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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 2 minutes ago, WonTon said:

    Like I said, I can't watch until tomorrow, but from the comments she didn't lose anything. How did she quality for surgery?

    She did, when they moved her to rehab she weighed 616 so the gastric sleeve did work and she lost weight.  But the doctor who did the surgery was telling Dr. Now that her weight loss had slowed way down and she wasn’t doing therapy with Lola like she should have.  I just don’t see her as having long term success, though I guess the 600s are better than the 900s!

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    Did you ever see a guy buy one cheese steak for four people to share? (90 Day crossover! I couldn't resist!)

    Jesus, can't she do a crossword or watch TV or do one of those adult coloring books or god forbid, read? Why do these twats just lie in bed and dream of food? Distract yourself! 

    Even No-Hy-Jeanne did one of those diamond dots things in between her oranges and sugar free jam.

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  3. Just now, CrazyInAlabama said:

    One of the Angie's only went once, and then told Dr. Now she lost hundreds of pounds, and she never went back to Houston.  

    10 lbs since she talked to Dr. Now?   That's pathetic.   She could have lost 100 lbs in that time if she wasn't ordering food in.  

    I think that was the Angie with the niece she “couldn’t leave”?  

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  4. 1 minute ago, Twopper said:

    Not at all.  I got sucked into it because there was an old woman from the USA in India and I envisioned something like the Exotic Marigold Hotel.  I was seriously mistaken.  I keep thinking I will stop watching, but the snarking is great.

    Granny Jenny and ScumMeat were a big part of why I stopped watching.

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  5. Just now, babyhouseman said:

    I have tried to watch that show and can't get into it. Am I a bad reality show viewer? 

    She's losing control of her bladder, and she's scared. I'm scared too.

    I ended up hating most of the 90-Day people so much that I had to stop watching.  Not that I “like” most of the poundticipants either, but this is my “stop eating or you will be one of them” show.  (My former name here was ThereButFor.)

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  6. Just now, babyhouseman said:

    My mother loves that hometown show. I think building houses is boring. I want to see fat people. And the 1000 lb sisters are back. Ugh.

    I deleted the sisters recap, not sure I want to see any more of them.  Oh who am I kidding...

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  7. 1 hour ago, magemaud said:

    I’ve never seen a 90 Day season finale generate so few posts on this forum that it’s almost eclipsed by a discussion of liver and onions 

    I stopped watching over a month ago because I was fast forwarding at least 3/4 of the show, but still came here to find out what was happening.  I did have to record Mother Sumit though, I have always hoped that Jenny and Scum-meat would be exiled to a dark hole somewhere to live their fantasy dream life where he spends his days washing her hair and clipping her toenails.

    Armando and Hannah were lovely and once Kenny stopped all the tears I was good with him too.  The rest didn't interest me enough to go back and watch any of their little dramas.

    Both of my parents loved liver and onions, my mother cooked it often.  I still remember how I hated that smell and wasn't unhappy when their doctors told them to stop eating it because of the cholesterol.  Many, many years later I will not only eat it but often ordered it at a local restaurant known for their liver and onions.  Still won't cook it at home though.  I've always loved liverwurst and pate de fois gras, chicken livers we didn't eat often but I love them too now.  

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