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Everything posted by Stusan

  1. BLASPHEMY! Reddit needs to leave that kind, good-hearted man, Bob Ross, out of this. RIP, Bob. Hope you're playing with some baby squirrels, wherever you are.
  2. I'm quite surprised Jenelle was able to spell quiet.
  3. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! Winner, winner, chicken dinner, @galaxychaser!
  4. To me the difference is that in the first photo, she's standing up and gravity is drooping everything towards her butt. In the second photo she's lying on her front and thus all the love handles and things are drooping towards the table. These are not good before and after photos. Not apples to apples at all.
  5. Stusan


    @monicageller, your sentence had all the correct capitalizations and punctuation so I think you already proved a point!
  6. Don't forget the hashtag - #homesteading
  7. Because of this board, I had a dream last night that I had to teach Amby and Baby Huey how to take care of Baby James. I woke up exhausted!
  8. Is the Stuffed sloth a substitute Amber? 😁
  9. Have you read Farrah's book? No ghost writer there, for sure. I was cringing so much as I read all the poor grammar and Farrah-speak that I pulled a muscle. Kailyn's last book was self-published - watch Leah go the same route with the same company Kail used.
  10. Cory: Dude! The wind wouldn't have picked me up if there was gravity! (Sorry, but what a weird episode title.)
  11. Stusan


    Let me preface this by saying I think braces are overused especially in very young kids but...didn't Sofia have braces? I don't think it was time for them to come off yet.
  12. Four out of five dentists recommend Vaeda Luma for fresher breath.
  13. I think the potential of raising Ensley will be hard on Barb. HOWEVER, she is an adult and knows how to act like an adult (most of the time) and realizes that whether or not it's going to be hard on her, she'll step up, suck it up and do it. That's a big part of what being an adult is - putting on your big girl pants and dealing with shit you never expected and not complaining about it because it has to be done. While all the Teen Mom women meet the legal definition of adult, not one has mastered that.
  14. {Announcer voice}: Janine has SD*, but it is treatable! (*Scooter Dependancy)
  15. Grilling them and then adding a scoop of vanilla fro yo on top makes a tasty dessert!
  16. Personally, I get tired of saying, "Man, I hurt today!" I sound like a broken record since I hurt EVERY day, just to varying degrees. (Psoriatic arthritis.)
  17. Only ONE or two steps. Which means maybe she glanced at it once or twice. You know how the poundticipants overestimate.
  18. Guess you don't need shoes when you ride a scooter.
  19. Here you go! https://www.healthstartsinthekitchen.com/2015/09/09/low-carb-pressure-cooker-buffalo-chicken-soup/
  20. Do we have to guess weights already? I'm going with 594.
  21. Making instant pot keto buffalo chicken soup. Yum!
  22. I am making it my goal this month to work the phrase, "aforementioned fuckery" into as many conversations as possible. Bravo, @TheRealT, bravo. 👏
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