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Everything posted by cameron

  1. Just got done reading about Micah on Reddit. Apparently he started a Go Fund Me account which didn't go over well with Jaime. Very interesting back story here.
  2. Most mandolins come with finger guards. All the home cooks should have been using one. Just rewatched last night's episode and I think that Subha is delusional. When he said he thinks that he did everything that Gordon had ask them to do with that dish, had to laugh. Suppose to put the bean puree down first, followed by the minestrone. Not in his case, and let's not forget he didn't use the stock in his soup.
  3. Both of Subha's dishes in each challenge last night looked like vomit. Can't believe that the bumbling Subha is still there. Doesn't follow directions and his food looks crabby. Still think that this is producer driven like the last season of Master Chef Junior.
  4. Wish the overweight brides could clearly see themselves when they stuff themselves into the skin tight dresses. Not a pretty site.
  5. Of course, the overweight sister had to join in the act about having a sexy dress. Maybe she was daydreaming about how she would look in one.
  6. I think I'm getting too old for this show. Can't understand bride's obsessions with looking sexy on their wedding day.
  7. I envy you. Haven't had double ovens in the last two homes we had. Really miss that. Had exactly what she put in when we redid a historic property in Virginia. GE offer a white light cooking oven with convection and microwave. Did that option because there wasn't room for a traditional double oven. I sure miss the double ovens. GE still carries them. Now they are called Advantium ovens but they are still lacking in capacity.
  8. Found it interesting for all her ranting about a double oven, she ended up with a single oven with a convection/microwave combination unit on top. Had one of those type, and it is definitely not a double oven.
  9. Don't think so. Overcooked lentils and undercooked rice doesn't garner points in Indian cooking.
  10. She is not a top producer in Charleston.
  11. Can't take watching this show anymore. Use to do it for the scenery since I live here. Even that doesn't work for my any longer.
  12. Daphne's dish was the only one where everything was cooked in the same pot.
  13. Actually liked the husband. Felt sorry for him.
  14. The state of Washington combined couple interesting. She sure had one fat daughter.
  15. Well, she looked way better than some of those dresses that some pregnant women wear that make them look like stuffed sausages.
  16. Feel like I am watching a rerun of Masterchef Junior with Subha pitch hitting for Ivy. Think they will take him into the final free and then ditch him. The similarities are there. Wonder what home reader of Family Circle is going to have a cabinet full of spices like the ones he used.
  17. Another misrepresentation. Mis Patricia certainly doesn't live South of Broad as mentioned by Cameron. Know it for a fact, because I live there. She is in a different neighborhood.
  18. And is food is a stretch at that. Last challenge featured undercooked rice and burnt and burst sausage. Also, he overcooked his lentils. Lentils and rice are indigenous to his country and a mainstay. Totally agree with your assessment. Still have to take into account, his undercooked rice, burnt sausages, over spice desert, and overcooked lentils.
  19. Just rewatched last night's show and he said he was a chemical engineer. That implies to me that is his job, except he works in IT sector.
  20. Just looked Subha up on LinkedIn and he's been in the IT field for 29 plus years . Currently works at Cigna. There goes the chemical engineer theory.
  21. Did you really expect her to keep her composure in that tag team challenge with Subha. He was just walking around in a cloud. I would have yelled at him also.
  22. Not sure if the whole notebook wasn't overplayed for tv. While nice, they were extremely naive for their age. When he thought that 1600 square foot house was large and she didn't know what radiators were, my thoughts ran to are they for real. The neighborhoods didn't look all that great, especially at the first house.
  23. Reminds me of the bridal shop where everyone got their prom dresses way back when.
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