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Everything posted by Chloesmom

  1. THIS^^^^ I'm not even talking about the phrase "free healthcare" but geez folks are just looking for a fighting chance to obtain basic services healthcare. This is my angst with talking heads and pundits that truly don't understand the struggle of so many people these days.
  2. I know, right? That was jarring even for them and their usual antics. Ooof.
  3. Ah I see they have upgraded the Scarborough's breakfast nook to now include individual cameras in addition to the usual two shot (which is set at an angle that for some reason reminds me of the heat lamps at a KFC). You can tell it's Friday as Joe already basically told Meeks to shut up. Have a great weekend Joe!
  4. See this is where KYV fails. This tweet includes genuine life experiences as opposed to having to be pals with folks that can help you climb the career ladder. Katie Tur is authentic:
  5. I haven't been a fan of Maher in more than a while so yes I do see the similarities between the two of them. Both have interesting relationships with women that don't always work out so well for the other sex.
  6. I couldn't agree more. I just love hearing from folks that have never had to decide whether they can afford their medications that day mock Elizabeth Warren. I want to hang him from the bumper of my car with those ridiculous bracelets he wears all the time along with the unbuttoned cuffs (what is that all about?) and drag him around the parking lot a few times.
  7. Joe would not do well on a show where they expected him to participate throughout the entire show. Oakville, I echo those comments from our fellow posters. You are on fire today . . . thank you! 🌟🔥
  8. Oh goodness no kidding, it would be a bloodbath. If nothing else Joe KHA (Knows His Audience). Well aside from that rock star debacle . . . .
  9. Kemper my friend, please hope I never find out where you live as I would be on your doorstep in a heartbeat to join your lively and informed group. Bravo on all of you!
  10. Teddysmom I am glad you posted this as I was just coming to do the same thing. I happened to watch Katie yesterday and watched this segment live. So beautifully done and none of Mika's exploitation (I am still furious the way she co-opted Julia Ainsley's pregnancy announcement). If anyone should have started the KYV brand it should have been Katie but doing something like that would be totally off brand for her.
  11. Uh oh, looks like it's table for one in the Morning Joe breakfast nook and no mention of where the Mrs. is. Joe's hair looks like it has the sadz.
  12. The thought of Katy Tur (who is back starting today and looking fabulous) being asked to be one of Meek's KYV disciples is hilarious. Katy would chew her up, spit her out and make Mr. Meeka clean up the place afterward. And I'm glad Katy was spared the KYV baby treatment as I am sure she would have knocked herself out rolling her eyes. As for why Griffin puts up with these two, NBC has a reputation for being quite the boys club and who's better at that than Joe. I'm sure they find each other endlessly entertaining. Joe Knows His Value.
  13. Hee, between Joe's ensemble and that sweet little breakfast nook they are now broadcasting from I didn't know where to look first.
  14. This whole thing weirds me out too. I don't know how barfing in the bushes is a KYV moment. I can't connect those dots either. And as for why some of these young women are playing ball with her, I think we all had to be nice to people that probably made us want to throw up in the bushes to get where we wanted to go. For some reason, Griffin just loves Joe because most bosses would have canned him and the missus after that Halperin podcast stunt.
  15. And I have to remind myself to check out Morning Joe's twitter feed to see who is going to be on that day as I would have liked to have watched the Max Rose and the women that wrote that book about Me Too that is blowing up the internet today. I am truly sorry I missed them. I just need to learn to listen around good guests and ignore the rest of the static as I clearly missed some important things.
  16. Well maybe she can saddle up with Lisa Bloom who is getting roasted on Twitter today for that horrifying letter she wrote to Weinstein trying to secure a gig. Sounds like something right up Meek's KYV alley as ultimately it is all about moi and how I can make things better (and the rest of you just better listen up). #MeToo (except for Halperin and Weinstein cuz their friends of the show/couple).
  17. Ok, that's it. The new name for the formerly named Morning Joe . . . Morning Sickness hee!
  18. This was my reaction after reading that article. If he has the stones to go after Griffin, I can't imagine how awful he must have been to those interns/newbies and what's even more revolting is that those two still want to pal around with him and rehab his image. Unbelievable.
  19. Yep no kidding. I watched the first five minutes and then bounced for the day but the studio situation was different. What caught my eye was that enormous Starbuck's cup Meeks had parked in front of her. I thought oh look someone got her a nice little snack tray . . . the professionalism that wafts off that show is suffocating.
  20. Hee, but no this is an old joke that's been rattling around for a while whenever someone says our president is playing 3d chess the snarky reply is maybe but he's also eating the pieces.
  21. It's ok Landsnark, you can come back as they used a Sharpie . . . 😉 That was the best graphic of the morning.
  22. I hope someone who is more religious than me can answer in more detail but Mayor Pete was on the set and he was duking it out with Joe which sounded to me that if MP didn't agree with Joe then MP was wrong (and was probably going to Hell). As someone said a few posts up, I found the entire conversation extremely uncomfortable not because it discussed religion but Joe was trying to wrangle MP around verbally (and thank goodness I missed the Gun portion of the morning or I would have been frightened for his safety). Enjoy Mexico my friend, so lovely there! 😎
  23. No. It's better when they are either on vacation or on the road chasing down some pipe dream. I'm waiting for the KYV Super Mega Supplements and Hormone Replacement Therapy to be lined up on the desk next.
  24. Ok, I tuned in for Joe's Scripture Sessions. I don't know why he seemed to be ragging on Mayor Pete about his faith and how it applies to him but the mayor did a great job of bringing it around to practice what you preach as there will a reckoning (and that includes you fatuous fornicators at the table). Meeks is sitting like she has hemorrhoids.
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