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  1. I also didn't understand why the only options they discussed were both of them going or neither of them going. If they felt like their relationship was too fragile to spend six months apart, then Alexis could go for a month or two in the middle.
  2. The rich kid in Goonies is named Troy, and his father is Mr. Perkins. I don't remember Troy having a vanity license plate. (I thought it was SO COOL, but I was getting Troy confused with the rich kid in Adventures in Babysitting.) I think Night Cheese is right and it's simply a play on the Godfather.
  3. I knew that Dan and Julia were unavailable so we would have new hosts, but it looks like there is a new judge, too! Judges: https://www.cbc.ca/life/greatcanadianbakingshow/about/bruno-feldeisen-and-kyla-kennaley-judges-1.5147335 Hosts: https://www.cbc.ca/life/greatcanadianbakingshow/about/welcome-to-the-tent-aurora-browne-and-carolyn-taylor-1.5145600
  4. Steve and Robin stay BFFs. Someone gives Steve a hug. One of the existing (non-evil) adults takes Steve under their wing.
  5. I think that was the real estate (?) guy whose file Jessica found in Erik's closet. It was definitely made to look like there's a possibility that Trish and Erik are working together, but as Trish has a history of finding her marks via snooping through other people's things, it could be circumstantial that they were both there at the same time. To me, that scene could either read as Erik staking out the bad guy and coming across Trish already getting "justice", or that they were working together to take him down and Erik was just surprised at how violent Trish got.
  6. Poor, sweet Costa! I've really loved him this season, so I hope that things can work out with him getting a win (and not feeling betrayed by Jessica, because she needs a friend that isn't a disaster).
  7. I cackled at Jessica's immediate declaration of love for the new couch once Trish's mom criticized it.
  8. This is my least favourite villain trope, so I hope that they do something more original with him in the remaining episodes. I do like the asshole detection guy (preferably not as Jessica's love interest), but I am super not interested in Jeri or her storyline at all so far. Malcolm, do better!
  9. I really agree! (That was my nomination, lol.)
  10. I am willing to accept that hat ONLY if he continues to pair it with animals. :D
  11. I personally would rather have Sharon than Zemo (but neither for romantic interests, please). Although I recognize that he was the catalyst for the events of Civil War, Zemo's gripe was about Sokovia, which neither Sam nor Bucky was involved in, and I didn't find him that interesting the first time. I've also never read the comics, so I don't have any expectations of the characters other than what has been shown in the MCU to date (so: Sam being a beautiful sass machine and Bucky being tragic and long-suffering). Give me six episodes of Sam and Bucky taking down criminals and bickering good-naturedly, and I will be happy.
  12. Not at all judging the fear itself, but the protracted hissy fit came across as attention-seeking more than anything. So based on the times they showed us, Hunter is about 1.5 hours behind Theo at this point? And Wes is only 10 minutes out of first place? I wonder how Theo will do at eating, if that's one of the things they still have to do. I feel like it might be Theo's downfall (assuming any of them can move at all, after that first day).
  13. My understanding (based on Wes's speculation of how they were scoring) is that Mattie and Da'Vonne failed at the same part (swinging across on the rope), but Mattie was faster getting there.
  14. I am happy that Paulie won't be in the final, but that was pretty rough to watch. However, his sobbing about having failed etc. etc. was pretty over the top. Especially since that had to have been filmed at some remove from this, right? He held it together pretty well when he was actually being sent away. I wish they had said how much time they were given to complete the mission. Paulie must have gone incredibly fast to have fallen two (three?) times on the rope swinging part and then three more times from the top of the net in the same amount of time it took Mattie to fall once from the rope. Oh, Da'Vonne. So close! I hope she comes back, provided she can maintain her spirit. I'm rooting for Wes, and I think he has a shot (if Turbo, like, dies). I would also be fine with Georgia or Mattie winning. Probably Theo or Turbo as well, although Turbo has not been edited kindly the past couple of episodes.
  15. It kind of seemed like his position was that Ninja and Dee had wronged him, so he needed to avenge himself by putting them into elimination, and once that happened they would be even. (Even from his perspective. Dee clearly felt differently.) I don't know if putting Ninja into consideration counts as enough revenge, or if revenge is had in a future episode, or maybe Turbo just learns to forgive and move on.
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