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Everything posted by Chloesmom

  1. Ok, I thought watching the Brits duke it out in Parliament was going to be the most amusing thing I saw today until I swung over to MJ and they had those photos mocked up with a Sharpie (mocking the weather map incident from yesterday). I don't know who on their staff does those things (along with those video mash ups) but they deserve a big raise.
  2. Oh goodness you saw it too????? Awful, just awful! When he started to reach over to grab her hand it was like in slow motion from some bad movie. It's like they don't get that no one else wants to see their "inside jokes" except them themselves.
  3. ACK I forgot the best part of Amy Klobuchar's segment! Apparently the Violence Against Woman Act is being held up because it has some gun restrictions in it and some you know non-female members of congress have a problem with that. Seriously? Ugh.
  4. Whineandcheez my friend I have been debating what about our angst was truly bothering me and I remembered that incredibly fabulous line from "Amadeus" when he said "there are simply too many notes" which for me describes Joe's tie. Too many notes.
  5. I am sorry I missed the majority of the block with Amy Klobuchar as I always enjoy listening to her and she didn't disappoint. She has a way of taking things that are causing angst, breaking them down into easily digestible pieces and I always feel better after listening to her. I also enjoyed the gentlemen that was on after her as he speaks in common sense terms, not soundbites. I have to look up his book as I think I would like to read it. Those two remain the absolute worst "interviewers" in the industry but if you listen around them, those that are willing to stand up to them and talk past them do a great job (oh and Joe trying to bait Mattis into giving him a little snark was priceless. Yes Joe, this distinguished, principled gentlemen is going to spill the tea to you).
  6. No kidding, another inglorious start to the show. I'm glad Meeks had her WP moment as I am now sure Mitch is going to get right on it. I see Joe is in Hurricane Hunter mode dispensing all sorts of "to do's" in order to help those folks in the Bahamas. They need water (great idea, check) and he and the Mrs. are going to write a check to charity (duly noted, check). And that tie he is wearing is an assault to my eyeballs this early in the morning but the show did redeem themselves when they showed that clip of one of my most favorite people on the planet the Speaker of the Parliament. That guy is a complete riot . . . orderrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  7. Yikes, so she actually said the inside voice stuff out loud eh? Sorry I missed that moment. Nothing like seeing a spoiled, rich woman who normally does her grueling 2 1/4 hours a day in her jammie bottoms hurl something so insensitive and totally lacking in empathy. Wow, those two must be an absolute riot after the cameras are turned off.
  8. It was Media Matters. I saw the article the Axios guy was referring to earlier today when he was on but can't find it now or I would post the link for those that missed that part of the show today. The jist of it is that there is going to be an organized effort to target certain journalists with past social media posts and it was like throwing red meat to the Scarborough's because they lit up like a Christmas tree. Seriously, I would donate a kidney to find out what the Clinton's did to those two that they can barely contain themselves at the mere mention of their names.
  9. I am going to take the extremely unfamiliar position of defending Meeks this morning as Joe is just completely unspooled. He must have taken up 95% of the conversation this morning. I didn't even realize Deutsch and Karine were even on the set until they had a wide camera shot of the entire table. She did try and grab the conversation back a couple of times but Joe just blew right through any attempts to steer the conversation away from him and based on her "now the show is six minutes behind" line she flung at him when they were cutting away to break I am sure Joe's going to have to buy her a nice size piece of cake to make up for his boorish behavior this morning. Or maybe he could buy her a new wallet as she probably ripped a couple of credit card slots the way she was jamming those poor cards in there earlier.
  10. You're a good man my friend Oakville but I think we all know Joe was born missing the empathy chip. As long as he's amused it's all good not to mention they have been inconvenienced by this too ya know. Goodness because they probably booked their flights late they may have even been stuck in coach.
  11. Snort, man they really pounced on that opportunity to dunk on the Clinton's didn't they? Yikes Joe was spitting fire about how the Clinton's used Media Matters to slime people (have no clue what he's talking about but I honestly don't care either) in response to the story about allies of the president combing through certain reporter's media accounts to use against them. Meeks was nodding along like one of those dogs you see on the dashboards of cars until she caught a glimpse of herself in the monitor and stopped dead in her tracks. Same thing happened a few minutes later, see it's good to come to a real studio with more than one monitor so you can see what we see and it shouldn't take a Category 5 hurricane to do it. Oh and to show her displeasure about all that baseball talk, she started rearranging her credit cards in her wallet. On the air. For everyone to see. Plus she has her purse stuffed into her chair with her with about 30 different charging cords sprouting from it. So thirsty.
  12. I'm kinda thinking his hair is hurricane proof. The only difference would be which side it was parted on based on wind direction.
  13. Genius my friend, I so wish they would do something constructive like this with their show but I have given up any hope that this will occur as it would interfere with their vanity projects. eta: I have been watching Dorian coverage and it never dawned on me once that it may impact the Morning Joe FL team. I am sure we will get a fresh update when they return to the air on Tuesday (you know, after the danger has passed or will they be broadcasting from any of their other remote locations).
  14. Ok frankly I am shocked as I thought it was another of her KYV publicity spots. Good on her and her daughter as that is clearly no easy feat and should be recognized and not to throw shade on their accomplishments MJ still needs a lot of help. A lot.
  15. Excellent point Nittanycougar.
  16. Yeah I give up. It was fun/snarky watching the two of them chase each other around (and I am ashamed of myself for saying this as to this day I can't imagine the pain they caused their families) but their 3 hour block has become a dead zone in terms of news/information. Same people, same topics, same takes. You know you've lost the battle when the Freeform channel is preferable to what you are offering.
  17. Oh ok thanks Oakville as I was wondering about this myself. This makes perfect sense. Not. I see I haven't missed anything these past couple of days . . . sigh.
  18. Joe would have had to conduct a tough interview to weigh in on this and he did not. Again, both of them looked like they had a long Sunday night which impacted their interviewing skills and for what their $30 mil-ish between the two of them contract this is the best they could come up with?
  19. I am sorry I missed this as I know I would have enjoyed it. Maybe JoeMika will rise to the occasion and oh I don't know do their jobs? This guy has limited abilities to be helpful in our current environment, for God's sake throw at his head as there is plenty to aim at!
  20. Ok, I looked up what this meant. It truly is a wonder that we are still alive . . . good grief.
  21. Wow, it really becomes obvious when you are not in the room and watching the screen. He stumbled through that interview and clearly missed cues from the director. They are really phoning it in today (but it did make me giggle as Walsh insisted on saying "Joe Mika" when answering questions. It sounded like we wrote his part of the script.
  22. Ah Joe Walsh. Another one of my state's (IL) finest. A fiscal hawk/conservative who was insulted when it was pointed out he was behind over 100k in child support payments. I don't know what he's up to but I'm sure he's going to make money on it. Good times.
  23. Hee a real Neil deGrasse Tyson that one is. The stupid that is going around these days is staggering. Always going for the cheap shot yet they howl when it happens to them. So gross.
  24. Just a reminder that CNN's Halston special premiers this Sunday. I personally cannot wait. I watched Joe Zee interviewed this morning and he told the best story about the hat that Halston designed for Jackie O for the inauguration. She had a hard time keeping it in place because of the wind and ended up denting it a bit and the next day the knock off designers copied the inadvertent dent. I love stories like that. Should be a great show.
  25. Including barely hosting a show in your jammies from the waist down (we can only hope). I have also decided this Kilimanjaro crap has replaced when Mikachu (tm TheView) would disappear to the "South of France" back in the day to explain her many absences. Seriously, they are just so gross.
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