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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 15 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

    My dad will say “I have to go to Walgreens there is a 20% off coupon and it’s expiring soon.”  I ask “What do you need from there?”  “Nothing but I’m sure I will find something.”  

    That was my mother, craft stores, and 50% coupons.  There were times I visited when she had three coupons so my dad and I had to check out with the other two items she chose.  In fairness to her she did donate a lot of what she bought to children's programs.  

    Pole and his FAHVE FAHVE FAHVE FAHVE FAHVE was so in character for him.

    • Love 4
  2. At least there was no boring Cheatstick last night.  

    I wouldn't live in either of Bini's apartment choices either and Ari's Mom was very polite.  She must have spent YEARS cleaning up after her useless daughter's poor choices.  Stupid Ari smiling away vacuously while she says how awful the places are, I wondered what sort of drugs she was on until I realized that Mom wouldn't allow her pregnant daughter to be using.  Princess Ari just needs to go back to Princeton and have her baby.

    Deaven was her usual wet blanket though I can't say Jihoon doesn't deserve it.  How does she not know who he is by now?!  

    Brit and Yazan were never going to be a success.  How did she think marrying into a devout Muslim family in Jordan was going to work?  No one behaved well in that situation and they didn't even get to the bombshell that she is still married.  I did get a huge laugh out of "I'm not Muslim, I'm black" as if they are mutually exclusive.  She and her $900 (!) wig need to go home.

    Jenny is as stupid as ever.  Of course Sumit's friends are not going to rat him out!  She should know anything Sumit says is a lie, he has form.

    Loved Armando's picture, it was so creative and cute!  I'm looking forward to Kenny's arrival to their LOVELY apartment next week.

    • Love 9
  3. Just now, kendi said:

    I don't mind Kenny's crying. I'm a big cryer myself and he's really make a huge life change. 

    (I've watched Hamilton about 15 times now and I've cried every time. Dear Theodosia slays me.)

    I’m not up to 15 for the entire show yet, but my husband will walk in and say “Hamilton AGAIN?”  He watched it once and said that was enough.  I even bought the soundtrack so I can listen to it while I sew.

    • Love 3
  4. 2 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    Let me get the timeline straight. First Paul goes to Brazil to meet Karine whom he met online. He wants to bring her to the US, but doesn't make enough money to bring her here on a K1 Visa, so he goes back to KY alone, lives with his parents and gets fired from a job shoveling horse shit. Next time we see him is on The Other Way, and now he's moving to Brazil to work there. At some point they get married, Karine miscarries a first baby (which Paul suspects isn't his child) and she gets pregnant again with Pierre-ee and gives birth in Brazil. Meanwhile, Paul has been in Brazil for A YEAR AND A HALF and hasn't managed to find any kind of work, so now he decides to pack up his little family and move everyone to the US because Karine and Pierre must have "the best life possible." His mother repeatedly warns him she isn't going to help him out financially anymore and that they can't live with her, (and goes as far as taking away his house key) but he plows on with his plan. Karine never wanted to move here in the first place but Paul is relentlessly trying to get her to be excited about life in America. Look at all the different kinds of produce! An overwhelming array of feminine hygiene products! Look, they have their own car, he just needs to clean it up a bit, but it runs! Paul figures Mother will change her mind when they get here and uses Pierre as a pawn, but Mary sticks to her guns. 

    Have I got that right? 

    Yes.  For a while he couldn’t work in Brazil while he was trying to explain to the authorities about his prior conviction for “terroristic threatening“, but he never tried very hard to find work or to learn the language so I don’t believe he planned to stay there.  As far as I can see his only plan is to keep appearing on various 90 day shows as long as he can string it out now that Mom (so impressed with Mary!) has cut him off financially at last.  He is an idiot and both Karine and Pierre would have a much better life without him.  His running away to the dog house / chicken coop and pulling the door after himself is the absolute highlight of his storyline.

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  5. 2 hours ago, hookedontv said:

    I object! 🤣

    Grumpy Cat was way too cute and doesn't deserve to be included in sullen, down-turned-mouth, never smiles, always complains, always nags, dead eye Deavan's description. 

    I also object on behalf of poor Grumpy Cat.  Love your description of Deaven!

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