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The Companion

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Everything posted by The Companion

  1. I think that is pretty much a rule for all reality shows so they can use older footage, but I suspect BB is pretty lax/willing to consent because they don't generally do so. I seem to recall an interesting article about this regarding The Real World and several members of the cast getting unsanctioned tattoos.
  2. I think this is right and it is what I admire most about his game. He knows how to keep his mouth shut. People don't like silence and they try to fill it, doubly so when bored. I don't think that means he doesn't care, just that he is intentional.
  3. Fuck you, Fessy. Grits are amazing. Well, if there is one thing we have established, it's that they have no clue how long competitions are going to last this year.
  4. I love everything about this post.
  5. This. She is young and otherwise healthy. Her restrictions in the first trimester would probably be minimal.
  6. She really was dying to tell him everything. She sounded regretful that she couldn't. Agreed. If they wanted to put a stop to her tweets, they would.
  7. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that she was crazy. *mug drop* Also, you gotta like put on clothes like some sort of classy person to avoid spatter. Or you can just pick up a daiquiri from the drive through daiquiri store. Wait, is that not a thing in the rest of the country? :) I have always assumed she is actually a source of controlled leaks. Like they don't want to put something out officially, so they do it through that handle or okay whatever she wants to put out. "Fessy, listen. Everyone has assured me you are safe. What can go wrong?" I started taking them after a bioethics in law class and you can absolutely tell the difference in my hair and nails when I take them. Oddly, taking the activated version of folic acid doesn't have the same effect for me, so it may be something else in the vitamins. ETA because I realize the connection wasn't made here, we read In re Baby K and talked about some of the birth defects that could be caused by a lack of folic acid such as anencephaly and I started taking it just in case, despite being super infertile. Am I the only one hoping that Scottie mentions he has taken a bunch of condoms on the way out then looks pointedly at Hayleigh. It would drive Fessy absolutely crazy. Anything that makes him unhappy is A-OK in my book.
  8. I also agree. I suspect she just avoids uncomfortable situations in the outside world. She seems like the type to ghost someone rather than have a difficult conversation.
  9. I love the lioness vibe, but I think this is a rational reaction anyway. She says no, and he refuses to hear it. It doesn't matter if her reason is that she isn't interested or she isn't interested here. It drives me crazy. Honestly I always thought it was eventually going to come down to Tyler v. Brett for the first showdown. Both have the most relationships in the house and Tyler would be an idiot to try to sit next to Brett in the end. He doesn't know with certainty about the GBM. I thought Brett might make a move against Tyler soon, while he still could, but it looks like Tyler may strike first.
  10. The thing that it would be nice of Fessy had learned at some point, is that if someone is giving you mixed signals, there is a reason for it, and the decent thing to do is back off. Either they aren't that into you or you are being a creep. He is such a creep. She isn't great about setting boundaries but he has ignored 100% of them. Even if she is, she has told him no or not now multiple times and he has ignored her. That is gross. Watching them together makes me itchy.
  11. Knowing Fessy, they told him because they needed about three weeks to explain the rules to him so he didn't just place it in the middle of a table.
  12. We are in the process of an Embryo Adoption/Donation and people DO NOT understand what an embryo is. They seem to think embryo = egg? I do think it is kinda nice that Tyler and Sam seem to have a good working BB relationship. Tyler has advocated for her and she has kept her mouth shut about him. I can't say with 100% certainty where Tyler's loyalty lies, but I think Sam is pretty high on his internal hierarchy.
  13. I have never noticed it, but am now self-conscious that I have one.
  14. Maybe that is all part of Rockstar's brilliant jury management. Look, Bay, I tried to save you. You heard me. Nah, they are just idiots.
  15. sorry if I was unclear. I am stealing a joke from something someone said on Jokers.
  16. Fair enough. I guess I meant if she was my kid, I would be super mad at her for not being prepared (even though I would rather her not be banging a dude she just met on a reality show to begin with). True, though, that the DR probably would have given them the condoms if either one of them had the foresight to ask. To 100% steal this joke from Jokers: a double eviction is what we might get this week, assuming the pregnancy rumors are true.
  17. I feel like I would be more angry at her, honestly. Swaggy should have known better, but Bayleigh knew she had a latex allergy and could have brought protection just in case.
  18. If Bayleigh is pregnant and can't compete in specific competitions, does she suddenly become more attractive to keep in the house (despite her power)?
  19. Knowing AG, she already has Paul on a plane.
  20. It may very well be that Bayleigh will decide she doesn't want to continue in what looks like it will be the jury house instead of being outside. Alternatively, they are probably going to have to ensure she is getting regular medical care which means some sort of accommodation (not unprecedented as we saw with Christmas). If she is pregnant, she is still in the early stages. She is young and healthy and probably wouldn't be put under too many restrictions. That being said, I recall someone mentioning she wasn't sure she was even able to get pregnant. If there is a pre-existing condition that might affect her pregnancy, that also may be a factor. I suspect this will not be a unilateral decision by CBS, but instead a dialogue in which they try to come up with an equitable solution that limits their exposure. That may look like an agreement to let her keep whatever stipend she would be due but to allow her to DOR, or it may look like some sort of agreement with regard to allowing her outside contact to establish a relationship with a physician practice. I suspect it does not look like a disclaimer for the reason listed above (actually, a lot of states don't let you contract out of certain claims and those waivers you sign may be fairly worthless depending on state law). Agreed that it would be pretty fun to watch them allow her to DOR due to pregnancy and immediately bring back the most recently eliminated houseguest. I am doubting that would be the solution, though, given that Rachel is not in sequester. Still, the look on everyone's face would be so worth it.
  21. That is probably true, but I can say with two brothers and a sister-in-law who have MD after their names that medical school and residency require you to grow the hell up pretty fast. It is intense, exhausting, and completely consuming. I expect medical school would change her a lot, if she was able to stick it out.
  22. That is crazy. Looking back at my team, I have no recollection how I picked these players (and I am not sure I would pick some of them today), so I would probably write it off to blind luck over any real skill at reading players on my part.
  23. Agreed. There was a shining moment when I was excited to see what she would do without Swaggy, and then she got HOH and lost her damn mind. If she is pregnant, I wonder if some of those first trimester hormones are screwing with her.
  24. It is, but typing on a keyboard and typing on a phone are really different. I almost never use a computer other than at work, so assuming she doesn't regularly use one at work, I can buy that she is not comfortable typing on a keyboard. Hehe. I have the humor of a 10 year old boy and was giggling as much as he was. I appreciate her read on things and it was probably one of the few ways he would get put on the block because he can talk his way off. Yeah, either way it was pretty funny to watch. It wasn't really a throwable competition anyway. Angela went from being furniture to being an insufferable asshole pretty quickly. That self satisfied smirk about how Rockstar was going to have a breakdown, that comment about how she guessed the only way to be safe was to be HOH, that fake ass discussion with Bayleigh complete with a side glance to the camera? I want all the bad BB luck to set upon her, even if it screws my fantasy team.
  25. Ruth ziplining in was incredibly satisfying. I loved this season and thought this episode was a great ending. Dash and his impulsive decision to acquire a beard was completely unexpected for me, and I suspect it will end in a complicated manner, but I am looking forward to seeing where it goes. I agree that he is in deep denial. It breaks my heart. This show works because the ensemble is so incredible. I loved the final battle royale and the way everyone got a moment to shine
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