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The Companion

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Everything posted by The Companion

  1. Because it was on the feeds and not on the show, I didn't want to give details but it definitely made the news. Spoilered out of an abundance of caution
  2. I wish I could like this twice. I find it hard to believe that Rachel wasn't trending after making news for a conversation she had on the feeds. Notwithstanding that conversation, she seems to be kind and considerate to her housemates, so I did feel badly that she took it the way that she did. I think this particular punishment may be hard on her (given that she already seems to have self esteem issues) but I loved Sam's immediate reaction that Rachel would make it fun. So far, some of the housemates annoy me (Swaggy C), but I don't outright loathe any yet. I do wish Swaggy C would let some of himself come through the persona. I actually think he might be pretty ok every so often, like when he talks to Bayleigh one on one. Then he turns it back on and I am done with him again. I am happy to see him as a potential target. I would love to see a blindside, followed by Bayleigh getting to play the game without having to devote time to telling Swaggy C to cut it out. Tyler is really playing hard. It may blow up in his face, but it is fun to watch. I actually think he is a lot more fun to watch than a lot of the manipulators of the past because he actually does seem to care about the people he is working with. He reminds me a bit of Dr. Will or Dan, but I do think he is genuine. It makes for an interesting watch, to me. The comment by Faysal about the power screwing everyone's game up cracked me up because I don't know how anyone would be surprised by that. It is what has happened more often than not for the past several seasons. Tyler's power is best kept quiet. I think he has the right idea. Others could plan around it if they knew. His best bet is that they don't know that he has it, and therefore show their hand before nominating him. Given everyone's proclivity to tell nominees in advance, he may get some advance warning. I forgot to mention it last week, but the App voice is creepy.
  3. I have to give Kaitlyn credit. I did not expect this level of game play from her and I really thought she was going to be going after her "rivals" in the romantic arena.
  4. Yeah, I think it is remote (unless she gets jealous), but I really am not sure where she will land so it should be an interesting week.
  5. But it has to be by week 4, doesn't it? They will still get their drama. That was . . . surprisingly entertaining. Had you put odds on who would leave first, Steve probably would have been up there but the way he went out was really interesting. I don't really like Kaitlyn but I am excited to see whether she comes clean. I can't decide whether winning HOH is good for her or not. She is going to have to visibly pick a side unless she can talk someone in to being a pawn against Scottie or she decides to go against Sam.
  6. I block most of the HGs from my mind as soon as the season is over. Some of them I barely remember by the final vote.
  7. He is a recurring character in Henry Danger (which my kid loves), so I can't get rid of him. He plays a self-obsessed social media star who cares solely about how many followers he has. So, he plays himself.
  8. I read that as "doesn't" which made this comment way more hilarious/confusing.
  9. Good point. Maybe it is something where you get constantly disrupted. Like you have to wear headphones that will wake you up in the middle of the night or something.
  10. My guesses: - Re-Draw - exactly what you said. Re-draw veto selections. - Upgrade - I was thinking this might be a never-not or get out of Have Not pass. Basically you are upgrading yourself from Have Not to Have. - The Cloud - this one is the most mysterious. Could it be the ability to freeze something or reverse something? Something to do with back-up? - Identity Theft - Agreed. I think it is steal a vote, but it could be something like replace a nominee. The Crap Apps are: - Yell! (probably some requirement to yell something at various intervals) - Fake News - maybe you have to spread a rumor? Tell a certain amount of lies? - Read It - I have no idea on this one. - Hamazon (taken) - Spammed - requirement to eat spam? That seems a little close to Hamazon.
  11. I'm a lawyer, so that probably explains why I was so worried. :-P
  12. I agree with this. I don't think it is a battleback. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a power. Essentially, it has to be used one week (between week 1 and week 4) which has to mean it doesn't apply to all of them. It will probably be something like letting the houseguests choose a reward for a punishment (returning a houseguest) or letting her do something individually to get back in.
  13. She feels like a really straightforward and earnest person. You get the feeling she came in with a strategy of "just be yourself and everyone will like you." Not a power strategy for Big Brother, but better than some I have seen. Then she was basically taken out of the game for half of it, and when she is present people have already formed alliances and friendships that leave her feeling like she doesn't matter. I think the reason she is so freaking likable (and I am seeing a lot of Sam love online) is because she is so earnest. It's very un-Big Brother of her. It was also what made it so sweet that she was actually touched by the affirmation (rather than it feeding into her ego, SWAGGY).
  14. The "chance" wording stuck out for me, too, but I also agree that she seems to be really popular. I suspect the chance will be pretty high. With our luck, they will give the HGs a choice to bring her back or bring back a former HG whose name rhymes with small.
