on - the pop. of the world is 7.7B. 195 countries. Most live in Japan. ROTFLMAO
  3. Really Apprentice. Abby has a friend! That has a start up in Silicon Valley (?!) They had dinner! He can't have women around him.....blah, blah, blah something about glass between them. Rules out drinks with the work crowd or meetings alone.......
  4. Ok - is this just me? All the co-hosts except MM accept Biden's appearance greeting respectfully - but MM could care less about a major problem of his right now by (paraphrasing) I'll hug him on stage, off stage, anywhere. Always about McMememe.
  5. I have health issues, and the last thing on my mind is twittering when I am not well. I might snooze or watch tv - but not at all interested in tweeting or chatting with people. Especially for 2 days like MM did on time out, imo.
  6. Hmmm - not the first time MM has been in time out. LOL - MM was tweeting like mad during that time and binge watching shows. I tweeted her husband why he wasn't taking care of his new wife (the second). I was blocked, lol - worth it.
  7. I'm thinking MM's dad was in Dc, or traveling internationally. And had political friends (or even foes) to the ranch. On occassion. Thinking he always insisted his infant, toddler, little girl and teen was there to soak it in and his guests were thrilled with MM - and oh so proud when she chose Art History as her major
  8. Hmmmm - Respectfully - MM is not a feminist so can't imagine why she would attend a woman's convention.
  9. Her job is to explain it all to us, as she has told us over and over. Because she was growing in her mother's belly at a Reagan rally? And she majored in Art History?
  10. Oh - and I forgot - Abby is not a new mother, sigh.
  11. Hey The View - try not to make Abby happen. Especially when she thinks wealthy friends should not give expensive gifts to a new mother and - as she did, gloat about it with Whoopi's super duper expensive bassinets.
  12. Thinking it is the advice from a certain person on his team.
  13. The Arizona Princess could not wait another second. Plus she needed to hug him despite......... And Joy wanted the interview to go well.
  14. Good grief - MM has not lived in Az since going off to college. She can love it but not pretend to have lived there since college.
  15. hmmm - she has not been home. Even to console her family......it is all about her Dad. Forget about Mom, grandmother, siblings, nieces and nephews (opps, they are kids and she can't identify with them). All about daddy. Forget Biden's first wife, their young daughter, their older adult son, - it is always MM and MY daddy. Nothing else counts and you will never understand.
  16. I'm old as dirt, although just 72. I've known men like Biden - ie a millionaire with a hotel and other business interests, and a Governor.....and others - older than me. I cannot condone them - but I can understand. Mainly because they were friendly without malice - and did not understand. Well - until the wake up call. But perhaps not even then when they were all men that were helpful to people and charitable. But none of them grabbed women and kissed them or grabbed their pussys or anything like that. Or had affairs. Seems to me Biden's mistakes and stupidity were made in public - hence the video and photos. BTW - I am kind of in the don't get in my space kind of gal. OTOH - Biden came in and it looked odd (but respectful) that he shook hands and then MM hugged him. WTH - let him be MM.
  17. Leave it to MM to make it all about her with her video of Joe comforting her. Outrageous! Guess what Meghan - Joe has lost a wife, a daughter, a son, his own parents.....and yet you can't get through your Dad even with all the resources you have at hand. No one has ever suggested you not love and honor your father forever.
  18. Thinking Whoopi's daughter does not work and take her OWN daughter to work - or her daughter's own kid that is a mother that takes her daughter to work. Not funny.
  19. I agree Tinker - MM will always miss her dad - but ridiculous to count the days. The days should, imo, leading your own life and family and honoring your deceased within that venue. Not counting the days and demanding people know she is John McCain's daughter! Like - he did not have 2 other daughters......and sons. And a wife, and still a mother. I can't imagine ABC/Disney when it comes to next year - the election year - and having bratty, insulting, combative, overly sensitive MM on the show.
  20. Whoopi takes Fridays off normally - unless it is sweeps.
  21. Blissful - unfortunately they do think they are good role models for their kids. Very sad.
  22. LOL - I read somewhere where MM was called Mcinsane. Good grief - if she wastes the interview crying over her dad tomorrow with Biden I am going to be pissed.
  23. LOL - I read somewhere where they called Mcinsane.
  24. Yikes - probably so many of the panel are rallying around Joy! Gotta agree. Joy goes, I go.
  25. I think Whoopi is beginning to care less about her pet and how she now sees MM is not popular. And I think ABC is beginning to see MM is not a great role model as a republican. Especially not next year - the election year.
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