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Everything posted by brillia79

  1. Libby and Andrei aren’t paying any rent, have 2 dogs when they don’t even have money for one, and can’t maintain the property because it’s lawnmower or groceries, but they’re totally gonna be able to support a baby. And plead poverty to get a free house from Daddy. I don’t want to hear another fucking complaint coming from Libby or Andrei.
  2. Yes!!! Great Falls is so much nicer than Potomac! It has all the wealth, but nicer scenery. Hell, I’ve been to homes in Bethesda that rival anything I’ve seen in these Potomac houses. Giselle is crazy. You don’t move to Great Falls because you can’t afford Potomac. You move there because you like Virginia better than Maryland.
  3. What material things? Coltee won’t even give her the basics like air conditioning in a hot ass car in the desert. It was a $17,000 car she wanted, not a Tesla. Or a wedding dress that cost more than $30 and hadn’t been worn by someone else. Or a non-Debbie approved sofa to go with that jukebox. Coltee isn’t allowed to spend anything because it angers Debbie. And I guess we’re supposed to pretend that ring Larissa flushed is part of the Koh I Noor diamond, rather than a cubic zirconia trinket. The whole concept of Larissa as a gold digger is a joke. She has so much to learn from Anfisa.
  4. Which is laughable. Elizabeth’s family may be annoying, but everything her dad said has come true. Libby has never supported herself. She works for daddy. She found a husband who had no job and no skills. In spite of studying to become a truck driver, he can’t find stable full time work - because everyone but Libby and Andrei knew that it wouldn’t come that easy. And these two assholes have the nerve to get pregnant while still being supported by daddy who is even paying for the newer bigger roof over their heads. I’m sure Andrei is bitter about it, which is why we’ll get more scenes of him being controlling and abusive (slapping her phone out of her hand - what the ever loving fuck???), and more scenes of Libby playing him and her family against one another while making excuses for his behavior.
  5. I’m gonna vote no on Killjoy Caroline and her dullard kids. Caroline is the only person who can go on a free trip to Italy and make it look about as exciting as a stay at the Airport Holiday Inn Express.
  6. Margaret went for the jugular with Danielle and I’m here for it all day! Also, love that she pointed out that Marty’s comments sounded like they came straight from Danielle’s mouth. Especially after we watched Danielle give dim bulb Teresa that pep talk at Jennifer’s party. Tre had nothing else to say to Jackie after the parole comment. Just rolled her eyes and smirked the rest of the time. Jennifer’s husband didn’t back up her nonsense at all, even said he agreed with Jackie. And then, acted shocked to find out she backed the wrong horse by backing Danielle the prostitution whore after her comments on traditions and cheating. I almost felt bad for her. It sucks to find out you’re sitting on the loser couch at a reunion. And the bracelet from her brother’s jewelry store wasn’t anything special. If she hadn’t said it was from her brother’s store, I would’ve assumed it was a Michael’s craft project.
  7. And yet, Mel hasn’t been to prison for lying to the IRS or fraudulently filed a bankruptcy to the tune of $11,000,000 while hiding assets, since we’re talking about fraud ‘n stuff. If Melissa’s biggest crime is using reality tv exposure to try and launch a brand, then she’ll be fine. Maybe Mel can “borrow” family recipes, call them her own, launch a cookbook and never lift a finger to cook a thing. Oops... that hustle has already been taken. You’re right. I don’t like Teresa. It’s no crime to dislike violent felons who refuse to accept any responsibility for their actions. Or who have the nerve to call another housewife “white trash bitch” when they’re barely out of their post-prison probation period.
  8. You tell me? Why mention Melissa not taking care of her nieces as though they don’t have two shitty parents of their own. The judge even went easy on June and Tre by staggering their sentences so one of them would always be with the kids. If there weren’t people to wind Teresa up because of her entitlement and narcissism, there would be no show. On her own, Tre is a dud. She better thank Danielle for triggering that table flip by alluding to how daft Tre can be.
  9. More of a reputation than the woman (Tre) spending her husband’s ill-gotten cash on tv for all to see as she furnished her ill-gotten mansion? Almost everyone on the show has a gold digger reputation. But only one of these gold diggers did a bid in prison because she helped her husband steal their gold from others while defrauding the feds. It’s also not Melissa’s job to raise her nieces since their parents valued possessions over freedom. She has 3 kids of her own. Kids who haven’t been poisoned by the bile spewed by Tre and Juicy Joe about Aunt “horseyface” Melissa.
  10. Yep. She has a house full of poor quality knock-offs of Christopher Guy (which also looks pretty tacky to me, but is well crafted). All the rest of her home decor budget went towards Chanel (also possibly knock-offs).
  11. Oddly enough, that is kinda how it works, especially as the tests grow in popularity. People have found relatives through the registries. Police departments have even found criminals through their relatives who took the dna tests. I think that’s how they caught the Golden State Killer.
  12. After 3 domestic violence arrests and pending court dates, I would be surprised if she got a green card. Joe Giudice from Real Housewives of New Jersey is to be deported to Italy after completing his sentence for tax fraud. The US doesn’t fuck around on this. If you are not a natural born or naturalized citizen and you are convicted of any number of crimes, you have a very good chance of being deported. This includes visa and green card holders.
  13. Right? That was super sleazy.
  14. He also has a $26000 tax lien. Too many cars, trips and boob jobs to fake wealth for a teenager.
  15. There’s no “Happily Ever After” if you deport your spouse before the season.
  16. Again, Steven isn’t wrong about the brain development thing. And yet, Tasha was more stable and together that her dad who tried to feed a family on 1/2 of a footling from Subway.
  17. This. Those trophies weren’t for the kids. They were for their gen-x parents who never got over being chosen last for dodgeball teams in 3rd grade.
  18. Wait... these losers had all this fire for Larissa, but were too afraid to check Steven? I mean, at this point, Larissa had been arrested for assault, but it was Steven they were scared to say anything against? I need Eric to shut up about special snowflakes when see him caving to his bitch wife’s (who is also a millennial, btw) demands to kick out the kid on the lease and he made priority over all his other kids.
  19. Advice from one emotional wreck to another, eh Steven?
  20. Yeah Fernanda. Your husband bought you fake boobs because it would enhance your personality. And you tried to fight a woman at the club because you didn’t want your husband checking out her personality.
  21. And that won’t change with time and wisdom. Jay is the guy where too many of the kids in the neighborhood have his eyes and where unknown girlfriends and children show up to his funeral decades down the road.
  22. Umm Ashley, Jay was also trying to chat up your bestie Fernanda.
  23. All these people (cough JonandFernanda Cough)pretending to be family oriented and mature. And talking about who’s just here for a green card.
  24. Especially since I’m the history of 90 Day Fiance, the 2nd wedding either doesn’t happen due to a breakup or is an epic shot show full of fighting and strife: Pedro and Chanta’s 2nd wedding worsened the family divide and Loren/Alexei’s wedding is the one where he has to beg his Israeli friends to come and the two of them fought the whole day.
  25. It’d be faster to ask who didn’t split up at this point.
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