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Everything posted by Chloesmom

  1. Hee, Speaker Pelosi is going to be on Morning Joe tomorrow. What's the over/under on how long it takes Meeks to hit her with "you really have to join one of my KYV seminars" as I find it hard to believe that a little old impeachment process would slow her down or penetrate that noggin of hers.
  2. Seriously, we are just days away from her wearing his high school letterman sweater on the set.
  3. Seriously, I was waiting for someone to yell either "Bingo!" or "Yahtzee!".
  4. I know, me too! I flounced off once I realized the first half of their last hour wasn't going to be live (like news isn't breaking every five minutes right now, ugh) and when I wandered back I was treated to a full Brady Bunch screen full of the tops of everyone's head . . . 🙂 eta: Apologies if that half hour was indeed live but since it didn't have the usual LIVE box in the corner of the screen I assumed it was the usual.
  5. I heard they rebuilt the Concorde just for them.
  6. Wow, looks like a packed probably last hour as it appears MSNBC is assembling their coverage for the day: Morning Joe‏Verified account @Morning_Joe 1h1 hour ago Thurs. list: Jonathan Lemire, Jeremy Bash, Josh Lederman, Jon Meacham, Robert Costa, Ed Luce, Benjamin Wittes, Jeffrey Goldberg, **Andrea Mitchell, Bill Kristol, Claire McCaskill, PM Imran Khan, Eugene Robinson, Ayman Mohyeldin, Chris Matthews, Matthew Miller, Nicolle Wallace ** No wonder Mrs. KYV finally coughed up a congratulations to Andrea Mitchell cause you know she's sitting right there.
  7. So Joe is snickering about Boris Johnson cavorting with an underling during the day while his former underling is parked next to him. Oh the irony . . . (plus Meeks was so rude to that British gentlemen in her attempts to get past that particular topic).
  8. The Free Range chicken was a great line but I haven't been a fan of his this week. He usually doesn't go as far down the rabbit hole as he has been doing. Disappointing. And yes I was pleasantly stunned by the Todd interview. See, follow ups aren't fatal.
  9. How cow Mom and Dad are in da house! Must have taken an emergency flight up to DC to personally supervise the Ukraine coverage and a grateful nation says thanks (but seriously no thanks). Those two don't deserve Robert Costa who is his usual brilliant self.
  10. SEE, they do have calls just pouring in from around the world asking for their advice. Yes of course why not. It isn't like Speaker Pelosi is busy right now . . . good grief.
  11. Oh I didn't know Joe had a hand in Donnie landing that show but I think you posted earlier today about that music fest at the end of the show (that he must have snuck out to tape since it wasn't even live). Good grief they are down to like one hour of live "news" time with the rest either replays or their vanity projects. I caught the tail end of Meek's shoehorning in KYV, was she encouraging De Blasio to sign up now that he threw in the towel of his vanity project?
  12. I happen to see the whole thing live last night. I know everybody thought Rudy was in the bag but I have seen "Go-Go Juice" Giuliani and this wasn't it. There was no slurring or sweating, just a lot of flailing and throwing in incendiary names to stir the pot and deflect from the topic at hand. I too am no fan of his but I found a lot of the comments to be a little out of bounds. Speaking of which, it was just cruel of Joe to remind Donnie his show had been cancelled when he's sitting right there at the table. Not cool. HEE, the Gods of Air Time smiled on me today and I literally missed him by seconds. They did have a quick shot of him in his little grey cable knit sweater. Adorable.
  13. Yes and thank goodness they have good cell service where they are as apparently those world leaders are still blowing up both their phones last night and today. Sure Jan.
  14. So De Blasio choses their show to announce he's ending his campaign. And the honors just continue to roll in . . . Then it's a good thing they didn't play the EP version of their exchange as it was rather clear Ingraham wasn't kidding in her shots at Hannity.
  15. Thanks for bringing this back, a classic and a huge snort fest.
  16. Apologies as I haven't watched the show this week but according to Morning Joe's twitter feed I believe the gentlemen that was on is Jason Johnson who is a professor of political science and on MSNBC quite often. And Rep. Hank Johnson did a stellar job in the Lewandowski hearing yesterday. I enjoy watching/listening to both.
  17. NO. Just stop it already. Nobody is peeling off any Trump voters. Not gonna happen. Everyone is fighting for those that voted his way before but are maybe not so happy with their lot in life right now as they are still not "winning".
  18. Yes. Oh yes. I agree, Joe has rumblies in the tummy over Elizabeth Warren gaining ground.
  19. Exactly. Good grief those two . . . thank you for finding the words.
  20. Seriously, you need to knock this kind of talk off as I will hunt you down and move next door to you . . . Cheers! 😁 Words cannot express how much I miss Don Imus . . . sigh.
  21. THIS ^^^^ And apparently someone pumped additional money into their ridiculous remote studio and now we are treated to their ever so professional scrawlings on those tablets of paper they have splayed out in front of them (and please make no mistake. I love physical documents but I also love well organized notes/thoughts/points written online and then printed out so you can make notes on the physical copy). Good grief they don't even try anymore and shame on MSNBC as there are so many talented, hardworking folks that could fill their timeslot.
  22. Do ya Oakville? Do ya really? . . . snort! They barely show up and when they do they are incredibly rude/dismissive of anyone on the panel which has to be tough when I am sure said panelists want to scream back at them "you are barely there for your own show!".
  23. Yes this exactly. Well said my friend and I agree I don't feel so alone. God bless.
  24. Oh does he mean like they are now? Good grief. THIS^^^^
  25. No Teddysmom it was at the top of the first hour of the show as that was all I watched. And apparently didn't listen to very well as I can't tell you what they were bickering about. I'm glad I missed the glee over the flub about his own son as that must have been so painful for all involved and disgusting for those that found it funny. Good grief he's a child that is growing up in the internet age and will read this if he hasn't already. That's why I literally gag when she coo's and awwww's over babies and then chuckles over something like this. She is so revolting.
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