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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. I actually laughed a few times. I was hoping they would make a parachute out of the inflatable raft.
  2. I didn't like the episode because Chloe refused to put on the Lucifer bikini.
  3. May Bea I got them mixed up. Bea and James were way more interesting than the other main characters.
  4. I can see why Alice wanted a young tiny kitten, imagine cleaning up the mess a full grown cat would have made.
  5. I thought for sure that Russ was dead when he flew away from the large group holding hands. I was surprised the large group was flying when all the individual dead bodies didn't move. Did the tornado only suck up living people? My favorite bad special effect was Prince in a turban flying around shooting fireballs. The main characters (mayor, May, and James the half-infernal) that were killed in the fight were way more interesting that the main characters that lived.
  6. Series 7 Episode 3 "Written in Murder" was a total fail.
  7. What magazine did Dre get Zoey an internship at on Black-ish? I think that reference would be more relevant than the Dean of your college for Teen Vogue.
  8. You want me to put all my assets... on your face! Blake had to hit Cristal, I am surprised she is still alive!
  9. The kid did say that he wanted to be an assassin, this is good practice. I wonder if the unexploded C4 in Sax's trunk is going to be important later in the show.
  10. Cheryl considers herself in the 1%, so she is hating on the Southside Sepents and any other economically challenged students.. Reggie has to protect his small time Jingle Jangle business and can't have the Southside Sepents ruin it.
  11. Happy was so depressed his horn fell off. Psycho's favorite food is corn on the cob and little girl spit.
  12. Juniper and Dagwood - She named them after her favorite drink and sandwich. I applaud Cheryl's mother's philosophy: "get a job doing what you love and you will never work a day in your life". Cheryl was so busy hatin' on the Serpents, she had no time for pervin' on Josie.
  13. I actually liked this episode, I wasn't to crazy about the others.
  14. I hope Paige has a total meltdown and breaks up with Walter. This show can be so stupid at times.
  15. I think they wanted the team to focus on Human Trafficking, so that the show would seem more like the movies. Otherwise the viewers would never be able to figure out how he got "a particular set of skills".
  16. Electric fence, just run it over with the car. Tie a rope to the rock with the parachute, that will give them another way to escape and a way to retrieve the rock for another attempt if Cabe misses the hole on the first try. Wasn't that the original plan.
  17. The thing that bothered me the most was how The Legion of Super Heroes were whining about how all of the history and culture of Earth was lost in the future. If you go back in time all the way to the beginning of Earth's cultural history and decide to sleep all the way through till you reach your own time line "Shut the F up!" There was nothing stopping them from sampling the culture and history all along the way, make recording, take books, go to a Shakespeare play or a Bon Jovi concert. They certainly don't seem to be too worried that their ship will be destroyed, archive the past to enrich the future or "Shut the F up"! P.S. Why didn't they throw Alex in the tank, her leg would have been healed in an hour.
  18. Accident riding his motorcycle home from work. No conspiracy involved.
  19. They stole Gypsy from "The Flash". I guess she won't be making too many guest appearances on "The Flash" from now on.
  20. I usually hate groundhog day stories, but since this one was different each iteration (sometimes wildly) it didn't irk me as much as others.
  21. I was hoping that Jane would run off and realize that she is pretty much useless without the help of her friends in the FBI. I was hoping that Weller would have pulled the parachute of the dead lady so that she didn't go hurtling hundreds of feet into something destroying property, killing somebody or making a huge mess. I am sure nobody noticed that a nuclear bomb exploded. The tiny FBI office that knew about rogue nuclear weapons didn't loop in the rest of the government agencies so that they could also try to help prevent what just happened.
  22. AnimeMania

    S01.E02: Let Go

    It would have been funny if the window washer fell because the women in the office flashed their breasts at him and he lost his concentration.
  23. AnimeMania

    S01.E02: Let Go

    Although I don't think they showed his entire fall, I believe he didn't hit anything on his descent, landing in a fairly large open area, on his back. This would be the perfect conditions to use the air bag. I wouldn't even complain if I hadn't seen them use it in the other scene and in this situation the person was more likely to fall to the ground.
  24. The masked men that broke into Sax's wife's house, were they after Sax or his wife? How old was that menstrual blood? A few drops, my ass!
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