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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 1 minute ago, AZChristian said:

    Just popped in for a minute and saw some of you talking about how "hot" it is where you live.  Here, to make you feel better, is our forecast for the next 10 days.

    Yes, it's a dry heat.  But so is your oven.  Do you want to live there?

    I'm loving the heat, even with the humidity!  I really hate cold weather though.

    • Love 3
  2. 13 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

    It looks like Libby’s brother and father will not let go about Anderi moving to Ireland so Andrei tells them to shut the **** up and they start to fight, if I were Andrei and Libby, I would put their asses on a plane back home and not invite them to the wedding

    Huge numbers of people from Eastern Europe headed to Ireland around that time because they could earn a LOT more than in their home countries.  To me it just doesn't seem like the huge red flag Libby's asshole relatives are trying to make it into.

    • Love 6
  3. 41 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

    Yes, I realize that and I've already talked about that in this thread. It's on the previous page...

    My husband was my 90 day fiance. I am very well aware of what is required of the process.


    My apologies for offending you, I did not mean that in any way as a criticism of what you posted.  I have been through the process myself as well.  I just can’t imagine an idiot like Jenny having the resources required.

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  4. 15 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    90 Day the Other Way last season was my gateway show, then I watched Pillow Talk after this season's episodes, and some Happily Ever After plus Pillow Talk for that, and now I'm hooked.    They're a lot of fun to snark at too.

    I'm so sick of Janine's panic attacks, and crying without tears.      Instead of moving everything to Houston, she should have filled garbage bags of all of the junk in that house, and she could have weeded out at least half of it.    So, she's only taking some stuff?   It would have been cheaper to buy new stuff in Houston for what she needed, and just get a 10 x 10 storage unit for the keepsakes, unless she was never intending to return to Seattle.  

    Same here, started with Other Way last year, swore I’d never watch again, then got so bored that I watch HEA (just in case Pole runs or they discover his cache of murder victims) and Pillow Talk.  

    Had to mute the Scooter Queen, knew it was her straight away as the (second) plane scene was in front of me when I turned on the television.  

    My eating habits are atrocious, tonight I had salad, popcorn, nuts, and scotch.  Way too much of them, and my body does not tolerate carbs well at all so my continued consumption is just insanity.  If I don’t stop soon I may have to start researching bariatric surgeons.

    • Love 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

    Not sure I understand what you're saying... Him being married in general is the problem, not the visa or the country. Jenny can't remain in India indefinitely with him still married. Her Indian residency is totally dependent upon his divorce. Nobody is doing anything until his divorce is final so there is zero incentive for her being there right now. When/if he divorces he can come over on a fiance or spousal visa. Whether they stay in India or come to the US, either way he has to be divorced and they have to be married. Jenny can't stay in India as is. It may take awhile for the divorce to be finalized and for the visa to come through, but that's true regardless of where they live. Him divorcing and immigrating to the US on a spousal or fiance visa isn't anymore complicated, then Jenny marrying him in India and living there. Jenny can't just hang around India for the next few years...

    Except that someone needs to have a sufficient level of income (or savings) to sponsor him and Jenny’s been unemployed for a good while now.  Maybe she could convince one of her daughters to do it.


    1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

    I think JenNay thinks Summy will work to support the both of them...whether she ever articulated that or anything rational I cannot remember....

    Does Summie have a job?

    Other than  feeding from the TLC trough...

    He supposedly had a job at the start of last season’s show but had quit and eventually confessed to Jenny.  His friends were hilarious saying he’d need to take care of her “like a baby” when he told them she was moving over.  It was extra funny when she had him washing her hair and cutting her toenails.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    I love this!  These two are never gonna work, as Maleeza (sp?) and her mom are NEVER gonna get over the cheating.  Not saying they should, but Maleeza errored in telling Mom about the cheating.  Don'y get me worng, Tim made the MAJOR error of cheating in the first place, but why do people tell theier PARENTS?  Like that will ever go well??

