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Everything posted by Chloesmom

  1. Ok, what's up with Mika's left eye this morning? It's looking a little squinty. She must have caught it sitting next to the Mr.. Glad to see they made it back to the FL compound and I am sure the NYC studio is relieved too.
  2. Oh like Pelosi would ever invite those two to any type of event she is hosting, puh-leeze. Nope, Joe had a gig last night and everybody had a good time!
  3. And a huge thanks to the MJ EP who played that clip of Nunes trying to explain away those phone calls with Parnas. All that was missing was Jon Lovitz popping up behind him saying "yeah, that's the ticket!". Between that and Sean "what's his name Les Parnas?" it was TV gold!
  4. Agreed, if it is her interviewing style that tends to make you not watch the show I would urge you to tune in tonight for part two or catch Anderson Cooper this evening who will also be interviewing him.
  5. I dumped out this morning after Deutsch once again had to wax nostalgic on his bro Cohen even going so far as to say he's being fed chicken that is marked not for human consumption. He's in a Club Fed for God's sake, he probably eats better than me. I wish they wouldn't have him on anymore as that lie was just egregious. When Cohen was rolling in his previous life, he was a bully and a thug (and a criminal). I won't lose a wink of sleep knowing he may be eating Taco Bell grade chicken.
  6. Agreed. Her last go at the prompter was agonizing to watch even for her . . . yikes.
  7. Hee I voted for her grandmother's couch . . . 😉
  8. Ah, good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Lev Parnas Appreciation Day! Poor Joe, not only probably slightly hungover from playing rock star last night but now he has to be nice to Rachel Maddow . . . they probably have a puke bucket next to his chair.
  9. Ok I just took a really good look at today's follies on MJ but what on earth is going on with Joe's hair? Yikes. And love the fleece, must be a newer version available for purchase on MSNBC.com. So glad they are talking about healthcare. Not that it impacts any of them directly but for those of us that it does I more than appreciate it.
  10. Okay, knee jerk reaction to the MJ opening but what is up with Meek's sleeves? And so glad that Claire McCaskill is able to KYV after being thrown out of the senate when she wasn't running against a potted plant.
  11. This did a nice job of clearing out my sinuses this morning as I shot my coffee out through my nose with that little announcement. I have to remember when I am channel surfing to steer clear of MJ around 6:30 CST as that's when she seems to drop her KYV crumbs. Maybe she's hoping Gaga shows up at Joe's gig on Wednesday?
  12. Oh goodness Mika . . . seriously stick to the Tele Prompter. Well as much as you are able to.
  13. I'm going to have to go take a look but these aren't just any Republicans. Many support the Lincoln Project which is going to blitzkrieg those R's that seem to have lost their way with the attack ads they used to use on Democrats. It is high profile and well funded. Rick Wilson was the very first Republican I saw coming out swinging against Trump (and taught me the term douche canoe which to this day still makes me laugh out loud). It gutted me to find out he was the one responsible for that horrible ad against Max Cleland but he has been relentless in his beliefs on the current presidency. I have more than my share of issues with many folks involved in that effort in the past but I am 100% behind them in 2020.
  14. So no one is up and watching while the Scarborough's took the time to hop a plane to be LIVE from NYC? Ingrates. 😁
  15. THIS ^^^^ Seriously he is completely useless. Props included. Perfection.
  16. Because they are bathed in Eau de Halperin? Same access journalist tactics, not a fan myself either.
  17. Well I tuned in this morning and wowsers what a crew. Mika is in her furious note taking mode, Donny Deutch is wearing his "You Dirty Rat" ensemble, Jake Sherman looks like he has the sadz that he drew the short straw this morning in terms of attendance and Joe's theme for the day is to call everyone stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. This coming from a man who had to stop, back and up and restart his rant at least twice as he lost his place in the notes that were placed before him (there is no way he pulled those together). It's never ceases to amuse me that they have those two different cameras crammed into the breakfast nook (I know they need them as one or the other tends to wander off and it would show more on a wider shot) but when Joe really gets wound up and the cuff of his sleeve bounces into Meek's shot . . . hee! I think he also threw in a touch of Bill Clinton in there too . . . good grief this show is so messy.
  18. Oh goodness I thought it was just me. I wish her the best whatever is going on as Katy is one of my absolute favorites. She dragged Podhoretz all over that set by his Cookie Monster sweater . . . 🙂
  19. I would also imagine KYV is Exhibit 1 when any of them wimmans try and say they are not valued (and are being placed in next to impossible situations by those he-mans in the corporate offices). Money well spent as far as they are concerned. So gross.
  20. Including the one she bowled down the stairs?
  21. I swear if Marty Baron gives this guy one more inch of editorial space I am going to fly out to DC and punch him in the nuts. Good grief I am choking on the fumes from the whitewash of his and the Mrs. complicity in helping that "appealing but erratic" candidate get elected. You say you've known him for years Joe? Then you have seen/heard of this behavior and worse. Only a fellow narcissist would think the other would change and grow into their new responsibilities when they don't even see they haven't grow into their own.
  22. Oh phooey, I wanted to watch this but after being bored by Joe "But I wanted to talk poll numbers and now you're actually going to make me work" Scarborough, I decided to flounce over to F&F and was rewarded with watching a battle royale between Kilmeade and Geraldo (the clip's on Mediaite and it's a doozy). I know there is an article about Mr. Tipanovitch that just came out, I'll have to go find/read it. Thanks for the reminder Oakville! eta: for anyone else that missed the interview do not miss reading this article: https://floridapolitics.com/archives/314556-what-ive-learned-mac-stipanovich-on-donald-trump-retirement-the-recount-and-real-florida-politics
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