  15. Sam's punishment is the worst I can recall. She is seriously being hindered from playing the game. Kaitlyn was an asshole. She came in, saw people talking, inserted herself into a conversation that was described as a one on one, acted like a sanctimonious jerk, and informed Sam she should just win the veto as if she can just head to the veto store (particularly given that she had 0 control over her performance in the HOH comp that put her on the block in the first place). She even had the nerve to basically say Sam was an easy target because she isn't around as if it was her fault. Her dove-grandad should have dropped a present on her head. It is hard for me to get past the inequity of the punishment. I was happy Sam got the reward, but it doesn't fix the fact that she has basically been excluded from the initial discussions and gameplay. I cannot keep Brett and Winston straight. I feel like their only chance to be trending is "who's Brett again?" I found the Scottie and Steve segment to be aggressively boring. I honestly can't put my finger on why that is. I don't particularly have an opinion on either of them. If Swaggy C is going to trend, can we all agree that it should be under his given name? Just to mess with him? I hate both alliance names. I generally don't like when people put numbers in their alliance name. Realistically, that name is going to be inaccurate in a few weeks.
  16. I once sat on a plane next to a woman who tweezed her arm hair. I know this because she did it on the plane. Yeah, that must be a production error. Fairly normal and pleasant isn't really their MO. SHHHHHHH. He is like Beetlejuice. Legend has it that if you say his name three times, he shows back up with 7 weeks of immunity. Hey. This is me. When my kiddo was a baby, my poor husband took more night feedings because it was easier than waking me up. Hardest part of having a kid was editing out the swear words. My friend has a deal with her daughter where they keep a list of adult words that she isn't allowed to use until she turns 16. That is going to be one hell of a Sweet 16 party.
  17. Right? Poor Sam was trying her hardest and not doing poorly. It felt like they were all picking on her. I don't blame her for being upset. I like Bayleigh more outside the DR. She feels like she is "on" in the DR (maybe a remnant from her pageant days) but that argument was the dumbest thing ever and I do not understand why she didn't list say: "sorry. My competitive nature got to me in the heat of the moment." Maybe it got buried in the 750 "likes" she was saying. But also, dude you targeted her, and you know you did it and you explained you did it so you could beat her, so don't get all offended that she saw that and was upset that you went after her while you were still working to get someone else out. I kinda get it. She just met these people and she has been given a punishment and targeted first and aggressively. She is also stuck watching a lot of what is going on on a screen. We didn't see a lot if interaction with her and she certainly wasn't offered an alliance. The popular kids always do this, so at least they included women this time, I guess? SHHHHHHH! Don't remind TBTP that they can bring back Paul for a third time. Agreed. There can be value in this type of competition later (for example, the year everyone tried to get Janelle(?) out but she ended up going over and winning. This early, people don't have strategy beyond "try not to get noticed." I actually think JC is entertaining. I don't really get the hate. Also his comment about the robot made me laugh after Sam said she would be into him if he wasn't gay. Star-crossed lovers. Hehe. Unsurprisingly going after the perceived weak targets makes for boring TV, but I do get it. Coming out with guns blazing hasn't worked well in the past. It's too early to know if these initial alliances are going to last beyond the first HOH, so it makes sense to take the boring road. The cast is still not annoying me too much. Even Rockstar who drove me sorta bananas in the first episode is growing on me. Swaggy C actually impressed me by chilling and meditating. I still think he isn't the brightest crayon in the box, but we will see. The group HOH talk wasn't the best move IMO. You are pretty much signaling you have an alliance. I might have planned multiple one on ones.
  18. I think they would have told us if they did. After all, there was no reason to keep it from the audience or highlight the discussion through editing if there was a twist there. That being said, I have never seen a person who was not guilty look as guilty as Tyler did whenever it came up. It was like, dude, people WEREN'T going to think you knew each other until you got all bug eyed and sweaty. I agree. I feel like these punishments were pretty uneven, and I don't really know why they would do that. First, the competitions were inequitable (needle in a haystack vs. something where you have more control) and then they give one person a punishment that basically equates to a silly outfit and possibly being stuck in a room while the other person is physically unable to be there and has no idea who might be watching or listening because she is a flipping robot. He is not a subtle man, is he? Dude, play up the dad thing and stop staring at everyone. I feel like they always ask: who did you find attractive? or Who would you have a showmance with? in these initial DRs. If you think about it, they almost always have people talking about who they initially find attractive. It is like *cut to person* *DR where person says that person is hot* *DR where that person says someone else is hot* I suspect they asked her what she thought of him or who she thought was attractive and that was what they got from her. Rockstar's everything was more annoying to me. I found her exhausting. I do think her initial edit was high maintenance. Once she was actually having a one on one with Swaggy C, I thought she seemed pretty practical and down to earth. I am hoping she turns out to be a lot more watchable than her initial video implied. I liked this, but I really don't. She was delightful, so she will either turn out to be terrible or she will be voted out immediately. I suspect he will be as well, but he certainly failed at basic gameplay this week. Dude, don't make promises to people who didn't ask for them. Seriously. WTF? Why would you offer unsolicited immunity? It's the best part of most BB seasons. That point where I don't hate everyone. I have no doubt that will change.
