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Everything posted by Kroliosis

  1. Did you notice her hugging the pillow & cowering when Robert & PSG were arguing? Uuuggghhh just stop the act.
  2. Sarah is the only other person Juliana knows. I doubt she has any other friends.
  3. People grow apart. Shit doesn’t work out. People get bored & move on! Who caaaaareeessss. Divorces happen. I hate sarah.
  4. 9 months together? So Tanya lived in SA that long? Hooowwwwwwwe
  5. Are lacys boobs bigger? Gee her kids are With her dad? So unusual Maria would beat the shit outta her
  6. I need a pic of Maria with 42, dancer written below.
  7. Mmm seeing Chon & Josh would make my Valentine’s Day. Dear God what is wrong with me!?!
  8. I bet you Maria has a few kids of her own. So she needs to stfu.
  9. Omg. I’m amazed Sarah doesn’t get physical with that smiling mofo!
  10. Why is she contacting the father of those kids?
  11. As much as I think Sarah is a dumbass & embarrassing with that ‘accent’ her pain really breaks my heart.
  12. Alfred has the nerve to cheat multiple times on Antonio and then get pissed at Antonio for catfishing him? Not to mention Alfred looked nothing like his initial pic. Morons.
  13. was that kid(?) eating coco puffs Honey Boo Boo?
  14. No. They both needed to go to the court house to get the license. So fake!
  15. This last minute visa and marriage on the last day is such a crock of shit.
  16. Because she is black in Utah? (I tried to link your other posts, but you get what I am implying)
  17. They are called sippers. You open the bottle & put the "cup" on top. You can see the normal top of the bottle here. The guy looked super young and emaciated. Very creepy
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