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Everything posted by Chloesmom

  1. UGH, that's when I bailed. I had had enough of Joey's Chucklehut for the day. Watching them mug and laugh through the opening segments when we turn our backs on the Kurds was it for me.
  2. THIS ^^^^^^ Coupled with the fact that said daughters wanted nothing to do with her when she first started playing footsies with her co-host. Great post THEREALT!
  3. Ok, you made me look (I have been having my issues with Mediaite as for me they are/have become the People Magazine of politics) but I do find it enormously enjoyable that during the hour they beat F&F in the ratings they weren't on air . . . hee Oh me too! Where's TMZ when you need them?
  4. SNORT! Bravo my friend! I just hope it's on tape so I don't miss it.
  5. Good. I hope they keep dumping on her. I usually don't wish ill on people but she is completely out of bounds with this KYV B.S. especially since she is of an age that if she wasn't a target of harassment in the workplace she certainly was aware of it. I am sure her connection with her father kept a lot of those slobs at bay.
  6. Joe fought long and hard to win his lady's hand and they truly deserve each other. Two of a kind. Wait until the seams burst and they hit divorce court. It'll make the Nathan/Giuliani divorce look like an uncontested stroll in the park.
  7. I don't know this was pretty serious, I wonder if U-Haul rents semis? And bravo on your take on Mika standing up to upper management and saying no especially since she has Joe's backing. She's on of those women that love getting involved with "supporting women" until of course one of those women run up against a male in her social circle and then it's "suck it sister".
  8. I love how she called Brokaw an old man and would never recover from these allegations. He's worth millions and the bulk of his career was over a decade ago. Sorry but folks don't want to hear from him anymore especially after so many woman came forward about what a treat he was to work with back in his heyday. Geez. I am so glad I tuned in this morning, this show is a delight and I definitely feel smarter and more informed then I did before the show. Willie and guests did an excellent job laying out those text messages and how they changed when they realized they were starting to be scrutinized and Ratner sounding another alarm that certain key sectors in the economy are really starting to sag (my only complaint is can we puh-leeze stop talking about how Trump voters aren't moving away from him? They aren't going to so just stop it already). So much news pumped out in the first hour. I can't imagine how many stories/segments get cut because Joe and his bloviating run completely over the allotted time(s).
  9. Wowzers this is money Oakville, thanks for posting it! Meeks must be quite the handful when she gets going. I love how she laments that a "deeply personal conversation" is now public knowledge. Uh, I think that ship sailed when you were screaming at Linda Vester on a public sidewalk and your husband had to drag you back into the house.
  10. Oh yes protect the little woman while he completely mows over any and all commentary she may have and then make up for it when he condescendingly says "Mika and I got a phone call blah blah blah " . . . barf.
  11. You know Eliot I would have agreed with this earlier in the day but I caught DKG on another channel and she was a breath of fresh air relating our current circumstances back to previous examples (as much as one can) but I didn't come away with the feeling like she was the history librarian like I do when she is on MJ. As is with so many previous MJ guests, they are so different and so much more interesting on other programs. Something inside of me snapped this morning watching their usual shtick. I now have zero tolerance for Joe bellowing over invited guests and sorry Michael Moore who clearly set up that volley over the net I don't think it's funny that Mika cleans out her purse when she is bored with sports. I don't think I can watch them anymore even just to see where they are located for the day or their patter. There is too much truly serious stuff going on right now and I need real information delivered in a sensible way. They are always behind the curve on early morning breaking news. I am not young (63) but I am tired of their geriatric responses to the scoop of the day (no one cares about what you did back in the 90's as we have the INTERNET now). Enough.
  12. Raises hand: Because she only truly associates with rich people (the rest are props for KYV) so yes everything is quite the sacrifice (as they may get working class cooties on her)? Please tell me you're joking and if so we really need a sarcasm font because I just can't keep up anymore.
  13. I love Joe Biden and I truly believe he is one of the most decent men in politics but not everyone gets to be President and there is a reason why he has tried and stumbled before. Joe is being his usual you know "faithful" self.
  14. I know right? Since she had to claw her way up from the mean streets of Manhattan and her dad's name was such a drag on her career . . . oh goodness she is priceless.
  15. Oh no, I didn't know Queen with Adam Lambert was going to be on! Goodness I have to go look for the video, one of my fave raves! ❤️
  16. THIS ^^^^ Seriously, the two of them act like they are doing charity/not paid work here so specifics don't matter.
  17. Oh geez no kidding. I know her hair was definitely wind swept but there were a couple of shots that really showed how her face was . . . wind swept.
  18. The first thing I looked for were those awful frayed jeans and tennies she wore the last time they flew her out to Iowa. With all the money these two make ya think they would invest in a good stylist but then again silly me like these two take any type of direction.
  19. I was thinking more along the lines of "I could rip your nuts off, toss them over the balcony and there wouldn't be a damn thing you could do about it Joe". I went the more direct route. I couldn't even bring myself to watch the interview as I love Speaker Pelosi and I know those two would make me throw the remote through the tee vee screen.
  20. Hee Suomi, that's why I always enjoy him because he's not only smart but funny. Between this clip and the time they apparently never tossed to him during his segment and Meeks snarkily said "Oh we forgot poor Sam" he looked directly into the camera and deadpanned "I don't care, I get paid either way". A tragedy there was no camera on Meeks to capture her reaction.
  21. Meeks is now clutching her clipboard to her chest and lo and behold there is the KYV logo in full view . . . shameless.
  22. I think for Speaker Pelosi, MJ has the higher cable ratings than CNN so they got the brass ring. I would imagine she'll be on other shows today. Oh Lordy, she is clutching her clipboard to her chest and it has the KYV emblem on it . . . so thirsty.
  23. Ugh, I hate it when work gets in the way of important things . . . 🙂 And that's my fave rave Sam Stein from The Daily Beast.
  24. Hey ho, it's Outdoor Joe! The show has been moved to the veranda with a nice shot of the Capital Building in the background to give extra gravitas. I never would have thought all we had to do is to start impeachment proceedings against a president to get those two to pay attention and participate. Meeks is sporting windswept hair to mark the occasion.
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