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Everything posted by Stusan

  1. So they can literally phone it in? Like their performances/storylines aren't already phoning it in...
  2. My father always called those "piano legs" because they go straight up and down* and have no definition in the ankle. (* Until you get to Kail's butt, that is.)
  3. He doesn't ever need to pick up a gun since he always has it on him. Chances are, it's improperly holstered, no safety, and already has a round in the chamber. I can't wait until he shoots his dick off.
  4. Stusan


    I could only watch the first three minutes before I started feeling dumber for watching it, but my two favorite points are that Sophia forgot how Farrah got them where they are today (Back Door Porn) and Farrah ruminating about the degree(s) that she has that she's, "...not going to name here." Why, because she can't remember because it doesn't exist? Ugh, Farrah really pisses me off irrationally.
  5. There's being a great mom in real life (which looks like lots of things to a lot of different people) and then there's being a great mom in a series when comparing mom skills to all the other series' moms. It's not hard to come out on top when compared to the rest of this shit-show.
  6. There. I fixed it for you.
  7. Staying near Vega Baja, @Dance4Life. Are you in PR? We plan to see whatever strikes our fancy on any given day. (We aren't much for plans.) This is our last big family spring break before the eldest is off the college. On topic: Devoid seems to be getting a pretty good edit. Which producer did he charm?
  8. Stusan


    Ha! Since I had already forgotten the full photo (and probably didn't notice the dog, anyway), I thought @druzy was going in pretty harsh on Mowgli!
  9. I think my favorite part of the whole show was when Kail had to race Lincoln and win (and gloat) ON HIS BIRTHDAY. You are pretty fucking petty if you can't lose to your five year old son on his birthday. In other news, I leave for Puerto Rico on Friday. Glad to know the Coven is back home.
  10. Gotta love those Armenian currency units!
  11. Did your hopes and dreams get flushed away, or did they float away in swamp water on the laaaand? ETA: Actually, by the looks of the laaand, they wouldn't float away, they'd just swirl around in a non-draining cesspool. 😏
  12. Apparently, "the girlses" get "satisfaction" on their report cards. (Well, Addie, because she doesn't get letter grades.) And I CANNOT with Kail's bitching and whining about everything. She had to WORK. She had her PODCAST. I had to FF through that.
  13. Stusan


    Anytime I hear anything about Farrah, I begin channeling my inner (TM2) Roxanne: "I can't even with this one!" (You have to add the Roxanne voice in your head.)
  14. Keep up the good work, Pounders! And keep hiding the bigotry, moderators! (Mom of a trans son here.) I’m off the my own, personal Dr. Lola appointment, except my therapist doesn’t wear wigs. Hold down the fort until next week!
  15. Wow. I have to say she IS really mobile considering her weight! I couldn’t be bending over picking up bottles like that!
  16. My husband is out of town and I sent him an ALL CAPS text message last night about how excited I was for the two hour premiere of Hoarders. He knows my terrible taste in TV.
  17. I am happy that she has a friend that shows up at her house to go walking. That’s a good friend!
  18. Stusan


    I've got the popcorn...
  19. Check out Randilicious and that fanny pack! I can see Chelsea's mom in those young faces, but not so much her dad.
  20. Hey, we can't even verify or confirm the credibility or authenticity of Kail's degree!
  21. My thought when I saw the 6lb 4oz birthweight was that Cate must have still been smoking during the pregnancy. Idle speculation on my part, for sure.
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