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Everything posted by Chloesmom

  1. Don't quote me on this but I think you could see Joe's sphincter tighten up when Meek's mentioned George Conway being on the air yesterday . . . . hee. He must have been stewing yesterday. Good, maybe you should hang around the NYC studio more.
  2. What is this you speak of? He actually gets around to formulating a full question? Interesting . . .
  3. I love the smell of democracy in the morning . . . good grief what have we become and once again why are these two still on the air pushing this bullshit. Mika can bite me and my Big Gulp. Fountain sodas rule!
  4. He actually said this? Wow, I guess Joe's looking for Bloomberg Bucks . . . wow.
  5. This is the top I was referring to in the MJ thread. It's on the top 3 Instagram posts on her account:
  6. Oh no it was Joe that was low key, she looked quite pleased to be there and I am sure she had to change her outfit for whatever extravaganza she flew up there for. I didn't see what she changed into, I wonder if it's her new KYV outfit (I'll try and post something from her Instagram in KYV).
  7. Mods, please indulge me for just a moment but I have to say: GEORGE FREAKING CONWAY IS ON MSNBC????? Wowsers, no wonder Old Country Lawyer looked so bummed today.
  8. Ok, I gotta say with all the fantastical stories that have flown around out of this administration this chick with the faux Time Magazine cover is just the best. Someone needs to speak with them about their "extreme vetting" process . . . 😀
  9. Hee, yes I saw that Sulking in Florida Scarborough flounced back on air just in time to help break that endorsement. He's very low energy today, must be stewing about Williams/Wallace anchoring the impeachment coverage. I wonder why the Mrs. is in the NYC studio? Must be a fast breaking KYV update. It's good to hear from Rep. Ryan. I wish he could have gotten more traction as I would have liked to see him in the final group. Coming from the Midwest, he speaks to me.
  10. I have a sister just like her. Used to fly into fits if we talked about Project Runway too long (meaning 60 seconds). Unless they control all aspects of their surroundings (especially things that may distract from them) duck and run.
  11. Or they could stay an extra 10 minutes and watch Stephanie Ruhle and Carole Lee break that John Bolton story spilling the tea at a Goldman Sachs speech he gave "off the record". I know they have plenty of supplies to take notes but I have to say with all of those important phone calls from around the world they are always fielding I would think one of their rich pals woulda slid that tidbit across the table at them.
  12. And boom goes your dynamite, nicely done young lady! 😂
  13. I am a big fan of Admiral McRaven and am so glad he is laying waste to the myth that the upper echelons of the military have to keep their mouths shut. I admire him greatly and thought he did a good job of trying to figure out what Joe was trying to do in that segment.
  14. Oh goodness I don't know freddi as to be honest I mostly listen with less than half my brain depending on who the guests/topics are at a given time but that sequence does fit the timeframe. Joe just looked completely stunned and had zero comeback while the Hans is lucky he and The Mrs. weren't in the same room as I am sure than pen she was clutching would have gone straight into his jugular. The last time I saw her with such unchecked rage was many years ago when she and Heilemann got into something and they both looked like they were going to launch themselves over the table at one another. Joe quickly stepped in, separated them and threw the show into a break while Halperin just sat there with that smug, satisfied grin of his. This hasn't been a great week for book launches has it? And I never, ever would have thought that the attacks would come from the right. Amazing times we live in right now.
  15. Thanks for this teddysmom as after the discussion, I strolled over to this Twitter feed to see how many high fives he was getting and you can tell just by his header page this is an accomplished young man. Apparently MSNBC wasn't angry with him yesterday as every time I tuned in (at least in the morning) there was Hans in all his wonderful glory . . . snort. He must be relieved he won't be invited back to chit chat with those two clods any time soon.
  16. Holy cheese and crackers why wasn't this disclosed before? All the times they have discussed Bloomberg and this tidbit slipped their tiny little noggins? Good grief.
  17. Huh, I see no Hans Nichols this morning . . . Bummer.
  18. No kidding but I am so glad this is being covered because I think most folks aren't even aware this is a thing. I see it a lot on Twitter but it's good to highlight this movement to the general public and not just news junkies. Talk about yikes.
  19. Well it does specify it's a "quick meet and greet". I had heard about many other personalities auctioning off full lunches/dinners things like that. I guess Joe's too busy fielding those phone calls from around the globe to spend more than 10 minutes with someone who has now bid over 3k (but I guess actually seeing them in NYC as opposed their den is a bonus).
  20. Woah, I see Hans Nichols knows how to light up the Scarboroughs. Earlier in the show they were talking about soccer and then moved on to Nikki Haley. They threw it to Hans who then asked Joe something about some obscure football coach(?) and then launched into his thoughts on Haley and "whatever you talk about on this chit chat show" . . . boom! Joe looked like somebody kicked him in the nuts and Mika like she was going to snap her pen in half. It must have made them furious because now Hans is trying to "clarify" his comment after they came back from the break. Tattletales. Needless to say we'll never see him again on the show.
  21. A couple of weeks ago I noticed MSNBC started showing new promos for various shows. All of them showed the hosts actively doing their jobs (interviewing/getting the story/sprinting down the hall mike in hand). The Scarborough's had a nice shot of them sitting in their living room (please note I haven't seen it since). They will always be the "One of these things is not like the other" MSNBC offering.
  22. Gosh I'll admit it, those video clips of the Berlin wall coming down made me cry. Didn't even mind Brokaw being on which for me is huge. So I see Isaacson is there to join in with Joe and Brokaw for a meeting of the Old Know It All White Guys club soon to be adding in Bloomberg. Sigh. I actually like Bloomberg, of all the billionaires he is in my top three but dude your money could be so much better spent. You're not going to be president, not everyone gets to be an astronaut. Throw that money at helping people pay for electricity, food and health care.
  23. SNORT. Seriously, there is just no end to these people.
  24. I couldn't agree more. If those two were removed from the show I wouldn't touch the remote as I too love Willie and Meacham. There is a lot of talent out there, MSNBC just needs to utilize it.
  25. It's nice to see Joe and Kanye collaborate as both are in dire need of counseling/medication.
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