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The Companion

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Everything posted by The Companion

  1. Well, Big Brother does have a better success rate. SHUT UP, PAUL. I wanted someone to cut him off and tell him that by a vote of 3-2 they decided Josh would be the better person for a toast. I would watch that. Fairly boring episode except that Kaycee's letter/HOH room segment was adorable. Nicole is still very Nicole. The entire engagement was a bit awkward. From the: whose at the door? Is it your family? Nope a bunch of old contestants. To the let's meet a bunch of people in sweats so they can awkwardly congratulate you. That proposal was less than smooth.
  2. Best if they have been worn and washed a trillion times so that the material is paper thin.
  3. The only thing that makes me think I was an idiot to go to law school instead of med school like my brothers. Even if you are a lawyer for a health care entity, you don't get to wear scrubs. I stole all the scrubs from my Dad over the years. I wore them so often in law school during exams that people thought I worked at a clinic or something.
  4. I am and I don't. Heh. Then again, I also don't notice shit like this. Every so often, people talk about someone's nails or moustache or lack of a pedicure and I am thinking "huh? Am I supposed to notice those things?" I thought someone said she did offer this to other people. It was also after they did masks and put in the context of skin treatments at a spa, no? Sam may be passive aggressive but I don't necessarily see a smoking gun here. Oh man, bring a me right back to college. I had these awful roommates over the summer one year who complained about dishes in the sink (that were almost 100% the fault of the lazy kid sister houseguest, seriously I had one plate buried under her stuff), who left passive aggressive little sticky notes instead of talking to me, and who generally didn't do shit but lay around. Oh man, now that I say it, I basically lived in the BB house.
  5. I want to be clear I wasn't knocking her and I agree, she is probably pretty cool in real life. I suspect she is confident in her comfort zone, which is something I recognize in myself. I am an introvert, but I open up and enjoy people when I am comfortable. Context probably plays a big role, which is why she is good in the DR but not necessarily in the house from a comfort and confidence standpoint. I am wondering if assertiveness is the right word, and even that doesn't really cover it. Perhaps I am relying too heavily on my own experience, but I would have put up with a lot more at 22 than I did at 32 as would most of my friends. I wanted people to like me and it took a lot to go against them. As I have gotten older, I have grown into myself more and I am willing to be the odd one out.
  6. I also think she is fake with them, and it stems from her lack of confidence. She would go along with even the most ridiculous things Fessy would say, then speak her mind in the DR. It doesn't even feel strategic. She doesn't have the confidence to actually speak up in real life, and I think that disconnect is apparent. The hacker competition just brought that into even more focus, I think. It's why DR Hayleigh is so much more enjoyable than house Hayleigh. I agree that a lot of it is probably her age. I think we get better with experience at both navigating social situations with people we don't like and figuring out how to insert our thoughts and opinions into a conversation.
  7. Second competition she's won, sooooo . . . Only thing that makes me smile more is imagining Fessy imagining what is happening in the big house while his ass sits in the little house. I agree. We are all going to value particular game styles differently but the final goal is to figure out how to sway the jury. That may be beasting out, manipulating, laying low and managing to go to the finale with a bigger villain or playing the social game of the century (but generally at least 2 of those). As viewers, there is often a further disconnect because good game play isn't always entertaining and we may value entertainment more (team good feeds, wooo). It is one of the things I like about this show. You can have basically the same game (sorry, AG but even twists are predictable at this point), but the game is entirely different because the cast is different. Agree that the Kaycee win makes this week a bit boring. It was actually the first time I wasn't excited about the jury BB because it meant this was a likely outcome (one side was too depleted for a really interesting shift and the other side has been too solid to start moving against one another yet). That being said, I am glad Scottie got back in (cause he got a bit of a raw deal), so I am hoping that Hayleigh is done.
