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Everything posted by Chloesmom

  1. That is some serious horseshit there. I wonder if she took into account she may have added a couple of pounds when she upgraded the girls . . . .
  2. Speaking of Barnicle, I haven't enjoyed a show opening like today's since I can't remember when. They started with SNL's Democratic debate sketch which was brilliant, so many great cameos and then they cut to Willie and Barnicle sitting uncomfortably close to each other which Willie noted and it flashed in my head Mike's become Meeks!` From what I saw of today's show, it just really highlighted how the overall discussions are so much better without those two chiming in/interfering. I don't know where they are and I hope they take the whole week off as I am sure they have to rest up after having to be in NYC last week.
  3. Meow Alert: I just figured she had OD'd on Botox and had to sit a couple of months out until it finally released. Seriously if she pulled any harder on her eyes they would have been on the top of her head.
  4. SNORT . . . I am so glad Donny Deutsch has his finger on the pulse of America whilst lunching at Barney's every day.
  5. Could you imagine having to edit down this mess for the final 30 minutes before they really return live for the triumphant end of the show? Truly, they don't pay them nearly enough. So am I.
  6. I just have to add one more detail . . . it was a three piece suit and the vest had a COLLAR . . . good grief, he couldn't have looked more cartoonish if he tried. I used to feel sorry for him as the consistent part of the show was always the Scarborough's dunking on him but I have not enjoyed him being on these past couple of months as he is always finding excuses for his wealthy friends. Well I don't, Please leave and take that ridiculous suit with you.
  7. GAH yet another reason to hate Comcast (like I didn't have enough already).
  8. They should have a WWE style belt or maybe Wonder Woman cuffs instead.
  9. That video was jaw dropping. I was stunned when I first saw it.
  10. Oh no, my boyfriend in my head Clint Watts looks like he got dressed in the dark (he usually is spot on). Clint my friend that is not an on air jacket. And apparently Joe leaves the opening of each segment to Willie while he sits there making 8M a year probably racing back to the set . . . blech. Oh those upper tax bracket snowflakes . . . 🙂
  11. Ok apparently I am not done. I guess Joe is upset about the new pronunciation of Kiev. I saw an unbelievably touching video of a woman from Kiev explaining that the altered spelling/pronunciation was to celebrate their freedom from Russia (and also a subtle FU to the same) so Joe you'll just have to get your grammar from somewhere else than the frozen foods section of the grocery store.
  12. And in my final rant. I wake up to the chyron of something along the lines of Pelosi says we have to go forward with impeachment to save the president from himself. That is some old school shade and if that woman was born 20 years earlier she'd be president right now.
  13. And yes everyone was glued to their TV's before Alexander Butterfield spilled the beans on Nixon's taping system and John Dean decided to provide color commentary to fill in the rest of the blanks. Geez.
  14. Meaning her KYV dress didn't come back from the cleaners in time for her to put in an appearance this morning?
  15. Ok, somebody help me here. How on earth do these two jerks and their sorry band of merry men rack up those numbers as there are so many really good, informative programs on at the same time? I will be the first to admit it is must watch TV at the top of their first hour but after the first 60 seconds (of me snarkily taking attendance) all bets are off. GAH!
  16. Oh goodness is there a screaming font because if there isn't one should be developed as this is just the best article EVER! I too am a huge fan of Soledad especially since she is so consistent and methodical in her thoughts and criticisms so her scorching of the Coo-some Two-some is notable. Eliot, thank you so much for posting this, it made my whole night!
  17. I completely agree, I only bopped in a couple of times but each time Joe seemed slightly behind the curve today like the entire morning was a surprise to him. As one does in their daily work routine.
  18. Thank you for this meowmommy as this is exactly how I feel. I would never, EVER take advice from a network talking head that has a useful last name in terms of my career. Glad she got a new outfit out of the deal but for the life of me I can't imagine why she thought this was a good idea.
  19. And now I am just being mean but I will never tire of this picture as it so encapsulates the Scarborough's. Jesus Christ I will never understand what she was thinking when she agreed to pose for this horror of a photo that will live on in infamy:
  20. Wait . . . wut? . . . wtf . . . what is this? What is this I'm Going To Plant My Organic Herb Garden garb when she has preached dressing for success? Seriously I am so confused. I am a woman over 55 that has been completely run over in the job market because of my work history/taking care of parents but I can guarantee you neither of the outfits shown above would be my first picks for a job interview. Seriously MSNBC . . . seriously?
  21. Absolutely, just ask bulk book buyers/groupies. #1 with a bullet my friend!
  22. You know, the real reporters. The people that do the heavy lifting. The people that actually earn their paycheck. Those people need to read their next contracts better because this clown show is beneath them.
  23. Ahhh a rare moment when I am sorry I missed that. And my company was a victim of Bain Capital so no thank you Deval Patrick. Take your ill gotten gains elsewhere. eta: you clueless twit.
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