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Everything posted by Chloesmom

  1. No, because he and the Mrs. fixed it and mind your own beeswax. Seriously, if you hit the show at a good moment it's worth watching but again I have been relegated to Dr. Phil and teen channels.
  2. I know and I so agree. I have opted for reruns on Freeform of Young and Hungry. Yeah I said it, fight me. Seriously unless you are lucky to catch a "good segment" for me the rest of the show is beyond frustrating as they are always a day or even two behind as they keep rehashing the same topics ad nauseum according to the Scarborough's topics du jour.
  3. NO. NO NO NO NO. NO. Magic broomstick . . . hee! 🤣
  4. Oh great, I'm going to have to wait for one of the breaks to see the contour job . . . eta: Ah I see it's a two-tone job. The basic angry streak under the cheekbone and then that glaring shiny highlighter on top. Clearly her make up friend is not in FL this week.
  5. Oh my goodness you need to trademark this as I am planning on stealing this all over the place. Perfection!
  6. My Woman from F-L-A, she makes me see My Woman from F-L-A, she's so good to me Rock on Scarbros!
  7. Another bullseye with Joe's political hair statement my friend . . . hee! I think the deal is, the show "originates" from their NYC studio but some broadcast from their DC studios if they are based in Washington. And we know the Scarborough's phone it in from their palatial estate in Florida. I didn't watch much more than 5 minutes today but it looked like the A/V club was at it again. Lots of people talking over each other without maybe realizing it until the delay caught up? It's cute how Joe keeps trying to include the Mrs. as they hand off to the next break/segment otherwise known as her one job.
  8. We'll have to listen in the background if you can hear "It's a Small World" playing in the background . . . hee!
  9. Exactly! Between travel, pre-climb instructions and training, decompressing after a grueling climb and she's back in no time at all? And perky! Yep I agree, I totally call bullshit. Oh thank you my friend but seriously this is such crap! Seriously, I want to see those Instagram photos (and of course those boots) . . . 😈 eta: I wonder how much of her gear has KYV embroidered on it . . .
  10. Yes this ^^^ thank you! I was thinking the same thing! You just climbed an enormous mountain (and took the fast track mind you) and you come back looking like you spent a week at one of those Switzerland clinics/spas? I would think your skin would take a severe pounding up there in the clouds . . . hmmmm. Now I really am looking forward to see that slide presentation checking for Photoshop.
  11. Hmmmm, ok I see. Never, ever expected to see the words "hot" and Mike Barnicle in the same sentence but there you go. Hee. Plus there is never anything hot about his takes and yet he, Brokaw and Noonan still get booked. Blech.
  12. I see a second career in PR for you young man . . . hee! Can't wait to see that slide presentation of her Kilimanjaro trek. I didn't know Louboutin made snow boots.
  13. Ok Oakville, help me here. What on earth is this? Please tell me this isn't for Barnicle.
  14. Ugh, I watched next to none of the show today but did manage to catch that gem. He wasn't doing his job . . . good grief Meeks, a little self reflection needed? Couldn't grab the remote fast enough. No kidding, I caught a couple of minutes of him and he looked pissed. He's one of their better regular guests, they should treat him better.
  15. Seriously, I may never get over this . . . I am literally crying from laughing . . . thank you for my first morning laugh out loud!
  16. So Joe wasn't included in that list I take it? Seriously, some day you just cannot take enough showers.
  17. Oh good grief who greenlit this mess? Oh that's right Judith "If I Did It;" Regan: Regan Arts? . . . so gross.
  18. And again THIS^^^ Geez that whole KYV is such a farce.
  19. Oh THIS^^^ Thank you for putting into words what I was thinking earlier today. Good grief are the only people that you can get to participate in this drivel the ones you can strong arm? Seriously, is this all ya got? Ugh.
  20. Hee, this is so great. Thanks for the laugh out loud! 🤣
  21. Boy that Halperin really knows how to light up the internet doesn't he? Yikes talk about blow back and now those pitiful excuses from those that participated. Gross. I'm just glad he won't be gracing the MJ set. Again, gross.
  22. So I missed the first hour of the show and was treated to a shot of Joe when I opened up one of my eyes. Lordy that hair. All that's missing is a tiara as that is some beehive he is rocking today.
  23. Ah I see the Happy Hiker is back . . . . 😈 Ooof I literally cringed when she was handing off to a break and said this. It's Kasie's first baby and I am sure she has many concerns but I would bet the first 100 are baby centric. I know she is ambitious but geez Meeks as a mother she was in such a rush to plug her KYV she buried the lede.
  24. Ugh, I was just coming to post the same thing may flowers. How on earth does this guy get a book deal????? NEWS … MARK HALPERIN has signed a deal with Regan Arts to publish a book called “How to Beat Trump: America’s Top Political Strategists on What It Will Take,” the publisher will announce Monday. The book is Halperin’s first major project since multiple accusations about him were published in the height of the Me Too movement in October 2017. The book will be released in November of this year. -- HALPERIN interviewed more than 75 top Democratic strategists for the book including Jill Alper, David Axelrod, Bob Bauer, Donna Brazile, James Carville, Tad Devine, Anita Dunn, Karen Dunn, Adrienne Elrod, Jennifer Granholm, Ben LaBolt, Jeff Link, Jim Margolis, Mike McCurry, Mark Mellman, Amanda Renteria, John Sasso, Kathleen Sebelius, Bob Shrum, Ginny Terzano, and David Wilhelm. -- HALPERIN has re-emerged in recent months, authoring his own newsletter, resurfacing on Twitter and appearing on Sirius XM with Michael Smerconish.
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