  8. I would also vomit everywhere. I used to be able to do anything without getting motion sick, but in recent years dramamine is a necessity if we are going to a theme park or on a boat. Normally, I would delete the portion of this post that is irrelevant but, FUF is always relevant. I agree with pretty much all of this (and especially the JC bit). I am not hate watching most of the contestants, which is not generally the case. I also don't have a strong affinity for anyone.
  9. I generally look on my phone and the profile pictures are so small that I have apparently been operating under the erroneous belief it was Dustyn from Stranger Things, so if you need to change it up, I apparently wont notice.
  10. I had forgotten that, but that was awesome. I know Haleigh is just a non-confrontational person (and so am I, though I would lose my shit in this case), but I wish she would speak the hell up for herself. She clearly articulates why a lot of the things she let's go are bullshit when they get her alone in the DR. That being said, agreed that it is not all right and honestly, she shouldn't have to because it is so clearly fucked up. I think this is absolutely part of it. People find it easier to just avoid him and/or let him win. I would want him out of the house so badly. I think it is clear that the house and the competitions are being put together by unpaid high school interns with a budget of $100. No other explanation.
  11. Also, when the alliance inevitably has to turn on itself. Never hurts to cultivate a few people.
  12. I feel like they hair salon has been one of the most entertaining things in a long time on this show. Everytime I have long hair, I basically want it long but can't stand it in my face (especially when I am being active) and I end up pulling it up, pulling it back and constantly playing with it. If you get into the habit of having it up, you don't necessarily want it down. Eventually i get sick of it and cut it and while it is lighter and cooler, I miss being able to pull it back (again especially while I am active because the sweat doesn't concentrate in my ponytail and I apologize for that TMI mental image). Given that she plays football, the long hair may be more comfortable that gross sweaty short hair. Regardless, I have major hair envy. Those gorgeous shiny dark locks are beautiful.
  13. That would only make sense if there was some sort of button in the HOH room that got pushed (not my understanding). I cannot imagine a situation where they could hear people in the HOH room in the control room, and they decided to broadcast it to the entire house for safety reasons. If they can hear them in the production area, they would be able to either go open the door themselves or ask someone else to help.
  14. Now, now. Sometimes a woman DOES need a good spanking.* *with proper consent and perhaps a safe word.
  15. I would also rather be able to write someone off because they just have a different world view (especially if it is one I think is totally fucked). I actually think Sam is Westboro in your example, by the way. I also would rather someone be direct with me, even if i think they are wrong, than to feel like everyone is talking about me behind my back and/or making fun of me. I can think of specific examples where I overheard someone talking about me and it hurt me more than anything some asshole has said to me directly (including being told "ma'am, there is no reason to get hysterical" while I corralled a bunch of drunk dudes as the sole voice of reason which makes me stabby to this day). That being said, it isn't really a competition. It was shitty. I am still not arguing that what she said was anything other than shitty. My point with the intent isn't about whether or not it hurt Hayleigh. My point with the intent is that I think that Sam is trying, in her Sam way, to do good and be good. I hope she gets some help and re-evaluates her life after this, because I don't think she realizes the impact of her words or the depth to which her own insecurities are manifesting themselves externally. I suspect she would be absolutely floored to find out that people see her as a villain or dislike her.
  16. I don't think I gave her a free pass for her behavior. I simply said I think she is, at her heart, sweet, and that she isn't being mean-spirited (there is no intent to hurt). People are complicated. Sam seems to be particularly broken at the moment and I feel really bad for her. I am not giving her a pass, but I understand that her insecurities and self-loathing are likely tied to her internalized misogyny in a particularly toxic soup of self-imposed misery and hearing her crush trash talk her is not going to help with that spiral.