  19. She could have copied herself, or I assume she could have transferred herself electronically if the ball was empty. We see them tweak the programming all the time. There is no reason to believe you couldn't transfer a personality from one ball to a computer or another ball. Personally, I didn't find it that difficult to follow, but I also love a puzzle and watch a lot of shows where nonlinear storytelling is included (e.g., Doctor Who). I am the type of person who would sit down and map out Bernard's timeline, as evidenced a few pages ago. I thought the finale was compelling. I am happy to have the rules established later (and I suspect to the extent they intend for us to visit VB later, there are some rough outlines of those rules), but it is a virtual world so I can imagine any number of answers to the questions. They could respawn/reincarnate. They could live forever without aging like digital robot vampires. They could gain some sort of awareness/control and treat their "bodies" like avatars. As far as Dolores, we have seen that she has a lot more knowledge than she should as a farmer's daughter. Part of that is likely the collective lives she has lived that she can now remember. Additionally, she has been shown to have seen and remember things that occurred when she was purportedly offline/in sleep mode. I don't think it is a reach that she would know a lot about programming and engineering, in particular, if she has spent decades of time observing those who control her and listening to them tweak her programming.
  20. That is a good point. Even though I know that she was Charlores at that point, it didn't occur to me that she was the one who made the change to the system. I agree with that analysis.
  21. I feel like the only thing I have a little confusion on with regard to order is Bernard, and part of that is that he intentionally muddled his own brain. Here is my best guess on order: - The gala happens. Bernard hides in the barn with Charlotte. Bernard is leading brain fluid. They escape after killing the harmless stablehand. They almost fall into a trap, but stay back while the others run for "help." -Charlotte takes Bernard to the secret cave with the creepy faceless dudes. Bernard sneaks some sweet cerebral fluid - They leave the lab with the tablet to track down Abernathy. He has been taken prisoner by Rebus. Bernard rewrites him to be a white hat. - Abernathy sings the Battle Hymn of the Republic and gets himself and Bernard captured by Dolores's merry band of revolutionaries - Bernard examines Abernathy and talks to Dolores about her world-dominatin' plans - Bernard is taken by Clem to the desert. He is still leaking robot cerebral fluid. -Bernard finds and frees Elsie - Here it where it gets a little muddy, because we see this not in real time but through his memories. Two different trips to this secret lair are playing simultaneously. - Trip 1 to this area: Elsie discovers Bernard is a Host. They enter where the faceless bots are still running. Elsie kills one. She tops of Bernard's fluids. She shoots open the door and they discover Delos. - Bernard and Elsie walk along the train tracks back to the Mesa. - Bernard and Elsie enter through the Hat room where the techs have killed all the bots. - Elsie tries to access the system and discovers that something is blocking their efforts. - Bernard and Elsie head down to the cradle where Bernard acquires Ford - Bernard and Elsie decide to head to the valley. Ford tries to convince Bernard to kill Elsie. He sends her to get supplies and says he will meet her downstairs. - Bernard shoots his way out. - I think he also witnesses the Clem zombie at some point here. - Meets up with Elsie and they head off. He leaves her all alone in the woods. - He makes it to the Forge. Meets up with Dolores. Has the first Forge interaction. Kills Dolores. At the same time, Clem is marching on the hosts who are trying to go through the door. - Bernard returns to the Mesa hub with Elsie and the rest of the humans. He has a conversation with Elsie where it is clear that she will not be keeping his secret and she uses voice commands on him (reinforcing some of what Dolores says). Elsie is then killed. Bernard loses faith in the humans. - Trip 2 to the area above. Bernard is imagining Elsie is there because she was there the last time he came. The lab cycles back and forth from destruction because he can't remember which time is which. He builds Charlores. After this point, Charlotte is actually Dolores. Note, I think there are some scenes of arguably a third trip, but those may be him trying to remember the first two trips by revisiting in his head. - Bernard also returns to the Forge (we don't see this but can assume it) and puts the new and improved ball into Dolores's head. It is at this point that he "kills them all" being the human souls and replaces the program with an upload of Robot Heaven - Bernard heads to the beach and imagines a conversation with Ford paralleling the one last year between Dolores and Bernard, where basically he realizes he has been talking to himself the entire time. He intentionally scrambles his memory so that they will not be able to interrogate him. -Bernard is found on the beach with no memory -Bernard is brought back to the scene of the gala