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Everything posted by cameron

  1. Thought that she wasn't anything to write home about either (and I don't mean her looks).
  2. Guess the buyers don't know about the internet. Who in their right mind moves halfway across the country without having some knowledge of housing costs in the new location. If nothing else, pick up a phone and call a realtor.
  3. I thought that the bride's mother was an even match for the daughter (from the two toned whatever you want to call her hair and her off color remarks). They were made for each other.
  4. Kleinfield's is really scraping the bottom of the barrel with Jocelyn from last week and Alexis and her Mom this week. Of course, anyone that does the kind of podcast that she does just wants the additional exposure. i would trade that mother in for another model. Just rewatched the episode again and her mother is really a work of awful. You can see why she turned out the way that she did. Not a good role model.
  5. While they were a nice couple with good kids, he didn't have a clue to the realities of what new windows cost. Replacing all the windows in the first house would have eaten a very big chunk of his renovation budget.
  6. Last night's show really hit the bottom of the barrel with Jocelyn. Had to fast forward through her. She has too high of an opinion of herself.
  7. And forgot about her cat that crawled all over her kitchen counter, drinking out of her glass and licking her food. Yuck.
  8. Colorado buyer's voice sounded like actress Carole Kane to me. Found it annoying.
  9. Charlotte NC couple seemed like a well grounded duo.
  10. Just want to smack Theo alongside his head. That smirk he wore in the truck when they left his home during the height of the hurricane. He thought that he was just so righteous.
  11. Day of the Dead covers November 1 - all Saints day, & November 2 - all souls day. November 1st is a holy day of obligation for catholic church.
  12. Boy, Amy Madigan has not aged well in real life.
  13. Normally not a fan of Alex G. but she went out of her way to be really understanding in the sushi challenge to her team members who had never heard of sushi or eaten some. Provided them pictures and told them no shame in their not no knowing the term.
  14. Arizona family. Where is their furniture? No wonder they were able to move so many times previously. Big house, no furniture.
  15. Brother Michael V. sure doesn't look healthy to me. Not sure what's going on there.
  16. And those kids who couldn't sleep upstairs. Watched their antics in his office.
  17. I am a practicing Catholic who has been married 52 years and was never taught or told to believe that you should obey your husband. Not in my books.
  18. The husband in Flint Michigan would have driven me up the wall. And how old was the daughter with the child that was living with them? Looked really young.
  19. Totally disagree with "that was the way things were truly back then". Same age at Betty and never would have put up with what she went through with her husband during the marriage. Women would more assertive then, unless they wanted to be nothing more than a doormat.
  20. Actually thought that Tom looked good in that hat and jacket that he was wearing.
  21. Totally agree. I'm so over congee.
  22. Totally agree about Roy. He gets better lucking as he ages (in his early to mid 60's now).
  23. Did anyone notice that at the beginning of last night's episode, they did a recap of Padma eating Bryan's V. dish and it had an egg sandwich on it that was oozing out yolk. So much for someone else putting in an egg dish for the camping episode. Selective editing there. Always thought that those mothers wouldn't go along without some sort of egg dish on the buffet.
  24. It was time for them to put that stupid marble away. Old homes usually have some slope to their floors. Its part of their charm. I lived in three and each one was off level in some way. Doesn't make it bad. If you don't like it, don't purchase a historic property.
  25. It's because she doesn't want to go to college and wants to become a 911 dispatcher.
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