  17. That's what I don't understand. I can't imagine why you would even build that capability in.
  18. I would agree if she didn't seem to feel the same way about herself, but I really think she does. You can disagree, but I guess my feeling is that she genuinely believes the things she says and tries to live in the manner that she seems to thinks is best. In other words, she isn't just saying something mean out of the joy of watching someone else's face crumble. She isn't trying to be a bitch. She isn't being spiteful or nasty. I happen to absolutely disagree with her definitions of lady and appropriate behavior for women and I don't think the men are these helpless little creatures, but my point is that she isn't being mean to be funny or make fun of people or hurt people. I am not sure "yay, you didn't say you were going to rape an innocent person" is really the standard any of us want. :) I also sort of feel sorry for her because I feel like she may spin out into "I am not pretty enough and that is why Brett was saying mean things" or "I didn't do enough dishes and that's why he hates me." She lives in this miserable world of her own (and probably from what she says about her Mom, Mom's) making. Maybe I am just sensitive about this shit.
  19. I find him disturbingly attractive here. Why do I find him so attractive? Ohhhhh. Riiiight. I must have watched that movie so many times, the tape wore thin. I know everyone hates Sam, and I get it. But I do think she is just a fucked up individual with a shitty past who desperately needs some therapy and support. At heart, I think she is sweet and she tries and her entire world view may not match up with my own but she isn't meanspirited. I like her, despite her many flaws. Even if I didn't, this would be a horror show for me. Hearing a guy you have a crush on mock you to other people? It brings out all the feels from this formerly bullied Companion. I feel nauseated for her.
  20. I would watch the shit out of them running around in a giant hamster wheel. My husband and I both noticed it. He walks into her room, throws himself on her bed and starts quizzing her on whether or not she is putting Hayleigh up as a pawn. While they are talking and she has her back turned, he goes digging for gold. It makes me a little queasy thinking about. Sorry for sharing the misery.
  21. Speaking of which, how gross was it when Fessy casually picked his booger and flicked it into Angela's HOH bed while she was in the bathroom doing her hair?
  22. I think she made a good decision because of the BB (whether or not it factored into her decision). Sam is a bit of a wild card, but she is close to Tyler and Tyler and Angela are close. I am not sure who she chooses when the alliance inevitably turns on itself, but she is probably voting with Tyler for the near future. Hayleigh already showed she is going after Tyler and Angela. I don't think Angela bought for a second that Hayleigh was going to stick to the alliance plan (Fessy would have because Fessy). I honestly still don't notice the ladystache. I don't know why I am so blind to it.
  23. I agree she is young and goodness knows I was interested in some assholes back in my day as well. However, I just can't give her a pass for realizing some of what is going on and not pushing harder. She should have put her foot down re: Scottie last week and she had the chance to try something other than pouting this week (not that it necessarily would have worked). I am happy she seems to be seeing how much BS Fessy is throwing at her, but it is hard to root for someone who realizes what is happening and does nothing to change it. I would watch the hell out of DR Hayleigh, but House Hayleigh is a different story. It really is remarkable. We have seen players make dumb moves or trust the wrong person or fail to read a room, but Fessy has gone above and beyond. It isn't just his stupidity, it is his consistency.
  24. Pah-Kahn for this Louisiana girl. I did know someone who pronounced it differently for different things, which cracked me up. I THINK it was Pee-Can pie and Pah-Kahn pralines. Though, that also opens the Prah-leen/Pray-leen debate. Nobody comes here for the leaves, so I got nothing there.
  25. I mean, Fessy seems like he would be surprised by a game of peekaboo, but Hayleigh only figuring it out when she finally saw them celebrating is sad. And he doesn't know it. How does he have the confidence to still claim his moves last week were brilliant. Hey, moron, two people claimed they voted to support you. You went after them. Even if one was lying, the other probably wasn't. Putting up literally anyone else was a smarter move. Honestly, the only thing I find particularly amusing about him is that he thinks he is running anything. I don't generally like her at all. She is cruel for no reason. I did however like warm Angela blushing and giggling in the diary room. I could like her if she didn't care (like Corey). It's the bitchy remarks that lose me. I don't know that she doesn't give beach lifeguard Tyler a chance. I suspect she would be less enthusiastic about almost bowling champ Tyler, but who knows. Maybe not. I get a Homer Simpson vibe. Absolutely confident in his stupidity, paired with a smarter partner that he ignores, etc.
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