where he sees a very decomposed Ford. - Bernard is taken to the lake where all the hosts are floating and says he killed them all - They return to the lab where Bernard watches them open up the hosts and determine they are wiped completely clean - Bernard takes a nap and is woken by Stubbs. They discuss the project and then are taken by the mercs to the What Door room, where Bernard's prior versions are discovered. - Charlores interrogates Bernard. His answer brings them to the Forge where they find Delores dead. They recover what they believe is the key. - Charlores uploads Robot Heaven to an undisclosed location and they kill everyone present. - Charlores smuggles several brain balls out and heads to the safe house. - Charlores creates a Dolores and pops herself or a copy in. Dolores and Charlores recreate Bernard from their memories. - Dolores has several conversations to create Bernard and ensure fidelity - Charlores and Dolores leave Bernard in the safe house
  22. I thought of The Magicians too. Now I just need the Westworld cast to sing Under Pressure. I laughed when we saw Charlotte die. I told my husband that the internet was going to be very unhappy that they managed to kill her and still keep Tessa Thompson. I did think she did a good job differentiating her Dolores from her Charlotte, so there was that. Personalities were used across parks. There is no reason Dolores can't have more than one copy, with one Delores personality for each body. I do agree that she rebuilt Bernard (from scratch it would seem). I will be sad if Teddy is gone for good (I am not totally convinced that the Robot Heaven personalities are out of reach, in part because they told us they were being sent somewhere that they would never be found, which generally means the opposite is true in these types of shows). However, I don't really see another option for Teddy. Dolores could have left him dead, which would have made me sadder. She could have left him to be salvaged (if possible) which would have put him right back in the loop of constantly being killed for the entertainment for others. She could have taken him with her, but she didn't believe he was cut out for that and she was probably right. He certainly didn't want to be in her war. Perhaps he could have joined Bernard but I think she was trying to give him what he always wanted. A place far away from "this."
  23. The hosts were stored on the now exploded cradle. Robot Heaven was created and stored on the Forge, where the humans were kept. We saw only those robots who entered the door end up in Robot Heaven. It did not appear to he populated by the decommissioned hosts before that from anything we saw. Teddy had to be uploaded. The hosts who ended up there apparently were uploaded in their entirety by walking through the door (and we see acknowledgement of that by the computer). There are a few options. 1. Her bot was reactivated and ended up in the group who made it. We didn't see that happen, though. 2. She was somehow restored from his memory. 3. Maeve somehow uploaded her as she lay dying using her administrative access. I am happy enough to let that mystery lie, honestly.
  24. Ahhh! I love this show. Did not see the Delores twist coming. I don't even know where to begin. We lost a lot of characters, but nothing is forever in this show. I thing it was strongly implied Maeve, Hector and the rest of the hosts with intact heads and no valley transfer were going to be restored. So, we really lost Elsie and Sizemore (who finally got his speech). I am assuming next season will center on the outside world, but it isn't clear how that will actually play out. We shall see. Loved Maeve. Loved her escape (and the partially completed animals. Loved her getting her daughter to the valley. Hector continues to give Teddy a run for his money in the best boyfriend department. The Delores/Charlotte twist was masterful. As with last season, I now want to rewatch it to look for tells. I also loved that at least some of the Bernard fidelity testing was a flash forward and not a flashback. I am a puzzle/mystery fan and the twisty nature of this show is one of my favorite things about it. Poor Clem. She really couldn't catch a break. The actress is so incredible. She makes Clem feel like a broken doll, and the contrast in the saloon scene was heartbreaking. I love that Teddy finally did get away from this place. Will he make a place for himself without the woman he loves? I hope so. He has certainly suffered enough. I still don't understand how his body got in the lake. It felt like an unanswered question. Dolores took his orb but not his body. Perhaps the place he killed himself was close enough and on low enough ground? Those little spheres are tougher than they look, since we saw two survive headshots. I guess they are nonfunctional but still hold the data without the cupcake. The Bernard/Ford scene felt final. I wonder if it will be. I feel like Ford's story is done, but who knows. You can never quite write of a cast member on a Sci Fi show. Loved Akechata's ending. Didn't understand how his love got there, but I am fine handwaving it for the happy ending. That post-credit scene, though. Where is it going? At least Emily/Grace may not be done.
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