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Everything posted by brillia79

  1. Except the context was about how Pedro’s family can’t possibly be an interference from “so far away.” The time to fly there is less than the drive from Savannah to Atlanta. And the cost to do so is within financial reach, especially if Pedro is buying the tickets like he did for Nicole’s visit to Atlanta. Plus, DR travel packages at all inclusive resorts aren’t crazy expensive for an employed adult. That was clearly not a top of the line room. At no time did she complain about voodoo or wild dogs when visiting the grandmother’s house in the woods. That was her family. Plenty of people don’t like Chantel for the things she actually has done. We don’t need to fabricate things she hasn’t done to get the point across.
  2. He does the exact same thing to Chantel. Tells his family and friends everything that goes on between them (probably by phone or something), and they shit on her. Even Jeff Bezos shared his business plans with his wife, Mackenzie. She helped build it up. I bet he didn’t leave her in the dark and just say to her, “Trust me.” But I guess since Pedro hasn’t cheated yet, he’s got Jeff beat in that regard. And if he has money to pay their rent and send over to start a business, he’s sending more than $200 home.
  3. I’ve worked and gone to school at the same time. I graduated with honors and still had time to communicate with family, go out with friends, etc. And while working full-time (yes it was real work), I spent months studying for industry credential exams. I still had time to talk to my family on the other side of the country regularly throughout the week. Communication isn’t that complicated. It doesn’t have to take long or be costly either. It’s even easier in modern times than ever before. Technology is great. If Pedro were as busy as you say he should be with his “real work,” he wouldn’t have time to film a reality tv show. A quick video chat takes less time than a trip to Western Union to send money.
  4. Like when Family Chantel wanted to hire a PI and Chantel wouldn’t go along with it. But Chantel never ever ever ever defends Pedro: life, light and truth. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Like the bitch eating crackers meme.
  5. It’s like we didn’t watch Pedro’s group of friends know everything about their relationship, disparage Chantel, encourage him to take off his wedding ring and dance with Nicole’s thirsty friend’s legs wrapped around him. Its like I’m supposed to act like I don’t know a flight to Santo Domingo from Atlanta only about 3 hours and the cost of a ticket likely less than what Pedro sends home in a month. Or even worse, that Pedro can only communicate with his family once a month by carrier pigeon. Google, WiFi, Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp, and various other free forms of long distance communication and search engines apparently never happened. I live clear across the country from my family. And yet, I can still talk to them multiple times a week. While working 40+ hours a week. And we aren’t even in the same time zone. But again, women are always held to a much higher standard, branded as manipulative harpies wielding their boobies for power (never mind those same boobies haven’t been able to stop Pedro from sending money or force him to engage with Family Chantel against his will), and blamed for everything wrong in their relationships - even as we watch the husbands engage in the exact same behaviors or worse (Andrei).
  6. What’s nonsensical is the continued referencing of Chantel’s boobies as the cause of their financial strife. What. Do. Chantel’s. Tits. Have. To. Do. With. This? Does their maintenance cost $200 (yeah right) a month? Do they send expensive goods and electronics to the DR? Are they starting an Azan-style business in the DR? Are they the cause of extra money going out of the household? Pedro can be in Atlanta and not attend family events. He’s been doing just fine with that. He can also be in Savannah and not attend family events. He has proven that Chantel can’t force him to go where he absolutely does not want to go. He’s a big boy now! But the point of Savannah was to get Chantel away from her family. Point. Blank. Period. Putting on blinders won’t change that reality. Nor will it address the many ways in which Pedro's family Interferes in his marriage in ways very similar to Family Chantel, but with a financial bonus. So again, just because they don’t live nearby does not mean they aren’t a constant toxic presence. But I guess it’s not ok for Chantel’s family to create events (Thanksgiving) to make Pedro look bad for not going, while Lydia can tell Pedro Chantal is not welcome in a household she financially supports... but Pedro insists Chantel go to the apartment to talk to Lydia - who hates Chantel sooooo much that Pedro “valiantly” had to keep them separate for her own protection. And why hasn’t Pedro ended the misery with his titty-having wife by filing for divorce? He could’ve done that before going to visit his family and let all Nicole’s titty-having (this is a thing now) friends grind on him. Chantel can’t have him deported at this point. Maybe he needs her for something? Like shared income. Maybe it’s something else. Perhaps I should look over at the spoiler threads to determine why a man with a miserable shrew wife hasn’t left her yet.
  7. That doesn’t change anything I said. I also never said Chantel pulled the plug in Savannah. I’m pretty sure I’ve been saying that moving to Savannah would in fact, not fix their marriage. He’s not the cause of all their problems. Nor is Chantel. Nor is Chantel’s family. His own family and his own mindset are also contributing factors. Neither is willing to get their shit together and compromise/put on a united front, so if they both suffer, it’s with their own contributions. But it is in no way all Chantel’s fault. No matter how much people don’t like her.
