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  1. Definitely not realistic but then again we wouldn't have a show if Belinda acted more discreetly upon finding things out. But yes I was annoyed with the reactions. She seems the obvious person as the body but I'm guessing it's not her.
  2. Almost three years later (just catching up on the show now) but damn...not Erika! I really was enjoying her character and the growing friendship with Chris...and then bam. @Danielg342, summed it up perfectly my feelings on the gut punch that Erika's death takes place.. "where the team is fighting white supremacists, no less." ETA...I will say I did find myself extra concerned about Erika since it was her first time joining SWAT. And then damn, the show had to go there.
  3. I like that idea @Kiki777. And the traitors in their talking heads would be acting like they're faithful to throw the viewers off.
  4. I wonder how things would've played out if Danielle had chosen Dillon to be the final traitor. Dillon and Ivar was pointing out that the final traitors had to be women. I believe had Dillon been chosen, he probably would've made it through and gotten all the money. Otherwise it wasn't that great of a finale.
  5. I felt bad for Carolyn when she said before being banished that she just wanted to have fun but being the traitor was no fun. She really did play a near perfect Traitor game up until that chess game. Danielle really is fumbling her way in this game and I totally can see Britney turning on her quickly.
  6. It was Honeypot's speaking voice that gave away that it was Cedric The Entertainer. They usually introduce the "one and done" singer last in the opening episode of the season so was surprised Honeypot came out first. But yeah I pretty much knew he was the one going.
  7. Overall the last season was fine. It was a bit jarring how they fast forwarded through Camille's pregnancy but then again with only six short episodes to tell the story, it's to be expected. The show pretty much telegraphed Camille/Ian being end game. I knew Mike was off from the beginning and was just waiting for Angie and him to implode. They used her success to get him to unravel completely. It's a good thing she didn't get preggers. I did like that they reunited Quinn with Isabella from Season 1. Feels like they're at that stage in their lives where they may work it out this time. Tye's story was probably the one I liked the least. I didn't buy that Eve was the one that opened Tye's eyes to her commitment phobic ways. But I suppose it is great that she'll finally talk to her family. I wish they could've added a scene where the family tells Tye "we already knew"...LOL. The baby was cute but yes she was no newborn.
  8. I liked it too. A little corny but it's cute. I will say I felt like Desiree initially couldn't given her father Harry some more grace. He seemed a lot more understanding of the transformation then most given the years apart. Given the current political climate, it's nice seeing a show like this getting a shot. And it has Telma Hopkins in it. Can't go wrong there. I'm in.
  9. Yup. It took me awhile to place where I've seen her before. The accent threw me off and then as I was watching, her character Maze suddenly came over me. I loved Lesley Anne Brandt's portrayal of the Maze character so I wasn't really feeling this character yet. They put the series on Netflix and my curiosity of the Rick/Michonne story bought me in after I abandoned the original once Rick left. So I was curious to check it out. I'm not sure I really understand what's happening but I'll stick it out.
  10. Ian's magical sperm for the win. That's all I have for now.
  11. That was definitely my assessment at that point in the series.
  12. Oh wow. I definitely will have to watch the France version. I'm guessing it's the first season. Will be interesting if the trust remains if there's a Season 2.
  13. Except for the height, at first I thought Bob the Drag Queen was reality TV Youtube personaility Funky Dineva. Funky wouldn't do it but I think he'd be interesting to have on the show. Looking forward to the new season. From past shows it seems it's better to start out as a Faithful and if you survive long enough and play a convincing "Faithful game" (because you are Failthful), then get recruited to be a traitor. Sort of like Alex Duggan of Season 1's Traitors Australia did. Of course a huge part of the plan depends on you being selected by the Traitors...LOL. I like now that the final 5 do not have to reveal if they're faithful or traitor when eliminated. That should make things more interesting and increases the odds for the traitors.
  14. The actress playing Gwen also played a similar type character on the L-Word almost 20 years ago (wow how time flies). Well she reminded me of her character in the initial bed scene. I was getting the sense that she had a different lady in every port...LOL.
  15. I found the series to be good mindless entertainment. I can only see Karen Robinson as Ronnie so when she mentioned having a place at some creek l, all I could think of was Schitt's Creek. 😆 But I pretty much knew she was the final baddie when she conveniently offered a remote creek for the kids to hide out. You would think Cross would've gotten an address though before sending his kids there. 🙄
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