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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 7 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I'm going to hell, in gasoline soaked drawers.   I'm rewatching Joyce, and laughing when her mother, and caretaker are saying it's so sad Joyce is going to die from her obesity, and the 9 million medical issues it causes.   

    You’ll have a lot of company, it will be fun!

    • LOL 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Jeeves said:

    ... And as much as I enjoy the live chats here, I absolutely will not view the Assanti people ever. again. nor participate in any discussions about their shows. I'm a tough old retired lawyer who has seen a lot of sh*t in real life. But I swear to God I was permanently emotionally scarred by the display of sheer evil embodied in one of those brothers, I think it was Steven. Sheer ravening, ravaging, all-consuming narcissistic psychopathic evil.  

    I have never seen an Assanti episode and am not going to start now.  Reading the comments after the first one was enough to make me delete from the DVR without watching even a second of it, so I definitely won't watch next week.

    If I hadn't been so bored last night I probably would have skipped this one too.

    • Love 3
  3. Interesting that Dr Now says he “hopes” to see them in a couple of months!  

    1 minute ago, Armchair Critic said:

    We don’t have fast food restaurants nearby but today I found out we are getting a Popeyes. Never tried them before but this may not be good for my eating habit.

    The ads look yummy, but fast food isn’t one of my (many) failings.

    • Love 2
  4. My mother used to make split pea and ham soup regularly and froze half of it.  I’m the only one who likes it in my house, but it never survives long enough to freeze.  For me it’s a binge-worthy food which is why I don’t have the split peas in the house very often.

    • Love 4
  5. Just now, Hellga said:

    Hi All!

    I remember Roshonda screeching like a deranged banshee, but that's about it.  And I remember that the brother decided to go do it his own way at the end...

    Eating habit today will be split pea soup after it finishes cooking, I am munching on a pear for now (I *love* pears).  I had spaghetti with puttanesca sauce for lunch.  

    I even bought split peas after you mentioned it a week (or two?) ago.  Now I must actually make the soup.

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  6. 1 minute ago, aliya said:

    "No doctor will help us." Did you try putting the fork down? Just a thought. (hey, someone's gotta start the snark)

    I don’t think we’ve ever seen a poundticipant who tried that.  It’s the magic surgery that will make the urge to eat disappear.

    • LOL 3
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