  8. If the whole point is to be away from her family with no checks on his (at no time outside of Sunday’s episode was he setting boundaries with his family - He was even lying about the money he was sending and got called on it by Lydia), then yes, isolate her from her family. I said what I said. I’ve given enough examples of Pedro’s own toxic family, how he capitulates to them, and how he does not back up Chantel. Enough to show that she is not the only one who is failing at cleaving unto her spouse. We know Chantel makes enough money to sponsor a K1 visa for Pedro. Per Paul, that’s around $26000 minimum. I believe Chantel has even mentioned picking up the slack when Pedro sends too much home. Maybe she wants to make sure the rent and utilities are covered for the month with both their funds. She wanted a 1 bedroom apartment. Maybe she wants savings. Perhaps money to put towards buying a home. But yes, let’s just boil it down to hair weaves and lashes. Never mind the things young married couples often save towards while building their futures together. Acknowledging that would make it too hard to absolve Pedro 100% while making Chantel out to be a shrew. Who actually even knows how much money he sends? He’s already lied to her before. And TVs, laptops, clothes, toiletries, shipping, rent, utilities, food, etc. cost more than $200. What was confusing about Pedro’s opportunistic solutions to their marital woes? This is what he was proposing during the Savannah trip: cut off her family, but let his family keep running roughshod over them. That is not a decent solution for both of them. That’s all for his benefit. Opportunistic. Because I said what I said.
  9. All moving to Savannah would do is isolate Chantel, while allowing Pedro’s family to keep taking financial advantage of them and their own nasty behavior to go unchecked. There is no way that that marriage would be okey-dokey as long as Pedro refuses to set boundaries with his own family. I don’t weep for Pedro. Much like Chantel, it’s ridiculous to blame everything on your spouse without looking in the mirror. He’s no more trying to work on his marriage than she is. His solutions are opportunistic.
  10. I agree that Libby plays both sides against each other and talks too much. But her foolishness is not the cause of Andrei’s abuse. That’s just who he is and likely always has been. She just wasn’t paying attention (90 Day Fiancé dupes are bad at seeing signs) Her drama thirst doesn’t justify or cause his behavior. Nor does stress, moving, pets, cultural differences, etc.
  11. Pedro’s Family doesn’t have to live nearby to have a big impact on their marriage. The financial interference is constant and the hostility is there. So again, Savanna was not going to stop the cash grab or the disrespect from Pedro’s family. And because phones are a thing, it wasn’t going to stop Family Chantel either, unless they are always stopping by Chantel and Pedro’s apartment - something we haven’t seen on the show. Since we’re bringing up that other couple, I recall the Dominican husband mentioning how he had to put a stop to the constant cash grab from his relatives for his own household to thrive. It went in one ear and out the other for Pedro. Im really supposed to believe that Pedro can spend money to go to the DR indefinitely, but Chantel is the bad guy for doing the same? Lets not forget who took that action first... Pedro. Who again, wouldn’t even verbalize a return date or plan. And while I do think she should’ve let him go (in more ways than one), I think his departure method was passive aggressive bullshit. Pedro has been opting out of Family Chantel time all season. I don’t blame him, but it flies in the face of the idea that Chantel forces Pedro to spend time with her family. Once he decided he was done, that was it. Actually, good for him. Pedro didn’t go to Thanksgiving uninvited and insist Chantel leave. Because even though there was hostility between Pedro and Family Chantel, Pedro. Was. Still. Invited. What he was doing instead was trying to get Chantel to move away from her family. Which, ok, fine. On the other hand, he told her not to come to DR because he needed to have fun without her. Oh, and he didn’t know when he was coming back. And his not wanting her to come had nothing to do with protecting her from his mom. It was about him partying like he didn’t have a wife. In fact, when she did come and was at a resort, he’s the one who told her she needed to come to Lydia’s (ha!) house and talk with her. Prior to that, his mom and sister told him Chantel was not welcome there. So basically, he pulled the same type of stunt Chantel would’ve pulled. During the sit down at Lydia’s, I really don’t care that Chantel was being a bitch. So was Lydia. They both like to gloat when they get their way. Only one of them was threatening to fight people (Lydia). The first thing out of Lydia’s mouth was that Chantel ruined everything. Not once did Pedro object. Where did he think the convo was going to go from there? He set her up as though she owed Lydia a one sided apology. Again, Pedro doing exactly the same thing he resents Chantel for doing. This was no different than Chantel’s stone silence or tepid rebuttals to her family’s attacks on Pedro. You don’t have to live with mommy to be a momma’s boy, you just have to constantly elevate your mom over your wife. Pedro does this regularly. His methods are just different from Colt and Debbie. Rare is the case where one person is responsible for the collapse of a marriage, and this isn’t that case. Neither Chantel or Pedro are willing to set boundaries with their families. His family is having just as much negative impact as hers, in spite of distance. And had he moved her away from her family, he’d still be sending a bunch of money to his family and letting them trash his wife/disrespect her in her own home like I previously mentioned. Pedro is very much like Chantel where his family is concerned, so again, this isn’t all at her feet. And if he wanted to fix their marriage, he too should be checking his family, having honest discussions about finances, and not going on a marriage hall pass vacation. When he makes any effort that isn’t totally self serving, I’ll consider Chantel 100% the source of the problems.