    Mom might have pushed to find out why she returned home from the US earlier than planned? I dislike cheatstick anyway so I’m looking forward to Mama Melyza giving out to him.  

    • Love 1
  7. 2 hours ago, magemaud said:

    His horseshit shoveling job prepared him for poopy diaper changing. 

    He was about to get fired from that so I'm not sure I would trust him.  I keep thinking Karine and Pierre-y would be so much better off with her family where she has support.  Pole is not exactly stable at the best of times.

    • Love 2
  8. 46 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

    Interesting tidbit: I've read books by British and European authors who refer to the stove as the "cooker."

    That is correct, we (and all our family) have cookers in our kitchens unless they're in two separate units and then it's the hob and the oven.  Neither unit is American-sized.  There are really big ones called range cookers (think Aga and the like).  But we'd no space in the kitchen for anything like that.

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  9. 11 hours ago, Sterling said:

    Unpopular Opinion:  I haven't bought into the Kenny/Armando love story from the start.  A 30 year age difference, one person leaving his entire life, children and grandchildren, and another leaving his family, all to move to a tiny town where neither of them can likely find gainful employment.  I believe they've both been swept up in the romance, the fantasy of it all, but when Armando is Kenny's current age, Kenny will be 87.  

    I think they are both great guys, individually.  And I feel for Armando, living in a country where being gay is so unacceptable that it drove his wife to literally drive herself off the road.  But Kenny has to have options in Florida...lots of 'em.  We never hear of any of Kenny's past relationships, and I believe we now are seeing possibly why he's remained single:  he's persnickety.  And a complainer.  And a germaphobe.  
    He didn't even take the time to download a translator app, or to listen to Spanish in the car on the way there.  Nada.

    What are they going to do all day?  I mean, literally, on a random Tuesday....wake up, go for a run, shower, eat breakfast, and now....it's 10:00.  And.....???  They have no friends, no family, other than Armando's (adorable) daughter, what is their life?

    I had a long-distance relationship once, where I moved to be with him.  After a year of pining for each other, having 8-hour daily phone conversations, we just couldn't stand to be apart one more second!  Within 2 weeks, I knew I'd made the biggest mistake of my life.  Partly because of what was brought up in tonight's show:  That when you move, and you have no support, no one to love you other than the person you moved for, it can become extremely lonely, very fast.  When you start having problems with your partner, it then becomes the loneliest place you've ever been.

    Someone commented on an earlier episode that this is Armando's first real relationship living with another man, and as time goes on he may be looking to explore a bit more.  They kind of glossed over a quick mention of Kenny having had a couple of long-term relationships.  I do agree that, though I like them together, I don't see this being a "for the rest of our lives" relationship.  But then I don't really see any couples on this show that look like they'll last in the long run (or even in the short run - looking at Brittany and Princess Ari here!)  

    • Love 3
  10. 7 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    I don't understand why they're not moving to the US. Sure he'd have to get a sponsor, but Jenny's family is clearly worried about her and the relationship. I'd rather sponsor him and have my mom here in the US where I could easily reach her if something happened, instead of on the other side of the world. Given Sumit's history of lies I'd be more concerned about her being that far away. They already don't trust him.

    He would need to be divorced from his wife first.  The lawyer said the second part could be filed in another five months but I didn't hear him say how long that would take to process or how many more parts there might be.  Also I'm not sure the daughter Jenny was living with wants Scum-meat to take up residence on her couch along with Jenny.  He seems to have little to no interest in being employed so they don't have the means to live independently, I'd be really worried about being on the hook for supporting his lying ass.  Jenny really should have stayed in California until his divorce was final but I guess there wouldn't have been any TLC money if she had.  Perhaps they could live with Christina and Jen, it would be worth watching them call him out on all his scummy lying behaviour!

    I said last season that what Jenny needs to do is find an expat group and meet other Americans closer to her age.  She will be very lonely there with only Scum-meat, and his friends' wives were not willing to even just meet her.  

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