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Everything posted by TimothyQ

  1. Did they ever show Travis Rosen’s run? I saw his name on the leader board at the end and I’m like “did I just miss it?” The prodcuers continue to baffle me as to what runs they will or will not show.
  2. I've liked Brendon up to this point; I mean, he's been consistent and just does his work with a quiet competency. But this week, he really grated on me with his "I'm better than everyone" attitude, even to the point of shooting "you've got to be kidding me" looks at Paul and Mary's criticisms. I'm really hoping Danny can pick it back up in the next couple of weeks and come away with the win.
  3. Same. My daughter and I always watch together and we do the "baaa" every time too. And comment on the ducks. And bunnies. And any other animals they show. So you're definitely not alone. It just adds to the charm of the show.
  4. I’ve loved Samantha since back in the Great Hotels days. Looking forward to watching this!
  5. And shots of Urban Chesntut beer on the shelves. Love those place setting details in this show!
  6. I've always thought they shouldn't just add up the number of medals to rank the countries but rather assign a larger weight to gold and silver medals. Giving a gold medal 3 points, silver 2 points and bronze 1 point, wouldn't change the first 6 rankings, but would have bumped Sweden up to 7th place after South Korea. Next would've been Switzerland in 8th, France in 9th and OAR would drop down to 10th place tied with Austria.
  7. Unless Ted, Lindsey, AND Mikaela are all on board for the team competition, it isn’t worth the risk for any one to be competing, only to come in 5th or something.
  8. This. I don't know if their last five minutes together was made better by all the time this season that they've spent apart or if it made me just really hate the first 10 episodes of this season even more because of all we might have missed out on. Regardless, I'm glad their storylines have finally come to a convergence. And I second the sweetness with which Lindsey helped out Paul. I just worry for her going forward.
  9. One of my favorite little things about most episodes is the Edgar cooking montage. This week's Jimmy cooking montage had me rolling!
  10. This exactly. The backstories are the same people again and again. The WWWA are the same people again and again. I don't mind backstories and I realize the reality of not being to show everyone. But did we EVER see Nick Cooleridge run? or Thomas Stallings? I guess they realized early on that since certain people failed at the finals it wouldn't be worth it to show them through the qualifying either. Very disappointing. And TPTB, please stop trying to make Alyssa Beird "happen" like you tried with Kacy. Just let Alyssa be awesome in her own right as a ninja. We don't need the attempt at a "sexy music video" for her. Ugh....
  11. Once again we see people flame out on the 2nd or 3rd obstacle when finishers are given the WWWA treatment. I mean, I like seeing people fall as much as the next guy, but maybe this is getting a little too much? Does NBC have a ratio of finishers to failures it thinks provides the best viewing experience?
  12. No, you're certainly not the only one. I just love when guys like that go out early, as they did. And that one guy than ran like a bat out of hell and totally wiped out. I appreciate the ones that respect the course; they always seem to be the ones that do the best anyway.
  13. Personally, I think they should've done the top 15 plus the next top 2 women. If a woman is boss enough to beat out a number of the men (as we've been finding that they increasingly are), they should add to their numbers. Michelle would've gotten in to the finals in that case.
  14. Please tell me that was not a typo! My feelings exactly.
  15. This. There's no reason to continually show sad-sack stories of people who can't make it through the second obstacle and not show the 8 complete runs there were. 15 or more finishers? Sure, you can't show everyone maybe and still get in the backstories. But 8? No excuse. Also, if I never see the Souter 7 again (or whatever their last name was), it will be too soon.
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