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Everything posted by Chloesmom

  1. Sigh, it's the new way of life for many cable news shows these days . . . boo.
  2. Oh goodness the Gods of Tee Vee Viewing smiled on me and I bounced back just in time to catch these commercials . . . I couldn't stop laughing, they were both so great and no Meeks to ruin the mood . . . wicked smahrt! I hadn't seen the SNL one before and that clip with Casey Affleck holding that cigarette out the door and then arguing with the Dunkin Donuts manager about whether or not he was smoking in the establishment was just genius! And please forgive me as I am not a huge movie fan but wowsers that Chris Evans . . . yikes!
  3. Seriously, WTF? Holy cow, if I didn't want to hear from the other panelists I would have jumped ship after the first 60 seconds. Even Meeks looks she wants to run out of the breakfast nook (she's actually leaning away from Joe).
  4. Seriously, these two are just so completely gross and so greedy. Neither one of them comes to play unless it involves pushing their latest project/narrative and if not, Meeks becomes the hall monitor and Joe just wanders off into their lanai. What a waste of millions of dollars with so many other folks that could ably take their place in a heartbeat.
  5. It would be nice to bump that timeline up a little . . . GREAT post, thank you for this!
  6. Because the backseat is just so much more comfortable. The nerve of this Newt Gingrich disciple (until he realized he didn't want to go down with the ship) who ran for an additional term and then for a still unexplained reason quit is mind boggling. And they renewed his contract . . . ugh.
  7. Oh noooooooooooo . . . Meeks cackling over Joe's opening remarks . . . for heaven's sake Mika KYV and make it stop!
  8. Plumbago this is the best post EVER!!!! Just hit reset . . . oh ok . . . . UGH!
  9. Ok, I finally watched the video and seriously? I am 63 years old and I can tell you these things never happened to me but to be honest I am intrigued about the boob coming out at your workplace. Seriously . . . wut? I agree, Danielle looks like she is involved in a hostage video as clearly Meek's delirium rules. I AM NOT OLD, I AM VERY RELEVANT.
  10. I also want to give a huge shout out to the EP and team that pulled those so informative clips from yesterday's proceedings. Great job of focusing on what's important which can't be easy with those two trying to shoehorn in their particular . . . things. Great job!
  11. Oh and watching live coverage reminds me of something that made me gag earlier today during MJ. Garrett Haake (who I think is a good reporter) mentioned that the only person that didn't have any papers on his desk was Mitch McConnell for taking notes and said how intimidating that must be for the house managers. Seriously? Anyone is shocked he is sitting there glaring at everybody doing everything he can to throw shade at the managers? I would be intimidated with Chief Justice Roberts sitting directly behind me but McConnell with nothing on his desk . . . girl please. Again, this is no shade on Garrett as he was just reporting what he saw but of course the panel lapped it up with a spoon.
  12. No need as they were kind enough to act it out in all its glory on national tee-vee . . . ugh.
  13. It was his birthday today and when the group acknowledged it, Mika made it so awkward he finally shot the segment and put it out of it's misery. Lordy that woman knows how to clear a room.
  14. Me three. I rarely watch any of the MSNBC shows now as they are all so consumed with politics and are missing out on very important stories that impact our every day lives. Clearly not the lives of many of those parked around the plexiglass table but I want to hear about something other than polls and opinions.
  15. Thank goodness I didn't watch the show opener as those musings would have made my head explode although I too wish there was a time machine so we could go back to when Mom and Dad signed up for another few years and arranged for that offer to mysteriously disappear. All of our lives would be different too. Ok, I came in on the tail end of the Lev Parnas' lawyer segment and that guy is a riot. His twitter feed makes me laugh out loud pretty much every day although it has become truly stunning what passes for a lawyer these days. And thank you MJ for cutting away from the live feed from Davos. No disrespect but goodness how many times do we have to hear the same things and now Willie is disproving pretty much everything. Again. Ugh, just stop.
  16. Ok, to be honest this was the first thing I thought of when I saw that post:
  17. Oh Jesus no they have practice sessions for that mess? Teddysmom thank you so much for posting that as that will make me howl every time I think about it . . . 😂 I for one enjoy seeing such serious journalists enjoying their down time . . . snort. Oh my God. So clueless.
  18. Joe doesn't have to play well with others anymore as his pal Dan Abrams is more than happy t carry his water (and Chuck Todd is so yesterday!): https://www.mediaite.com/tv/joe-scarborough-devastating-impeachment-poll-shows-americans-know-trump-is-lying-but-will-gop-senators-listen/
  19. Exactly. This is Joe's moment to get all "Old Country Lawyer" up in there and yet . . . nah.
  20. XOQueen, thanks so much for your post. It was worth almost choking to death on my coffee earlier today . . . 😂 MeMeMeMeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeka!
  21. Oh that Dershowitz clip just now, ouch. I read about it this morning but actually seeing/hearing him . . . yikes. Can't wait to see him spewing that wisdom in the Senate well.
  22. So these two knuckleheads are once again droning on about polls while the big story that broke late last night are the rules changes. Good grief. Did mom and dad get a new table? Is Ikea having a sale?
  23. Great post Plumbago and bless you for writing what is rattling around in my tired little brain. Sigh. It's almost pathetic how she perks up when pushing her KYV crap during the show. Seriously, I would get it if she was in her 30's but she reminds me of a cat that drops a dead mouse at your feet looking for love when they run those segments.
  24. I couldn't agree more Kemper and this just goes to show that unless it is in the prompter she is pretty much clueless throughout the rest of the show aside from her tics and snorts. I truly will never be able to wrap my head around that these two are allowed to get away with such a sub-par performance compared to the majority of the MSNBC roster. Sincerely, I mean it. I am stunned their contracts were renewed.
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