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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. On 10/22/2020 at 10:55 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    The way someone eats through gastric bypass or sleeve, or stomach stapling is high calorie liquids at first, and then eat small amounts all day long.    Only 5% reach their goal weight, and stay there.    From what I've read a lot gain back a big portion of their loss, but not everything they lost and more.    Also, if the person (like my friend's husband), had diabetes, sometimes the bypass can reverse it, but he couldn't handle a lot of sweet and high fat items (cake and ice cream on his birthday) without either getting nauseous, or having strange side effects.  

    One patient on Dr. Now's program ate through a stomach stapling years ago, also a gastric sleeve, and then gastric bypass.     


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  2. 1 hour ago, cynicat said:

    I had this on last night and fell asleep while it ran.  Take this as a cautionary tale--do NOT do this to yourself.  You don't even want to know what kinds of dreams were evoked...

    The same happened to me, but I'm happy to say no weird dreams resulted from it!

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  3. 13 hours ago, Dahlia said:

    She’s so huge finding clothes to fit is likely impossible. Maybe stop the carbs. Her mother is oversized too. Pancakes? Good grief

    There are many people a LOT bigger than she is, the clothes are available out there.  She obviously loves  her body the way it is since she purposely dresses to display it.  I had that thought about the pancakes too, my first reaction was "neither of you need to be eating those" but that's just me projecting my own weight issues.  

    • Love 13
  4. Given that “grape” is part of the name I’d be very cautious.

    2 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

    I think there are a couple oranges in the fridge...I should check to see if they're still good. Also grapefruit...do they have the same effect as oranges?

    orange fruit oranges GIF


    • LOL 5
  5. Tim is the highlight of the rehab scenes!  

    1 minute ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Maybe they should have a sling apparatus that lifts them to their feet, and keeps them upright?    

    Like those old seats that babies hung from where they could bounce up and down with their feet?! 🤣

    • LOL 3
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  6. 11 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    Yes, her breakdown when (and after) her mother was leaving looked to me like she suddenly understood that this is real and her thought bubble was “What the fuck was I thinking?”

    She was having great fun going around at home telling everyone how she was going to have her baby in Ethiopia, but Princess Ari doesn’t seem too rooted in reality.  She probably had some fantasy of her dreadlocked muscled Bini and some fancy western-style accommodation he could magically afford for her.  

    • Love 12
  7. 3 hours ago, suzywallis said:

    --It kills me how Brittany and Yazan do like 180's all the time.    Happy, Livid, Happy, Livid.  Does anyone else think she won't return to Jordan?

    I'd prefer to be an ocean away before dropping the truth about that non-existent "divorce".  If she had the slightest intention of becoming a proper Muslim wife her social media would have been wiped clean, not that anyone ever thought that would happen.  Yazan's going off about the alcohol and the hug when she arrived will be eclipsed by the rage of finding out she never bothered to divorce her husband!

    1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

    Unpopular opinion, but Armando and Kenny grate on my last nerve. Their angsty responses to every situation give me major eyerolls. 

    I'm getting really sick of Kenny and his over-the-top reactions to stupid little things.  

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