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Everything posted by Chloesmom

  1. And I thought impeachment was going to be the most shocking thing of the day but I think the last hour being live tops it and bonus points I see the mister has dragged his sorry ass up to NYC. Breaking news! Oh phooey, now this I am sorry I missed . . . 😉
  2. No. Because no other employee would be indulged like this. Look I am the first to admit I have my issues with "girl power" as the worst hits I have taken in my career were at the hands of my gender but even leafing through her KYV tidbits she has got to be kidding. Be strong. Trust in yourself. Don't listen to this crap. You are far stronger than you realize and will appreciate it as you move through your career. Believe in you!
  3. THIS . . . for the love of God this . . . sigh.
  4. Please tell me these truly awful people haven't tainted my beloved Baby Yoda . . . I beg of you.
  5. Agreed, seriously, please just stop. Like her whole life has been predicated on who she was and what she looked like while others in the same set of circumstances somehow managed to fight their way through and claim their careers as their own. I truly am sorry I can't watch this show anymore.
  6. I love your posts Kemper but no, Mika is not on any spectrum aside from a narcissist one where she charts rather high. Interacting with people only ultimately interests her when the focus lands on her and yes she and Joe are very happy right now as they are still basking in the light of their "well earned" love (no matter what damage it caused to others) but trust me that will fade in time as it always does. Watch them interact with others. Do they truly pay attention to whatever is being said or are they focused on what they will say next/bring the conversation back to what they want to talk about? Joe is much better at it than Mika but neither could care less about what anybody thinks about anything other than what comes out of their mouths history be damned. Joe's snotting off about the president talking about MJ ratings was not completely true. If you looked at the tweet itself, he was speaking to morning shows in general not MJ specifically. The three of them just cannot stop hissing at each other and to be honest at this point who cares?
  7. I guess Meeks is only interested in the babies born to her female squad as she missed this update from Friend of the Show Sam Stein: Welcome home Harry! 👶
  8. I could have slugged practically all of them this morning. What's Pelosi supposed to do? She's not going to convince any more people about his misdeeds, criminal or otherwise as you can tell by the practically glacial polls. Oh yes Joe, let's have a Stormy Daniels week because that month went so well in 2016 didn't it? I am thankful for Geoff Bennett explaining what happened last night (especially cramming in those last minute amendments and then wanting to go to the party). I've worked plenty of 14+ hour days so I would have been glad to be able to sleep on a decision like that instead of the usual plowing through. Good on Nadler for that. No wonder Collins was extra screechy, he wanted to party . . . 🎉🎈 Oh good, up next more poll numbers . . . have a good weekend everybody . . . . click.
  9. That's because it didn't increase her value.
  10. Quick question, I tuned in in the middle of a rather spirited discussion between Rev. Al and Susan del Percio regarding I believe Giuliani. I came in in the middle not sure where it started or ended but Susan was quite pissed at Rev. Al. Did anyone see this exchange and fill in the blanks please?
  11. HAHAAHAHAAHHA . . . . aHHAAHAHAHAAHAHA . . . . seriously tee hee! Oh goodness those two really know how to stir up social media trouble . . . . sigh.
  12. I agree, I am disgusted by those that throw Hunter Biden into the mix in order to muddy the impeachment waters but to be honest I am not sorry that this sort of cronyism is being brought to the surface as this goes beyond the swamp of lobbying and into something that I feel hasn't been highlighted before. Family members flying under the radar is a serious problem.
  13. Oh good grief, as Donny's best buds are convicted felons I would most definitely take a pass on any and all of his advice. I have more than my share of issues with Biden but I beg him do not get involved with DD. Oh please tell me this did not happen Oakville I beg of you . . . ugh.
  14. Ok, I have to thank Rep. Doug Collins for clearing out my sinuses this morning as that clip of him complaining about democrats pandering to the camera while he's busy pandering to the camera made me snort my coffee all over the place. I thought Louie Gohmert was entertaining but this guy is giving him a run for his money.
  15. Welcome to my family. Nothing dawns on them unless it impacts their lives in some way and then they still make it be about themselves. It would never dawn on Meeks that maybe Kamala is just maybe taking a hit here as she is too busy building it into her vaunted KYV brand. They truly are clueless of the carnage they leave behind.
  16. "Bitter" Morning Joe . . . hee!
  17. I cannot believe Mika just announced Julia Ainsley's pregnancy travel ban starts this week (meaning she won't be flying up to NYC for a while) but for heaven's sake she'll still be on the air! Good grief that woman knows zero about personal space.
  18. Chloesmom


    I just want to say shame on MSNBC for their lack of live coverage over the Thanksgiving weekend. So many important issues not related to their usual scribe took place and they were showing reruns of previously aired shows and worse Lock Up. This is no longer a "news" channel.
  19. Google his background. What a gem NBC snapped up.
  20. Oh no my friend, I am so so sorry! I lost my Chloe four years ago and I still look for her every morning. Those furballs sure do leave an imprint on our hearts. Take care my friend . . . ❤️
  21. I guess for me is that I am tired of hearing the word "likeable" as it is totally subjective. I don't hear people using the likeable phrase when folks are in the top slots only to drag it out when their numbers slip a bit. It seems to me that plenty of people like both Warren and Sanders and I would bet it is because their policies appeal to them. I am tired of electing candidates with charisma as that isn't working out very well on local/state/nationwide elections. What made me grind my gears this morning was Donnie's insistence that Warren isn't likeable and then he finally came out with the fact that he doesn't like her. I have no problem with him voicing his opinion but he wouldn't let it go. Between his constant whining about Michael Cohen and those God-awful suit/outfits he's been sporting, I would be not unhappy if he took the holidays off and kept going. I used to like him a lot and would get angry when the Scarborough's would dunk on him. I don't know which one of us changed but I now change the channel when I see him coming.
  22. God he is insufferable today. I'm glad he finally admitted he doesn't like her. Jerk.
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