  12. Wait... Chantel isn’t likeable because she’s controlling, but the man we have watched shouting at his pregnant wife and who snatched her phone away from her because she wasn’t following his orders is just, what, misunderstood? Stressed out? More stressed than the woman carrying the baby who has to get financial support from the same family her husband rags on? The same husband who finds a way to sabotage every job opportunity that comes his way? The women on this show are being held to a much higher standard than the men. I don’t care much for Libby. But nothing that Andrei has done since they started on this show is even a little bit ok. He’s abusive. It started out as verbal. We’re watching his abuse escalate. The excuses don’t wash.
  13. Their marriage is in jeopardy, but it didn’t get there because of Chantel alone. Much like Chantel, Pedro can’t cut the cord from his family. His mom has been disrespecting her since the prenup. He caters to his family’s every financial whim, putting his own wife/household in 2nd or 3rd place. Hell, at this point, Lydia is far worse than Debbie because even though they employ the same mommy guilt trip, Debbie doesn’t use culture to bleed Colt dry financially. Neither does Chantel’s family. He thought his mom serving her family trash food they would never eat themselves was comical. And that’s before we get to his sister’s complete disrespect. Now remember, Pedro and Chantel don’t have a 2br apartment because their extra money was paying for a 3 bedroom place, food, utilities, TVs, laptops, clothes, toiletries, etc. for Lydia and Nicole. So what does Nicole do when she visits? Tells them the new pull out sofa isn’t good enough for her vacation. And what does Pedro do? Pays for a hotel for her, where he also stays while leaving Chantel at home. And overlooks Nicole shit talking Chantel in her own home. And now, we find out Pedro is using their savings to pay for his open ended trip to the DR, where he tells his wife she’s not welcome so he can have fun with his family... and grind on potential hookups Nicole has selected while ditching his wedding ring. Moving to Savannah wasn’t going to fix any of this. Pedro is a classic fuckboi/momma’s boy who benefits from dimples and the positive edit of people’s selective memory.
  14. Does Candiace have to sing Every. Fucking. Episode? Please make it stop!
  15. Yep. I remember that episode. She did a dance at her party and accidentally pantsed herself. Her mom was a smother then too. Def trying to be the “cool mom.”
  16. But if he had to spend more of his income on separate rent in Atlanta, separate utilities, etc, he’d have less money to send. And I don’t believe he’s only sending $150 a month. He can’t send as much as he does without a second income to help with the Atlanta household - Chantel’s income. And yeah, if I’m paying the rent, that’s my place too. Even moreso if my name is on the lease (it may not be in this case, but in theory). Lidia and Nicole (especially Nicole) have no place telling Pedro that Chantel can’t stay in a home Pedro pays for. He gave them notice. Don’t want her there, pay for your own stuff and send that money back. We get enough entitled non-rent paying bum essence from Libby and Andrei.
  17. Agreed. Libby’s dad shouldn’t put his business at risk by hiring volatile, lazy Andrei. But I don’t believe there are any in-laws Andrei could work for because he’s not at all interested in working. Just sitting around barking orders and crossing over into physical abuse, oops, I mean, being “a manly, sexy stud.”
  18. And yet, she has no problems with her equally vapid, malicious, greedy, small tittied (until Pedro buys her big ones) “slag” ingrate like Nicole? She raised that, so what’s her excuse? I’m thinking Chantel’s breasts are the least of Lydia’s problems. She’s got to find an easy mark to fob her hellspawn daughter off on. That’s gonna take some work.
  19. Everyone should earn respect and Lydia has done no such thing. Besides that, if we’re holding to respecting elders no matter what, then Pedro’s behaviors towards Chantel’s parents are equally unacceptable. Doling out one-sided respect based on age is the worst ideology passed down to young people. Lydia can’t smack off Chantel’s pound of makeup without her own wrong colored caked in foundation falling off, so there’s that.
  20. She’s probably been listening to Coltee wank it while streaming internet porn for years. I’m sure it’s nothing to her now.
  21. I remember that from Little House in the Big Woods. The whole Ingalls family used the same bath water on Saturday night to get ready for church on Sunday.
  22. I thought pillow talk was on Monday. Did they move it?
  23. She should keep her twat off of married men. Because if she had a man, bet he wouldn’t appreciate her grinding on another man. See, I already give better advice than her.
  24. I’m picking up some Munchausen Mommy vibes from Rinna around her daughter’s eating disorder. Her own disordered eating and focus on “health” (vitamin treatments she and her girls wouldn’t need if they ate food), and pushing her daughters into the worst possible career for eating disorder recovery has rubbed off on her daughters. And now, she gets a “woe is me” concerned mom in agony storyline. This woman is vile.
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