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Everything posted by cameron

  1. Just watched the New York state B & B episode. The wife reminds me of a softer voice version of the women on the Fairfield Ct.. episode. Has to be this, has to be that. Luckily the husband had business sense about him to successfully run a B & B.
  2. The Oklahoma couple buying a beach house in Texas with the newly married pregnant daughter. What newly married couple wants to vacation with their parents. Certainly that wouldn't have been me, either newly married or married for a bunch of years.
  3. Not a fan of Hayley Paige. I want to knock that silly hat off the back of her head. Wear your hat properly, or not at all. Also don't like her wedding dress designs either.
  4. The Putnam NY couple buying on the beach in North Carolina seemed very nice. Think that they are actually going to use that place instead of looking at it from a rental outlook. Thought they made the right choice in their home selection.
  5. The single mom bartender from New Jersey. Besides her really low cut top, wondering where she was going to come up with the $600,000 for a house. Maybe the mother that she talked into moving down is footing the bill.
  6. Actually, Noah's pronunciation of Macaron is correct. It is a french creation and entirely different from a Macaroon. Just looked that up. Learn something new everyday.
  7. Another week Subha barely squeaks by. Sorry to see Wuta being eliminated. He actually had a great goal in mine with helping his students after school.
  8. Thank you for the above info. Always a big fan of Jimmy Webb.
  9. You had to be of that generation to understand and like that song. Think its better than some of the latter day punk rock songs.
  10. Wonder how many of us on this site actually remember this song. It was great.
  11. He is the Masterchef Junior Ivy version on Masterchef.
  12. And we should have learned that Deseado is in Argentina, no where near the Bermuda Triangle.
  13. Thought the same thing. I think they had a stylist work with her.
  14. Last night's episode featuring Miramar Beach, Florida couple who wanted a place to chill (think they were a little old to do that) picked a 900 square foot one bed condo with one bedroom even they have two grown teenage boys still living at home. Place didn't even look large for a pull out sofa. But it has good rental history. Another couple pimping their rental property.
  15. Definitely a Pnina dress, right down to the off the shoulder and should straps that they featured on the episode.
  16. Regarding the guest chef judge from Miami, he should have known that you don't order crab cakes anywhere except in the Baltimore, Md. area. Everywhere else, they don't know how to properly make them.
  17. Samantha looks like she porked up before the wedding. That was definitely a Pnina Tornei dress (same off the shoulders straps that they showed on the show). Also, found it interesting that her home looked rather ho hum for someone that was forking over $15,000 for a dress.
  18. The dress that the flight attendant choose was seen last season on this show when someone also pick it out for a beach wedding. In either case, thought the dress didn't go with the venue. The groom certainly dressed down for the occasion.
  19. All of the Pnina dresses are too low cut imo. Would think that the officiant at the Lebanese church would have frown on all that cleavage showing.
  20. Can't believe her hangup about privacy when she uses the toilet. After all, they have a child together. Was that a miracle conception.?
  21. Subha's soup didn't look anything like a soup to me. Probably could have turned it upside down. Again along with his terrible soup, he is just getting by.
  22. Did anyone notice that Renee was magically able to cut her fettuccine with the cutter that was attached to her pasta roller. It was their all the time when she was lamenting her inability to cut her first pasta. More tv drama.
  23. Fairfield Ct. couple were unbelievable. For a start, you don't get very much of a house in Fairfield for $400,000. It's one of the more expensive towns in southern Ct. The voice that came out of her mouth was beyond annoying. Either she was trying to be cute or tv or has an emotional problem. He's not much better. Felt sorry for the realtor.
  24. I thought the judges take on the fried green tomatoes was wrong. They should be on the thicker side so that they hold their shape during the frying process.
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