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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. His face looked a little puffy, I thought it might have been from the beating he took. I was surprised the ladies weren't more concerned that there was a camera in their bathroom posting to the internet.
  2. I am guessing that she published it on the newspaper's website, so in essence she sent it to the whole world. I wonder if the story will be confirmed by a dead president?
  3. The story would have been ten times better if it was written this way. Imagine them showing two little fetuses at various stages of development. Cora and Phoebe were identical twins who are always fighting in the womb. Cora always wins, and Phoebe gets weaker and weaker. Just before Phoebe is about to die, she takes her two little feet and kicks Cora in the head. Cora stops bothering Phoebe and the girls are born. The only change needed to the story is that the girls are the same age and you can lose the reason that the majority of Phoebe's weakness is due to illnesses. Everything else could be the same. It would explain Cora's brain dead behavior and Phoebe's subconscious willingness to goad Cora into risky behavior. I am going to retcon this in my mind because it adds two stars to the rating I would give to this show. I think Jessica Biel is an A-list celebrity who disappeared from the scene after having a child. She is the producer of the show and could have changed any of the aspects of the TV series. The only thing this series showed my about Jessica Biel is that she is not afraid to have her body shown in good lighting or be touched inappropriately by multiple men.
  4. Getting Grace's DNA was easy, since Darius spent all episode punching holes in her hand with his "hole punch". I didn't realize that Darius included Zoe as one of the 160. That answered a question that I had.
  5. The father is very religious, he follows The Bible to the letter, "Love thy neighbor". If JD and Frankie held Cora prisoner and repeatedly drugged and raped her. If she blocked the event from her memory and seeing Frankie and hearing the song triggered the attack from her subconscious, a jury might be sympathetic enough to find her not guilty.
  6. This is a very low level political seat, you probably just have to send a flyer in the mail and most people will probably vote for you based on your party affiliation.
  7. I think that was the pattern that she used to stab him. I am guessing that scene they keep showing where all the naked bodies are writhing on the floor in an orgy while the song is playing, never happened? There was a second car following JD, the one that had all the guns and it probably had the guy in the mask in it. What happened to those guys? Frankie's father had to cover all this up and make it appear that Frankie was in California at the time. He lied to the police.
  8. Do you think Grace is going to get on the rocket and leave Zoe behind? Do you think the "I-er-ron" asteroid will be too heavy to be deflected by the impact with the Gravity Tractor and will land in the U.S. instead of crushing the enemies of the American people.
  9. Not much substance this episode, seems to set up some future storylines. Not sure about the corporate guys looking for managers for the electronics store. Would they be talking about employee/employer synergy BS or more technical/practical questions about routers, Blu-rays, TV trends in the upcoming months.
  10. Every media portrayal of "Crime Scene Cleaners" looks very similar to the garage scene, unfortunately, it doesn't look like they did a very good job.
  11. It might have been one of those chargers with the battery, that charge without being plugged in. And you crashed your car into a pole, I am not going to let you borrow mine! It looked like the freezer was made out of glass so that everybody in the restaurant could see the bodies hanging on the hooks, that would make me lose my appetite. I am pretty sure that giving someone a handgun is illegal, although I am not sure if giving someone a rifle is. Do sponges have holes, probably not big enough holes to freak Ally out. Ally seems to like sponges a lot.
  12. They ripped out Cora's lungs and gave them to Phoebe. What Phoebe hallucinated were hunting masks were actually doctors in surgical masks. Sorry, I need something to make the story more interesting.
  13. And fighting isn't Scott's strong suit either, he has been getting owned by every supernatural creature in these last few seasons.
  14. How long has it been since Chelsea slept with a Alien? It would have been funnier if Kelly was pregnant and Don wanted to "Do the right thing". I am surprised they found the body of the Alien that Walsh killed or even realized that Walsh was the one that killed him. It seems like Walsh is still roaming around free on the ship, I am surprised that they haven't tried to restrain Walsh yet.
  15. I think Jesse knew that Tulip would still be human using his method. Will Jesse be able to pay the debt? Why didn't Grail pick up the fallen camera, they could look at the monitor and know that it had fallen down. It had been like that for a long time. Grail has 1% of Jesse's soul, how badly does he want/need it. Is this why the "WORD" is failing? The God/Dog suit is hanging on the rack, does that mean that Jesse has known God most of his life.
  16. How did a skinny whinny guidance counselor knockout a werewolf and a werewolf/kanima in a hallway filled with students, then drag them and tie them up in her torture chamber? (I am guessing she is still in the school?) Will all the problems be over if they stop the Anuk-Ite or will they have to kill Gerard as well?
  17. There are probably a lot of guys watching just to see if Jessica Biel is going to do anything sexy. She hasn't been in the public eye much lately.
  18. The scene where Cora wouldn't answer Phoebe's phone call, Phoebe had a panic attack and her mother, father and a paramedic were interacting with her.
  19. I wonder what happened to the other people in JD's house? I was surprised that Cora didn't react to the masks on the wall during her first walkthrough.
  20. By the end there is not many characters left, Arthur and maybe a couple of hundred Aki units. If there is a new season, I wonder what direction it will go in since there is not a lot of driving done in an island prison.
  21. Jerome, I thought you were a computer genius until you said this: "Amazon web has a bunch of digital stuff up in the satellites, and Google too. It's called cloud computer storage." It was a good idea, why didn't Jerome suggest to Detective Hodges to use cloud computer storage to keep his files from being erased. Why would Detective Hodges leave his truck window open when he knows that the Mercedes killer likes to rifle through his stuff, didn't he have all those police files in there. Again, the device Brady uses to clone the Mercedes key is too small, especially if he built it himself.
  22. Why did Dylan need Harris to bail him out of jail if he was such a big bad hacker? Best throw away joke: Claire sitting in the Oval Office with her feet in shoes on the couch. Something tells me that Nicholas Tanz is not ready to kiss and make-up. Why did Harris have to come to Grace's house to tell her that Zoe would be OK, didn't they drive back home together? I wonder if Harris got his gun back?
  23. I guess that means 1% of Jesse is in hell. I thought they might have removed Jesse's soul because Grail Agent F. .J. Hoover was reading a manual (soul extraction device?) and highlighting the important bits. That would be one way to convince the SOK that he could successfully get his revenge on Custer.
  24. What was wrong with that "Pizza Guy", he never did show up. I thought the Aliens were going to make a joke about making all the bees on Earth extinct. Extra points for the "bee cam". Nice backstory on Agent Foster. Aliens don't seem to age.
  25. My favorite part was when SOK threw Cassidy through the wall. Did they explain why SOK is no longer effected by Jesse's "voice"? I am guessing that Grail removed that part of Jesse's soul and now they have it.
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